Marksmanship Hunter DPS Spell List and Glossary — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated Mar 25, 2025 at 15:08 by Azortharion 156 comments
General Information

On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Marksmanship Hunter in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Marksmanship Hunter spells.


The War Within Spell Glossary for Marksmanship Hunter

This will cover synergies, cooldowns, and core concepts of the spec to get it working. If you already have experience and are very comfortable with Marksmanship, it is okay to skip past this, otherwise this is a great point to get a base understanding before moving onto later sections of the guide that covers nuances of gameplay.

Note that this page merely lists the Talents and explains them. For information on the best talents to use for your Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within, check out our Talents page below.


Main Resource of Marksmanship Hunter

Hunters and their pets use a unique resource, called Focus. Focus works in much the same way as other class resources, like Rage and Energy, in the sense that some abilities grant Focus, while others cost Focus to be used.

A Marksmanship Hunter's Focus has a maximum capacity of 100, and regenerates at a slow rate that varies by spec. In addition to this passive flow of incoming Focus, certain talents and abilities will amplify your Focus regeneration, or simply generate more of it.

Hunter pet Focus works similarly, and is of no concern to you as you cannot do anything to modify it, nor will you be casting pet abilities manually.

As a general rule, you should always have enough Focus to cast your abilities as soon as they come off cooldown, but also to never have 100 Focus (as any extra Focus you generate would then go to waste).


Unlocking Abilities

Note that this page simply lists all the different abilities, assuming you are at max level. If you are leveling, check out our dedicated Hunter Leveling page, which has detailed information on when you unlock all of these abilities.


The War Within Abilities of Marksmanship Hunter

Here are all of the active Hunter Abilites in The War Within. Note that some of the cooldowns and Resource costs listed are presuming certain Talent picks that we expect all Hunters to have chosen. Thus, our description can differ slightly from the tooltip.


Damage Abilities

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot AiS A powerful shot that deals heavy Physical damage. It has a 3-second cast time and costs 35 Focus.
Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot AS An instant shot that deals low Arcane damage. Costs 20 Focus. A core ability for single-target.
Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow BA Dark Ranger-specific replacement for Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot that can be used at above 80% health and also applies a DoT, alongside many other effects tied to Dark Ranger Hero Talents.
Explosive Shot Icon Explosive Shot ES Starts a 3-second timer on the target. When it expires, it deals heavy Fire damage to the target, and all nearby enemies. Costs 20 Focus. 30-second cooldown.
Hunter's Mark Icon Hunter's Mark HM Increases all damage done to the target by 5% while it is above 80% health. Lets you track and see a target through stealth, if applied before stealth.
Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot KS Deals heavy Physical damage for 10 Focus on a 10-second cooldown. It is only usable on targets below 20% health by default, or via Deathblow Icon Deathblow procs.
Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot MS Deals moderate Physical damage to your target, and all enemies within 8 yards. Reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Costs 30 Focus.
Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire RF A 2-second channel that fires 7-10 shots for heavy damage. It can be used while moving. Each shot generates 2 Focus. A core ability and one of the most powerful buttons Marksmanship has. 20-second cooldown.
Steady Shot Icon Steady Shot SS 1.65-second cast that deals low Physical damage and generates 20 Focus. Our filler and occasional Focus generator.
Trueshot Icon Trueshot TS Your 2-minute primary burst cooldown. Reduces the cooldown of Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire by 70%, and increases critical strike chance and damage by 10% for 15 sec.
Volley Icon Volley - Targets a location on the ground that deals heavy damage to all enemies over 6 seconds, and also activates Trick Shots Icon Trick Shots for 6 seconds. 45-second cooldown. Enables excellent short-term burst, especially on AoE.

Defensive Abilities

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle Turtle Deflects most attacks for 8 seconds, and reduces damage taken by 30%. 2.5-minute cooldown.
Exhilaration Icon Exhilaration Exhil Heals you for 30%, plus an additional 16% over 8 seconds, and your pet for 100% of its maximum health. Variable cooldown, usually around a minute.
Mend Pet Icon Mend Pet Heals your pet for 50% of its total health over 10 seconds. If your pet is dead, it turns into Revive Pet Icon Revive Pet.
Revive Pet Icon Revive Pet Revives your pet with full health. 3-second cast, 35 Focus.
Survival of the Fittest Icon Survival of the Fittest SoTF Reduces your damage taken by 30% for 8 seconds, with a 1.5-minute cooldown. It has 2 charges.

Utility Abilities

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot Binding Places an arrow on the ground. Enemies that pass by the arrow and then move 5 yards away from it are stunned for 3 seconds.
Bursting Shot Icon Bursting Shot - Knocks back all enemies immediately in front of you and snares them by 50% for 6 seconds. Costs 10 Focus, 30-second cooldown. Mutually exclusive with Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot.
Camouflage Icon Camouflage Camo Gives you stealth for 1 minute, and heals you for 2% of your maximum health every second. 1-minute cooldown that begins when the effect ends. Mutually exclusive with Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot.
Counter Shot Icon Counter Shot Kick Interrupts your target's spell cast, and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 3 seconds, on a 22-second cooldown.
Eagle Eye Icon Eagle Eye Kick Lets you see the world from another, targeted location for 1 min. Can only be used outdoors.
Eyes of the Beast Icon Eyes of the Beast EotB Lets you control and see through your pet's eyes for 1 minute. Very niche, but has occasionally been used to do special aggro tricks in Mythic+.
Feign Death Icon Feign Death FD Pretends to be dead for 6 minutes, dropping all enemy aggro and threat, removing all Poison and Disease effects from you (if specced Emergency Salve Icon Emergency Salve), and prevents you from body-pulling nearby enemies. 30-second cooldown.
Flare Icon Flare Reveals all stealthed enemies caught in the ground-target location. 20-second cooldown.
Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap Trap Places a trap on the ground. The first enemy that triggers it will be frozen for 30 seconds. Damage breaks the effect. 30-second cooldown.
High Explosive Trap Icon High Explosive Trap HET Places a trap on the ground. The first enemy that triggers will activate an AoE knockback effect that also deals low Fire damage to all enemies affected. Mutually exclusive with Implosive Trap Icon Implosive Trap. 40-second cooldown.
Implosive Trap Icon Implosive Trap Places a trap on the ground. The first enemy that triggers will activate an AoE knockup effect that also deals low Fire damage to all nearby enemies. Mutually exclusive with High Explosive Trap Icon High Explosive Trap. 1-minute cooldown.
Intimidation Icon Intimidation Pet Stun Stuns a target for 5 seconds. 1-minute cooldown that can be reduced via Talents.
Misdirection Icon Misdirection MD Redirects all your threat (not your pet's) to the target for 8 seconds. After casting it, you have 30 seconds to start attacking something, which triggers the 8-second effect, meaning you can pre-cast it. 30-second cooldown.
Scare Beast Icon Scare Beast - Fears a Beast enemy for 20-seconds. Breaks on damage. 1.5-second cast time, costs 25 Focus.
Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot Scatter Removes all harmful DoTs from the target and disorients them for 4 seconds. Breaks from damage and turns off your attack when used. 20-yard range, 30-second cooldown. Mutually exclusive with Bursting Shot Icon Bursting Shot.
Tar Trap Icon Tar Trap - Places a trap on the ground. When an enemy triggers it, it spawns an 8-yard radius circle of tar on the ground that slows all enemies caught by 50%, which lasts 30 seconds. 30-second cooldown.
Tranquilizing Shot Icon Tranquilizing Shot Tranq Removes 1 Enrage and 1 Magic effect from your target on a 10-second cooldown.
Wing Clip Icon Wing Clip Slows your target's movement speed by 50% for 15 sec.

Mobility Abilities

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Aspect of the Cheetah Icon Aspect of the Cheetah Cheetah Increases your movement speed by 90% for 3 seconds, and 30% for 9 seconds. 3-minute cooldown.
Disengage Icon Disengage Leaps you backwards. 20-second cooldown.

For more information on how to use these abilities together in your rotation, please read our rotation page.



  • 25 Mar. 2025: Updated for March 25 Updates.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 30 Oct. 2024: Updated for October 29 Hotfixes.
  • 22 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Preliminary updates for The War Within Season 1.
  • 22 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Updated the page for relevant changes in Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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