Marksmanship Hunter PvP Best Arena Compositions — The War Within (11.1.0)
Team composition in 2v2 or 3v3 Arena is very important, because not all classes work well together. Here, we give you the best compositions you can have for your Marksmanship Hunter (i.e., the best classes to pair with it).
This page is part of our Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide.
Things to look for in partners as Marksmanship
- Ability to crowd control on the "Disorient" Diminishing return
Examples:Psychic Scream,
Blinding Light,
Blinding Sleet,
Intimidating Shout,
Sleep Walk
- Ability to stun a kill target every 30 seconds when there is a
Freezing Trap on healer
Examples:Kidney Shot,
Storm Bolt,
Hammer of Justice
- Ability to do high single-target burst damage, preferably every 30 or 60
Examples:Feral Frenzy,
Symbols of Death,
Avenging Wrath,
Pillar of Frost
- Ability to apply a short stun on healers to set up traps every 60
seconds when
Intimidation is not available
Examples:Cheap Shot,
Mighty Bash,
Rake (with
Holy Word: Chastise
- Ability to peel when you are stunned, either with damage reductions or
crowd control breaks
Blessing of Protection,
Blessing of Freedom,
Blessing of Sanctuary,
Ursol's Vortex,
Things to avoid in partners as Marksmanship
- Specs that rely on "multi-dotting" (keeping damage over time effects
on multiple members of the enemy team, which would be removed when you
Scatter Shot or
Freezing Trap the enemy)
Examples: Affliction Warlocks, Elemental Shamans, Unholy Death Knights
- Specs that have their main crowd control abilities on the incapacitate
diminishing returns category (this is the category of your
Freezing Trap and
Scatter Shot)
- Specs that have to cleave when they are bursting
Examples:Spinning Crane Kick,
Eye Beam,
Immolation Aura,
Frozen Orb,
Fists of Fury
- Healers that require you to stand still or stack in order to heal
Examples:Earthen Wall Totem,
Mastery: Lightbringer
- Specs that are unable to stun your kill target at least once every 30
Examples: All Mage specs, Windwalker, Death Knight
You might have noticed a running theme from the list above. All of the DPS specs that work best with Marksmanship Hunter are melee specializations.
And all of the healing specializations that work best with Marksmanship Hunters are ones that have access to the Disorient diminishing return category (Discipline Priest) and ideally, the stun diminishing return category as well (Holy Priest, Restoration Druid).
2v2 Arena (Marksman + Healer)
It is recommended that if you are just starting out or trying to push as high as possible, then you play with a healer.
The gameplan will almost always be:
Freezing Trap Healer
(out ofIntimidation,
Holy Word: Chastise,
Mighty Bash or
Rake if needed)
- Burst DPS
(stun them withHoly Word: Chastise,
Mighty Bash,
Rake or
Maim if possible)
- Use your disorient diminishing return out of the
Freezing Trap
(Psychic Scream,
Mind Control,
Cyclone or
Sleep Walk)
The Marksmanship Hunter PvP Rotation and Playstyle page of this guide goes into more detail about your opening damage rotation.
And between that:
Scatter Shot DPS to peel when they are dealing high damage or to set up
Aimed Shot casts (
Cyclone out of the
Scatter Shot if playing with a Druid)
- Kite with
Concussive Shot,
Tar Trap,
Binding Shot,
Ursol's Vortex
- Swap to the enemy healer if the kill target uses defensives or line of
sights your casts (consider using your focus
Aimed Shot macro for this to make it unpredictable, and following up with a
Chimaeral Sting if it looks like the healer might die)
Here is a ranked list of Marksmanship + healer compositions for 2v2:
Disclaimer: during the first weeks of a major patch, any tier list is subject to change as the meta develops and Blizzard make balancing adjustments. This page will be regularly updated as the meta develops for The War Within Season 2.
S tier:
- Marksmanship Hunter + Discipline Priest
- Marksmanship Hunter + Restoration Druid
A tier:
- Marksmanship Hunter + Preservation Evoker
- Marksmanship Hunter + Holy Priest
- Marksmanship Hunter + Holy Paladin
B tier:
- Marksmanship Hunter + Mistweaver Monk
C tier:
- Marksmanship Hunter + Restoration Shaman
2v2 Arena (Marksman + DPS)
If you are confident as a Marksmanship Hunter and have a good partner who is willing to use voice, understands how to stay alive without a healer and is happy to occasionally face unwinnable matchups; you can also play with DPS specializations. Note this is much harder to do, but arguably can be more fun.
Here is a ranked list of Marksmanship double DPS compositions for 2v2:
S tier:
- Marksmanship Hunter + Subtlety Rogue
A tier:
- Marksmanship Hunter + Feral Druid
- Marksmanship Hunter + Retribution Paladin
B tier:
- Marksmanship Hunter + Shadow Priest
3v3 Arena
There are many comps available to Marksmanship Hunter in 3v3. Usually the most powerful Marksman comp will be Marksmanship + melee + healer.
The two ranged DPS specs that sometimes perform well with Marksmanship are
Shadow Priest and Devastation Evoker as they're able to support the Hunter,
have high damage when left alone and bring crowd control on the disorient
category ( Psychic Scream and
Sleep Walk) to extend crowd
control chains before or after traps.
The best healer for your comp will usually be either be Holy Priest or Discipline Priest. Restoration Druid will sometimes work if your comp has very high damage and doesn't need a healer that can apply the disorient diminishing return category (Restoration Druids struggle to cast cyclone or use stuns in 3v3 as they need to stay at a long distance to heal effectively). Restoration Druid + Marksmanship 3v3 comps tend to win by having great damage and efficiency rather than through crowd-control setups.
Preservation Evoker can be
good as it is able to apply the disorient diminishing return category with
Sleep Walk, as well as being able to do significant burst damage and
apply pressure with
Scouring Flame. This is particularly powerful in
The War Within as many magic buffs have been added to the game, and magic buffs
such as
Power Word: Shield are more powerful than they were in previous
Sometimes, other healers can be competitive with Marksmanship Hunter if their healing is highly overtuned. Currently, in Season 2 of The War Within, Holy Priest is considered to be undertuned and Discipline Priest or Holy Paladin will be the best healers for most Marksmanship Hunter comps.
Your gameplan will almost always be:
Freezing Trap Healer
(out ofIntimidation,
Mighty Bash,
Cheap Shot or
Holy Word: Chastise if needed)
- Stun your kill target and use burst cooldowns
(stun them withCheap Shot,
Kidney Shot,
Storm Bolt,
Maim or
Hammer of Justice when the healer is in a
Freezing Trap).
Scatter Shot The second DPS when the kill target is stunned or when you are using
Freezing Trap on the healer
(so they can't use defensives on the kill target or deny yourFreezing Trap)
- Use your disorient diminishing return out of the
Freezing Trap
(Psychic Scream,
Mind Control,
Cyclone or
Note that the final step is crucial to your success playing any setup Hunter
comp, and this is why Holy and Discipline Priests are so good with
Marksmanship. If you aren't able to achieve long crowd control chains by using
a disorient category crowd control out of Freezing Trap, you will find
it difficult to kill your target unless your comp has enough damage to kill
enemies without crowd control on the healer.
The Marksmanship Hunter PvP Rotation and Playstyle page of this guide goes into more detail about your opening damage rotation.
The most common issues that cause teams to struggle to climb with a Marksmanship Hunter's composition is that either:
- Your team is not lining up their stun on kill target with your
Freezing Trap
- Your team is not using their disorient (
Psychic Scream on the healer immediately before or after
Freezing Trap)
- You are missing
Freezing Traps or not landing
Freezing Trap every 30 seconds because your team are not helping to set them up by using their stuns on the enemy healer.
- Your team are not using cross crowd control (eg,
Scatter Shot) on the second DPS when the enemy healer is in a trap, and your kill target is in a stun, and therefore, the second DPS is able to save the kill target (eg, with
Intervene or
Blessing of Protection).
- Your team are not rotating defensive cooldowns or kiting the enemy DPS players when they have damage cooldowns or crowd control active.
It doesn't matter what comp you play; if you are not solving the above issues, your team will struggle to climb (and if you are able to solve those issues, your team will climb very quickly).
Here is a list of the best team compositions for 3v3:
Disclaimer: during the first weeks of a major patch, any tier list is subject to change as the meta develops and Blizzard make balancing adjustments. This page will be regularly updated as the meta develops for The War Within Season 2.
S tier:
- Jungle Cleave (Marksmanship Hunter + Feral Druid + Discipline Priest/ Holy Paladin)
- Thug Cleave (Marksmanship Hunter + Subtlety Rogue + Discipline Priest/ Holy Paladin)
- Cupid Cleave (Marksmanship Hunter + Retribution Paladin + Discipline Priest)
A tier:
- Scatterplay (Marksmanship Hunter + Shadow Priest + Restoration Druid)
- Marksmanship Devastation (Marksmanship Hunter + Devastation Evoker + Holy Paladin/ Restoration Druid/ Discipline Priest)
- PHD (Marksmanship Hunter + Unholy Death Knight + Discipline Priest/ Preservation Evoker)
B tier:
- Beast Cleave (Marksmanship Hunter + Enhancement Shaman + Restoration Druid/ Holy Priest/ Discipline Priest)
- Outlaw Thug Cleave (Marksmanship Hunter + Outlaw Rogue + Holy Priest/ Discipline Priest)
- KFC (Kung Fu Cleave) (Marksmanship Hunter + Arms Warrior + Holy Priest/ Discipline Priest/ Restoration Druid)
- 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for patch 11.1.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for patch 11.0.7.
- 27 Oct. 2024: Updated tier lists.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for 11.0.5 rework.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Updated comp tier lists based on current meta.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Launch.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Reviewed for 11.0.1.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 20 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for patch 10.2.6.
- 14 Mar. 2024: Updated 3v3 tiers.
- 14 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for patch 10.2.5.
- 19 Nov. 2023: Re-arranged tier list for Season 3.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed and updated for Patch 10.1.7
- 01 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
- 30 Jul. 2023: Updated 3v3 tiers; Jungle is the best comp.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Guide re-written.
- 09 May 2023: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
- 30 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 22 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
- 31 May 2022: Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
- 28 Feb. 2022: Page reviewed and approved for Patch 9.2.
- 10 Nov. 2021: Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
- 06 Jul. 2021: Updated best 2v2 compositions.
- 15 Oct. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)
Other PvP Guides
This guide is written and maintained by Slo, a Multi-Gladiator and Multi-Rank 1 Solo Shuffle Hunter. You can find Slo on YouTube, Twitch, and Reddit
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