Marksmanship Hunter DPS Easy Mode — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated Today at 09:42 by Azortharion 153 comments
General Information

On this page, we explain how to easily play Marksmanship Hunter in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0), using the simplest rotation, talent tree, stat priority, gear setup, etc., without sacrificing performance.



This section is intended for players who are new to the game or class, have no intentions of raiding Mythic difficulty, or simply want a more straightforward way to play their specialization without being overwhelmed by the numerous priorities and active abilities that need to be taken into consideration for optimal play.


The Basics of Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within

Marksmanship is perfect for those who enjoy the sniper playstyle, with a longer range than most specs, and tons of bursty AoE damage.

If you are completely new to Marksmanship and need more information on the abilities available to you, you can check out our Spell Summary page.


Beginner's Guide to Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within

Sentinel Single-Target Talents Sentinel Mythic+/AoE/Delve Talents DPS Rotation Defensive Spells

Best Sentinel Single-Target Talents for Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within Season 2

This build is optimal for pure single-target scenarios.

Note that if you are not actually getting use out of theSentinel Watch Icon Sentinel Watch Hero Talent's cooldown reduction on Trueshot Icon Trueshot due to encounter timings, you should swap it to Eyes Closed Icon Eyes Closed for less frequent, but more powerful burst.

Likewise, if the encounter you are fighting does not allow, or place a high importance on execute (sub-20% HP) damage, then swap out the Bullseye Icon Bullseye point for Killer Mark Icon Killer Mark. Similar DPS, but distributed differently.

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!


Best Mythic+/AoE Talents for Sentinel Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within Season 2

This build is my recommendation for anything AoE-centric, like Mythic+, Delves, and so on.


Flexible Talents

While I strongly recommend that you run the build exactly as listed, there are a few changes you could make to suit your personal preferences, though I cannot stress enough that significant deviations are likely to cost you significant performance. A lot of work went into every talent picked, combining simulations of single-target, pure AoE, and mixed dungeon simulation scenarios with a variety of pull sizes and durations.

  • I have tried to collect as many relevant "Flex" Talents in a single Talent Build here, so that you do not have to swap very often. Still, some omissions have been made; if you want to pick up Bursting Shot Icon Bursting Shot or Kodo Tranquilizer Icon Kodo Tranquilizer/Devilsaur Tranquilizer Icon Devilsaur Tranquilizer, I recommend dropping Trailblazer Icon Trailblazer, Emergency Salve Icon Emergency Salve, and Misdirection Icon Misdirection, in that order of priority.

Marksmanship Hunter Utility Talent Considerations in Mythic+

We cannot have everything we could possibly want for every single dungeon in a single build, unfortunately. Here are the recommended utility talents to swap to for different, specific Mythic+ dungeons in The War Within Season 2.

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!


Beginner Marksmanship Hunter DPS Rotation

The goal of Marksmanship is chiefly to cast as many Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shots and Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fires as possible. Another key element is to ensure that you have Streamline Icon Streamline stacks for all of your Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shots. Whenever you cast Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot (and Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire, with the No Scope Icon No Scope Talent), you gain Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots, buffing your next 1 (or 2, with the Windrunner Quiver Icon Windrunner Quiver Talent) Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shots (or Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shots, on AoE). Whenever you spend these Precise Shots, you gain the Streamline Icon Streamline buff, reducing the cast time and focus cost of your next Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot substantially. You also get Streamline Icon Streamline just by casting Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire naturally, so the ideal case is that you have one Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot and one Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire between every Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot. In practice, Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire's cooldown is too long to make this happen reliably (though you may get lucky Surging Shots Icon Surging Shots resets!), so we are mainly chasing 1 Streamline Icon Streamline stack for every Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot at minimum — any more is a bonus.

So, between every single Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot, you should always try to fill in at least one Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots-buffed Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shots. We never want to cast Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot without Streamline Icon Streamline.

If specced, Precision Detonation Icon Precision Detonation also causes Explosive Shot Icon Explosive Shot to grant Streamline Icon Streamline. Needless to say, tracking your Streamline Icon Streamline buff in your UI is essential!

Finally, when you cast Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire, you also have a chance to generate Deathblow Icon Deathblow procs, which cause you to be able to cast Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot (or Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow, if you are a Dark Ranger) regardless of the target's health. If you have such a proc, you should always spend it before casting another Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot/Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire, as we do not want to overwrite the proc.

The basic rotation of Marksmanship is best summarized as a priority system. On every global, you simply want to cast the highest priority spell, if its condition is met:

  1. Whenever you have a Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot/Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow proc, use it immediately, we do not want to overwrite these procs.
  2. Cast Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire whenever it is available. It is your hardest hitter and drives several mechanics: It generates Streamline Icon Streamline, can generate Deathblow Icon Deathblow procs, triggers In the Rhythm Icon In the Rhythm, and certain Talents give it even more effects such as Bulletstorm Icon Bulletstorm, No Scope Icon No Scope, and Lunar Storm Icon Lunar Storm. You can almost never go wrong with pressing Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire!
  3. Use Explosive Shot Icon Explosive Shot whenever it is available. It does hefty damage and can generate Streamline Icon Streamline with certain Talents. You should always try to use it directly following an Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot, as this takes advantage of Precision Detonation Icon Precision Detonation.
  4. Activate Trueshot Icon Trueshot as many times as possible in a fight. Knowing the fight's cadence helps a lot, as using Trueshot Icon Trueshot alongside other buffs (or enemy debuffs that increase their damage taken) can massively increase its throughput. You should also aim to have 1 Streamline Icon Streamline stack ready, as well as spend all of your Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots stacks, before entering Trueshot Icon Trueshot, so that you can Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot the moment you activate it.
  5. Spend Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots procs on Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot. These procs are activated primarily from Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot, but can also come from Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire. They are essential for generating the Streamline Icon Streamline stacks that reduce Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot's cast time and Focus cost.
  6. Use Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot whenever it is available. The goal is to use as many Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shots as possible over the course of an encounter, but also to ensure that every Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot is cast with at least 1 Streamline Icon Streamline stack. We also do not want to cast Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot if we already have a Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots proc ready, as we do not want to overwrite them!
  7. At this point, if you have nothing else higher priority to cast, you should spend excess Focus on Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot, and generate Focus as needed with Steady Shot Icon Steady Shot. You should always aim to have at least ~30 Focus, in order to be able to cast Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot the moment it becomes available.

AoE Rotation for Marksmanship Hunter

There is only one extra thing you need to worry about for Marksmanship on AoE, and that is Trick Shots Icon Trick Shots. This is a buff activated by Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot that causes your next Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire or Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot to hit up to 5 additional targets for 75% of original damage. It is extremely important to ensure this buff is active for all of your Aimed Shots and Rapid Fires. Note that the Volley Icon Volley Talented Ability activates Trick Shots Icon Trick Shots for 6 continuous seconds, and we will often leverage this to chain multiple Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shots and Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fires together for awesome AoE burst damage.


Defensive Spells for Marksmanship Hunter

Exhilaration Icon Exhilaration is your primary self-heal and it has a rather short cooldown thanks to the Natural Mending Icon Natural Mending Talent. Use this when you drop below 50% HP to help out your Healer!

Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle is your immunity. It can be used to completely negate the damage and effects of most spells targeted on you. Use it if you are assigned to, or in a pinch if you worry that an upcoming mechanic will kill you!

Survival of the Fittest Icon Survival of the Fittest is our most powerful defensive besides Turtle, a 30% damage reduction with 2 charges on a 1.5-minute cooldown each. Use it to reduce damage taken from hard-hitting mechanics. Optimal use of this ability entails using it proactively, before heavy incoming damage.

Feign Death Icon Feign Death is a very unique Hunter ability. It can be used to drop aggro and combat, and it can also be used to stop casts on you — mobs will usually stop casting mid-cast if you appear to be dead! It will also dispel all Poison and Disease effects from you when specced into Emergency Salve Icon Emergency Salve.

This is just some of the key utility of Marksmanship Hunter. We highly recommend checking out the fully detailed Spell Glossary page below to see everything explained in detail.


Best Talents for Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within

This is the Easy Mode page which presents things in a simplified manner with simplified builds. For our detailed, fully-fledged Talent and Rotation guides, click below!


Stat Priority for Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within

The general stat priority for a Marksmanship Hunter is:

  1. Critical Strike;
  2. Mastery;
  3. Haste.
  4. Versatility;

Crit is by far the strongest stat for Marksmanship. It gains enhanced value thanks to Talents like Penetrating Shots Icon Penetrating Shots, Serrated Tips Icon Serrated Tips, Trueshot Icon Trueshot/Unerring Vision Icon Unerring Vision, and Master Marksman Icon Master Marksman.

After Crit, the other 3 stats are quite close, but generally you should pursue Mastery > Haste > Versatility, after Crit. If you are playing Dark Ranger, Haste jumps ahead of Mastery.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 30 Oct. 2024: Updated for October 29 Hotfixes.
  • 22 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Preliminary updates for The War Within Season 1.
  • 22 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 14 Feb. 2024: Updated the recommended default Mythic+ Talent Build.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 27 Jun. 2023: Updated the Talent Builds.
  • 04 May 2023: Updated the recommended AoE Talent Build. This is likely a temporary change, until the new Tier Set becomes more widespread.
  • 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Updated the page for relevant changes in Patch 10.0.5.
  • 17 Jan. 2023: Updated the recommended Single-Target Talent Build.
  • 23 Dec. 2022: Talent updates.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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