Marksmanship Hunter DPS Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Azortharion 156 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Marksmanship Hunter for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.



This page will be a rough outline of the bosses and mechanics in Uldir. This page will focus primarily on how a Marksmanship Hunter can optimize its performance on the raid bosses in Uldir, and not on an actual raid strategy for the bosses. Initially, this page will focus on Heroic mode and lower, however, as more bosses are being killed on Mythic, the guide will also include optimizations for Mythic bosses.


Marksmanship in Uldir

Marksmanship Hunters are a mobile ranged spec capable of delivering very high burst damage. Playing it optimally involves managing your Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot charges around encounter mechanics. You never want an important add to spawn without having an Aimed Shot ready for it, for example.


Talent Cheatsheet



This encounter is moderately movement-heavy, but for the most part it is pure single-target, so we recommend the usual spec.

We recommend using a pet for this encounter.


Marksmanship Hunter Playstyle on Taloc

This fight has nothing particular to it. If the fight is going to last more more than 6:30 minutes or so, then you can use Trueshot Icon Trueshot in the add phase, and once again in the end of the fight. If it is shorter than this, save your second Trueshot Icon Trueshot for the final part of the fight, when the boss is under 20% health, while ideally trying to save it for some trinket or Azerite Trait procs.



We recommend using a pet for this encounter.


Marksmanship Hunter Playstyle on M.O.T.H.E.R.

Besides doing your rotation properly, there is not much to this fight. When you know adds are going to spawn, you should prepare to Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot into Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire to try and burst them down before they are killed.


Fetid Devourer

We recommend not using a pet for this encounter.


Marksmanship Hunter Playstyle on Fetid Devourer

Your cooldown usage on this fight is entirely down to the assignment you are given by your guild. Ultimately, the best way to do damage is to use Trueshot Icon Trueshot on the pull (when the boss is above 80% health), but your guild might prefer to save the cooldown for the adds. On this front, you are at the mercy of your guild.

Your second Trueshot Icon Trueshot is similarly best used when the boss is below 20% health and in his Vulnerability phase, but you may be forced to use it on the adds.


Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth

We recommend not using a pet for this encounter.


Marksmanship Hunter Playstyle on Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth

If you are picking up an orb on this fight, it is extremely beneficial to get it when the boss is under 20% health. You should also save Trueshot Icon Trueshot for this if possible.

As for your other Trueshots in the fight, you can use them for the add phases, or on the pull. The adds spawn at the 1st, 3rd and 5th minutes. Therefore, it is generally best to use Trueshot Icon Trueshot on the pull, and on the second add spawn after 3 minutes.



We recommend using a pet for this encounter.


Marksmanship Hunter Playstyle on Vectis

This encounter is fairly simple as Marksmanship. You cannot cleave onto the adds, but you should still do your best to kill them when they spawn. It is especially beneficial if you can try and land your Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot when the add is under 20% health. Other than this, use your final Trueshot Icon Trueshot when the boss is under 20% health.


Zul, Reborn

We recommend using a pet for this encounter.


Marksmanship Hunter Playstyle on Zul, Reborn

If you have a significant amount of Subtlety Rogues on this encounter, then you should not AoE more than absolutely necessary to keep the group from danger from the adds. Generally speaking, the priority is pure single-target damage. Your Trueshot Icon Trueshot cooldown should be used on pull, and towards the end of the fight, when the boss is under 20% health.


Mythrax the Unraveler

We recommend using a pet for this encounter.


Marksmanship Hunter Playstyle on Mythrax the Unraveler

The most significant part of this fight is the add phase. You want to prepare to Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot and Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire instantly when the adds spawn. You should try and cast Rapid Fire off of the biggest add, as it is by far the highest priority.



We recommend using a pet for this encounter.


Marksmanship Hunter Playstyle on G'huun

Your strength on this fight lies primarily in the final Execute phase, where you will benefit from Careful Aim Icon Careful Aim all the way throughout.

Whenever adds spawn in the encounter — particularly in the first place, you want to make sure that Trick Shots Icon Trick Shots is up for every single Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire cast, trying to focus those casts on the biggest clumps of Spawns of G'huun (Mythic Difficulty) that you can see.

You can also use Bursting Shot Icon Bursting Shot to knock back stray Spawns of G'huun, although this is more of a last resort option.



  • 13 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
  • 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
  • 14 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed for Crucible of Storms and no changes are necessary.
  • 10 Dec. 2018: Added more specifically useful tips for Marksmanship on each boss in Uldir Mythic.
  • 03 Sep. 2018: Added additional content for Uldir's release.
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