Marksmanship Hunter PvP Rotation and Playstyle — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Slo 23 comments

PvP requires you to perform various actions in the course of a duel, match, or battleground: interrupting/silencing enemies, damaging them, bursting them down, defending yourself, keeping yourself alive, etc.. It is a game mode that fully utilizes your kit, especially spells that are rarely used in PvE. On this page, we go through all the spells you need to use in PvP as a Marksmanship Hunter, how you should use them, and we explain what your playstyle should be.

This page is part of our Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide.


Playstyle for Marksmanship Hunters

The main role for a Marksmanship Hunter is simple: use your mobility and stuns/slows/roots to land Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Traps on the enemy healer, and use your cooldowns to burst your enemies down. You should try to avoid committing burst cooldowns unless there is crowd control available for the enemy healer. You have multiple ways to do high burst damage as well as no "ramp," meaning that when you switch targets, your damage is immediate and frontloaded; you should take advantage of this.

You should coordinate with your teammates so there is always a stun available for the kill target during your crowd control combinations on the enemy healer and crowd control on any off-target that would otherwise be able to interrupt your rotation.


Before Gates Open

Important: On your minimap, there will be an icon for hunter tracking spells. You should always have Track Hidden Icon Track Hidden enabled. The game does not communicate it, but having this enabled will vastly increase the range of your stealth detection.

Choose your talents. Talents and PvP Talents are expanded on separately in this guide, but as a baseline, these PvP talents are good in everything:

  • Survival Tactics Icon Survival Tactics
  • Chimaeral Sting Icon Chimaeral Sting
  • Aspect of the Fox Icon Aspect of the Fox or Consecutive Concussion Icon Consecutive Concussion (2v2)

How To Open

The opener refers to your team's opening crowd control chain and damage done as soon as you get out of the gates. The main goal in the opener is to force your enemies to use their cooldowns. If the enemy healer uses their trinket in the opener, you will have an advantage over them for the next 90 seconds.

As Marksman, more than most other specs, you want to be setting the pace of the game as soon as possible with the strongest opener possible.

In a perfect world, the Healer will always be stunned before you throw your Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap. This makes the process a lot easier and more reliable. You have two stuns available to use on healers to set up your own traps (Intimidation Icon Intimidation and Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot).

If your team doesn't have many stuns for your kill target, you may want to save Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot to lock the enemy DPS down. You should be careful doing this, though, because if you Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot at the wrong time, you may accidentally refresh the diminishing returns on more than one player and delay the next go.

If you are going to stun a healer before your first Trap from Camouflage Icon Camouflage, using Intimidation Icon Intimidation will make it easier for you to also pre-cast an Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot because if you had used Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot, the stun will only happen when the enemy moves to the edge of the Bind, which may be too late or soon.

What follows is a generic opener. In the actual game, there will be variations based on comp; for example, if you are playing with a rogue, they can Sap Icon Sap the Healer instead of you using Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap.

The Marksmanship Hunter Arena Compositions page of this guide gives guidelines on the game plan for Marksmanship Hunter comps in 2v2 and 3v3 arena.

  • Use Camouflage Icon Camouflage

Being in stealth (Camouflage) will allow you to reliably get clean openers. While in stealth, you want to position near the enemy healer to make it easier to land your Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap, but still with a decent distance between you and the DPS wherever possible.

  • Cast Flare Icon Flare if any member of the enemy team is in stealth

If somebody is in stealth, it is also a good idea to Disengage Icon Disengage towards the area you are expecting them to be in before firing the Flare Icon Flare to catch them off-guard and be able to throw the Flare Icon Flare further than they would expect.

  • Cast Hunter's Mark Icon Hunter's Mark on your kill target

This will give you a damage bonus on your opener, although it will also make it obvious the player you are going to open on and they might move to a pillar. If they do move to a pillar, it is fine to open on their partner without the Hunter's Mark Icon Hunter's Mark. You can also refresh it onto the same target if it's dispelled or apply it to different targets as much as you want; there is no cooldown on Hunter's Mark Icon Hunter's Mark, as long as you are out of combat (in stealth).

  • Pre-cast Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot

Do this when you are within at least 30 yards of the enemy healer, which will enable you to reliably do the next steps.

When opening from Camouflage Icon Camouflage with Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot, you will be able to get the cast off without the risk of being crowd controlled on the cast. You will then get the Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots buff, which you can consume with Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot to ensure that your next Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot is easier to cast because it will benefit from the Streamline Icon Streamline cast time reduction.

  • Cast Intimidation Icon Intimidation on the enemy healer as the cast ends

If you have high Haste and are very close to the enemy healer you may have enough time to quickly fire a Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow at your kill target or Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot at an off-target before the Intimidation Icon Intimidation ends, but if you aren't sure go straight to the next step.

Note that if you are playing with a class that is able to stun, they should stun your kill target immediately when you use Intimidation Icon Intimidation.

  • Cast Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap on the enemy healer

Using the @cursor Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap macro (which you will find in the Macros section of this guide. ), you should find it easy to trap healers out of stuns.

The next step depends on whether you need to cross-crowd control the off-target, or whether you want to do more damage immediately.

  • (If 3v3) cast Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot on the "off target" (the enemy who is not the Healer or your kill target)
  • (If 2v2) cast Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire (Use Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow first if available)

The correct choice here will vary based on the game. For example, if you are playing with a Holy Priest in organized 3v3, they will probably use Holy Word: Chastise Icon Holy Word: Chastise on the off-target, and you can go straight into using Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire or Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow, and potentially use Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot on the off-target afterward to help your Priest land a Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream out of the Trap.

It's ideal to crowd-control the off-target early to prevent them from doing damage, crowd-controlling your team on their burst, or using defensives on the enemy kill target.

  • Proceed with your burst damage rotation

In some situations, it's worth casting Tar Trap Icon Tar Trap on the offtarget out of the Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot to extend the crowd control chain, but this is situational and usually not worth doing into specializations that are able to break roots.


Offensive Rotation

The Marksmanship rotation is based around using Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot to generate stacks of Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots, which buffs your next Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot (or Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot/Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow when talented into Headshot Icon Headshot).

Once you consume a Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots stack, you are granted two stacks of Streamline Icon Streamline, which reduces the focus cost and cast time of Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot.

There are other ways to generate stacks of Streamline Icon Streamline, based on your talents, but for the most part your Streamline Icon Streamline stacks will be generated by Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot (and Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot/ Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow if talented into Headshot Icon Headshot). The Marksman rotation is centred around alternating between Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot and Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot, using Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire and Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot/ Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow whenever they are available.

You need to be regularly alternating these spells in order to maintain momentum in your damage, and to keep your Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot cast times reasonable, which has extra importance in PvP as this is how you apply your Mortal Wounds effect through Manhunter Icon Manhunter.


Burst Damage

  1. Use Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow whenever it is available if Dark Ranger
  2. Use Trueshot Icon Trueshot (try to delay this until you have a Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire or Lock and Load Icon Lock and Load proc available so that they benefit from your Double Tap Icon Double Tap)
  3. Use Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire
  4. Use Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot (if you have Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots active)
  5. Use Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot (if you have do not have Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots active)
  6. Alternate between Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot and Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot until Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire is about to be available
  • During the rotation and particularly around this point, you should be thinking about what has been used by the enemy team and if it is worth swapping targets. For example, if your kill target has used defensive cooldowns, you may want to swap targets to the other DPS.
  • At this point, your Trap on the Healer should have just ended, and if you are not crowd-controlled and still have pressure, it is worth casting Chimaeral Sting Icon Chimaeral Sting on the enemy healer if your team is not able to cast a disorient category crowd control (e.g. Blind Icon Blind, Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream, Blinding Light Icon Blinding Light, Intimidating Shout Icon Intimidating Shout) on the enemy healer after the Trap ends.
  • Use Volley Icon Volley (if playing Salvo Icon Salvo)
  • Use Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire
  • Use Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot (if you have Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots active)
  • Use Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot (if you have do not have Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots active)

Sustained damage

Sustained damage is damage you do when your burst cooldowns (Salvo Icon Salvo and Trueshot Icon Trueshot) are not available.

  1. Use Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow/Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot whenever available (although you can also save Deathblow Icon Deathblow procs for a crowd control chain when the target is stunned for higher kill potential during a go if you are playing Sentinel)
  2. Use Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire as often as you can (although try to spend focus before casting Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire and avoid casting Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire if you think it will be interrupted)
  3. Use Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot when you have the Streamline Icon Streamline buff but do not have the Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots buff
  4. Use Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot when you have the Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots buff
  5. Use Explosive Shot Icon Explosive Shot ideally when you're able to Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire afterward to maximize the burst or when Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot is on cooldown and you do not have the Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots buff
  6. Use Steady Shot Icon Steady Shot when you are not able to do anything else
  7. Refresh Hunter's Mark Icon Hunter's Mark if you are disarmed and not able to use anything else (e.g. Tranquilizing Shot Icon Tranquilizing Shot or Concussive Shot Icon Concussive Shot which can also both be used whilst disarmed)

The above priority list is based on how to do the most damage, although you should be aware of how powerful Tranquilizing Shot Icon Tranquilizing Shot is and weave this into your rotation whenever you can if the target has any magic buffs. When your Tranquilizing Shot Icon Tranquilizing Shot can hit two players through Kodo Tranquilizer Icon Kodo Tranquilizer, you should be using it on cooldown.

Maintain Concussive Shot Icon Concussive Shot on your target if you are kiting or if your teammate needs it. Remember, Steady Shot Icon Steady Shot refreshes the Concussive Shot Icon Concussive Shot debuff.


How to Trap Healers

Hunter comps rely heavily on landing Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap on the enemy healer, and this requires some setup (and a lot of practice).

It is much harder (and much less reliable) to land traps during combat without a stun or crowd control already on your target.

I would recommend using the @player version of the Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap macro if you are not confident aiming traps yet. You can find this in the Macros section of this guide.


Tools you have to help you trap:

  • Intimidation Icon Intimidation
  • Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot (this is a little less reliable/predictable than Intimidation Icon Intimidation because your target can stand still or do things like use Phase Shift Icon Phase Shift to leave the Bind or Grounding Totem Icon Grounding Totem, or Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice before leaving the Bind to counter your Trap)
  • Concussive Shot Icon Concussive Shot (Consecutive Concussion Icon Consecutive Concussion helps with trapping)
  • Tar Trap Icon Tar Trap + Entrapment Icon Entrapment
  • Disengage Icon Disengage (If you are struggling to trap and aren't able to stun to set it up, I recommend that you use the @player Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap macro instead of aiming your Trap. Use Disengage Icon Disengage or Concussive Shot Icon Concussive Shot as needed to move on top of them)
  • Tranquilizing Shot Icon Tranquilizing Shot (eg for Holy Ward Icon Holy Ward or Nullifying Shroud Icon Nullifying Shroud)
  • High Explosive Trap Icon High Explosive Trap and Bursting Shot Icon Bursting Shot (if you miss a trap, you can always knock them into it!)

Every healing class has multiple ways to dodge or deny your Trap; below is a non-exhaustive list of what each healing specialization has to avoid traps and some tips specific to that Healer. Having an addon like Omnibar to track important enemy cooldowns and Gladiatorlossa2 to tell you when they are used will make your life a lot easier.

Remember that in all cases, healers can use mobility and erratic movement to make it difficult for you to trap them. Also, remember that when they are spending global cooldowns trying to outplay your Trap and moving instead of casting, you are still applying pressure even though the Healer is not caught in a trap because the Healer is spending their time trying to avoid you, rather than doing an optimal healing rotation.

A healer can counter your Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot by standing still to avoid the stun. You should try to use Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot when the healer is already running, and aim so that the reticle is on the healer so the stun procs immediately. Also remember that if a healer does stand still during Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot, you can use High Explosive Trap Icon High Explosive Trap to knock them into the stun.


Discipline Priest

When trapping Discipline Priest s you must be aware of:

  • Shadow Word: Death Icon Shadow Word: Death
  • Phase Shift Icon Phase Shift
  • Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream
  • Mind Control Icon Mind Control (cast as you throw the Trap)
  • Shadowmeld Icon Shadowmeld
  • Ultimate Penitence Icon Ultimate Penitence

Tips when facing Discipline Priests

You may notice that almost all of the Discipline Priest abilities that can be used to avoid your traps are on the Shadow spell school. When you are standing near the Priest in the middle of the game by kicking them on the shadow spell school, they will not be able to use Shadow Word: Death Icon Shadow Word: Death or Fade Icon Fade to avoid your Trap.

You must always be aware of Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream, too. If you get too close to a Priest, when it is off cooldown, your plans will backfire, and you will be feared.

Other than that, trapping Discipline Priests is about tracking the cooldown of Shadow Word: Death Icon Shadow Word: Death and Fade Icon Fade and throwing the Trap when they are not able to use either (or stunning when they don't have Fade Icon Fade).

During Ultimate Penitence Icon Ultimate Penitence, a Discipline Priest is immune to interrupts and crowd control. You can trap the initial cast if you are quick, but if the channel begins, they will be immune to your Trap.


Holy Priest

When trapping Holy Priests you must be aware of:

  • Shadow Word: Death Icon Shadow Word: Death
  • Phase Shift Icon Phase Shift
  • Holy Ward Icon Holy Ward
  • Spirit of the Redeemer Icon Spirit of the Redeemer
  • Divine Ascension Icon Divine Ascension
  • Mind Control Icon Mind Control (cast as you throw the Trap)
  • Shadowmeld Icon Shadowmeld

Tips when facing Holy Priests

Holy Priest is similar to Discipline with a few changes.

They have Holy Ward Icon Holy Ward, which must be purged with Tranquilizing Shot Icon Tranquilizing Shot (if you are unlucky and do not get the dispel, you will need to wait 15 seconds for it to expire unless your partner can take it off).

When a Holy Priest uses Spirit of the Redeemer Icon Spirit of the Redeemer, you can place a trap underneath the angel to trap them instantly when it ends. Be careful, though - if you do this too soon, their partners may try to eat the Trap, or the Priest may see you throw it and cancel the Spirit of the Redeemer Icon Spirit of the Redeemer into a Fade Icon Fade to immune the Trap.

Ideally, you would hold Chimaeral Sting Icon Chimaeral Sting into a Priest until they have used Spirit of the Redeemer Icon Spirit of the Redeemer, because otherwise, they can use this to be immune to your silence.


Holy Paladin

When trapping Holy Paladins you must be aware of:

  • Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice
  • Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection (on the stun before trap)
  • Hand of Reckoning Icon Hand of Reckoning
  • Blessing of Freedom Icon Blessing of Freedom + Divine Steed Icon Divine Steed
  • Hammer of Justice Icon Hammer of Justice
  • Blinding Light Icon Blinding Light
  • Searing Glare Icon Searing Glare

Tips when facing Holy Paladins

The main thing here is to be very aware of versus a Holy Paladin is Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice. When this is active you should not trap the Paladin as the trap will break instantly unless you are playing with Diamond Ice Icon Diamond Ice. A thing to be aware of is that during a Diamond Ice Icon Diamond Ice Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap, the damage reduction from Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice has no effect.

Remember that Holy Paladins are relatively squishy, so swapping to the Holy Paladin when they use Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice is always an option. If you are able to force their Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield doing this, they will gain Forbearance Icon Forbearance and will not be able to use Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection to escape the next stun into Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap combo.

When you are trapping out of Intimidation Icon Intimidation into a Holy Paladin, make sure you throw the Trap immediately, as otherwise, they can escape the Trap by removing the stun with Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection.

Like with Priests and Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream, you need to be careful when standing next to a Holy Paladin to avoid Blinding Light Icon Blinding Light.

An interesting quirk in this matchup is that if a Paladin gets Searing Glare Icon Searing Glare of on you, you are still able to root them with the Entrapment Icon Entrapment effect from Tar Trap Icon Tar Trap, which you should take advantage of to keep the Paladin standing still until the debuff fades.


Mistweaver Monk

When trapping Mistweaver Monks you must be aware of:

  • Eminence Icon Eminence
  • Revival Icon Revival with Peaceweaver Icon Peaceweaver
  • Paralysis Icon Paralysis
  • Leg Sweep Icon Leg Sweep
  • Ring of Peace Icon Ring of Peace
  • Roll Icon Roll/Chi Torpedo Icon Chi Torpedo

Tips when facing Mistweaver Monks

Mistweaver Monks are difficult to trap when they know it is coming because of their high mobility. As another complication, they are able to teleport away when stunned using Eminence Icon Eminence.

Fortunately, to be able to do high-output healing, Mistweaver Monks need to stand still. Either throw the Trap when you see them casting and do not think they will move, or follow them until they have no movement abilities left, and then throw your Trap.

Avoid trapping out of stuns into Mistweaver Monks unless you know they are out of range of their Transcendence: Transfer Icon Transcendence: Transfer (40 yards) and have already used Revival Icon Revival (which can be used while stunned to immune your Trap).

If you are facing a "Fistweaver" (melee) Mistweaver Monk, it is easy to trap them when they chase you using the @player Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap macro, and between your traps, it is a good idea to swap onto the Fistweaver, as they are often the easiest kill target on their team.

It is also good to slow or use High Explosive Trap Icon High Explosive Trap on Fistweaver monks wherever possible, as they are unable to heal without being able to attack something in melee range.


Preservation Evoker

When trapping Preservation Evokers you must be aware of:

  • Nullifying Shroud Icon Nullifying Shroud
  • Hover Icon Hover
  • Deep Breath Icon Deep Breath
  • Dream Flight Icon Dream Flight
  • Stasis Icon Stasis to dispel themself
  • Dream Projection Icon Dream Projection by hitting themself with it as trap lands

Tips when facing Preservation Evokers

Nullifying Shroud Icon Nullifying Shroud is a big counter to Hunters. Unless somebody on your team is able to remove the Shroud, a lot of the time, it is easier to do your opener without using crowd control on the Healer just to build momentum. Remember, you can still kick the Evoker during Nullifying Shroud Icon Nullifying Shroud.

Avoid using Intimidation Icon Intimidation on an Evoker the moment that Nullifying Shroud Icon Nullifying Shroud ends because they will see the buff wearing off and use either Deep Breath Icon Deep Breath or Dream Flight Icon Dream Flight at that moment to immune your stun.

If an Evoker is casting Dream Projection Icon Dream Projection, use Counter Shot Icon Counter Shot before throwing your Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap if available, as they can otherwise use the Projection to dispel themself.


Restoration Druid

When trapping Restoration Druid you must be aware of:

  • Wild Charge Icon Wild Charge
  • Dash Icon Dash
  • Mighty Bash Icon Mighty Bash/Rake Icon Rake/Maim Icon Maim into Cyclone Icon Cyclone
  • Tranquility Icon Tranquility with Preserve Nature Icon Preserve Nature
  • Grove Guardians Icon Grove Guardians (spawning tree NPCs that may "eat" your traps)
  • Growl Icon Growl on your pet
  • Shadowmeld Icon Shadowmeld

Tips when facing Restoration Druids

Restoration Druids are one of the hardest targets to trap. They do not cast as much as other healers and, therefore, have no reason to stand still when you chase them.

With practice, you get used to their movement, and it gets easier to trap them, but do not allow the Druid to bait you into bad positions when chasing them.

Be careful of Grove Guardians Icon Grove Guardians. Restoration Druids will deliberately spawn these non player characters when you push for a trap to make it more difficult for you to aim. Take your time and be precise when you can see the trees spawn next to the Druid.

When facing Druids, remember to take Kodo Tranquilizer Icon Kodo Tranquilizer. This will greatly reduce the Druid's healing efficiency, and you can then win by maintaining pressure and surviving rather than relying on big crowd control setups.


Restoration Shaman

When trapping Restoration Shamans you must be aware of:

  • Grounding Totem Icon Grounding Totem
  • Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm
  • Lightning Lasso Icon Lightning Lasso
  • Earthen Wall Totem Icon Earthen Wall Totem (does not stop the Trap but will stop you from being able to kill their teammates)
  • Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem

Tips when facing Restoration Shamans

The main thing to watch for here is Grounding Totem Icon Grounding Totem. Good Shamans will be very quick with using it, stand near them, apply slows and roots, and wait it out. When the Shaman uses Grounding Totem Icon Grounding Totem, quickly Arcane Shot it and throw your Trap. A mouseover Arcane Shot macro will help with this a lot.

Earthen Wall Totem Icon Earthen Wall Totem is mentioned above because even though it does not deny your Trap, it will stop you from being able to kill somebody with your burst. Whenever you see a Shaman drop Earthen Wall Totem Icon Earthen Wall Totem, you should be looking to knock their partner out of it using High Explosive Trap Icon High Explosive Trap. If you cannot get their partner out of the Earthen Wall Totem Icon Earthen Wall Totem (or cannot kite them out of the totem), do not trap them until they are outside of it.


Cross Crowd Control

Even if there is a stun on the Healer before you aim your Trap, there are other complications. For example, you could be facing a shaman who will press Grounding Totem Icon Grounding Totem to deny your Trap, a warrior using War Banner Icon War Banner, or a Retribution Paladin using Blessing of Sanctuary Icon Blessing of Sanctuary to cancel your Intimidation Icon Intimidation.

You always want to cross crowd control on the off-target when you are trapping (usually Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot into Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream if you are playing with a Priest). Whether you Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot before or after the Trap depends on the matchup.



Survival of the Fittest Icon Survival of the Fittest is an extremely powerful defensive ability. Use this when you expect to be stunned (for example, instantly use this if a rogue uses Blind Icon Blind on your Healer) or when you are taking heavy damage during your own offensive cooldowns and want to stay aggressive. With two charges (from Padded Armor Icon Padded Armor), you should want to use the first charge early to mitigate as much damage as possible.

Fortitude of the Bear Icon Fortitude of the Bear is available to you when if you are playing Unbreakable Bond Icon Unbreakable Bond and have a tenacity pet summoned. This not only increases your maximum health, as it says, but it also heals you for this same amount so that you are left with increased current HP after using it. Be aware that you can use this whilst you are in crowd control and stuns, but not when your Pet is crowd-controlled. If an area of effect crowd control is coming (Ring of Frost Icon Ring of Frost, Leg Sweep Icon Leg Sweep, Blinding Sleet Icon Blinding Sleet) you will want to move your Pet away beforehand so that you can still use this self heal.

Feign Death Icon Feign Death is your main defensive tool due to its short cooldown and the Survival Tactics Icon Survival Tactics PvP Talent. Use it whenever you are about to take damage to reduce the burst damage you take and to force the enemy to re-target you.

Against Assassination Rogues, you should take Emergency Salve Icon Emergency Salve every time. This will turn Feign Death Icon Feign Death into an excellent defensive and mobility tool as it removes Crippling Poison Icon Crippling Poison as well as other damaging poisons. Emergency Salve Icon Emergency Salve can also be good into Shadow Priests to dispel Devouring Plague Icon Devouring Plague and is decent into other Rogue specs to dispel the slow.

Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle is our immunity cooldown. Use this when the enemy team is focusing you down, and your Healer can not heal you through the damage or is stuck in crowd control. Although you can not attack with this cooldown active, you still have the ability to use Traps, Flare Icon Flare, and other non-offensive spells. You will usually want to combine Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle with your 2-minute cooldown PvP trinket when stunned for maximum value.

It is worth communicating with your Healer and deciding what enemy cooldown you will use your trinket and Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle to counter.

Exhilaration Icon Exhilaration is a strong instant heal. Try to use this early as the cooldown resets quickly via Natural Mending Icon Natural Mending.

Roar of Sacrifice Icon Roar of Sacrifice is a vital utility ability for you or your teammates. This makes the teammate you use this on immune to being Critically hit. Use this immediately when the enemy team uses their cooldowns on a teammate or yourself.

Do not rely on Roar of Sacrifice Icon Roar of Sacrifice alone to save you from cooldowns. It will make the damage predictable because there are no critical strikes, but it is not a damage reduction cooldown and most classes will be able to kill you with their cooldowns if you use Roar of Sacrifice Icon Roar of Sacrifice and nothing else.

Master's Call Icon Master's Call is a utility cooldown to help you or your teammate kite or push for damage. Versus Balance Druids, it becomes an absolutely essential defensive cooldown. You must cast Master's Call Icon Master's Call on your Healer immediately when your Healer is rooted in a Solar Beam Icon Solar Beam.



  • 09 Mar. 2025: Small corrections.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for patch 11.1 rework.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for 11.0.5 rework.
  • 08 Oct. 2024: Updated defensives and trapping.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for the War Within Launch.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 20 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for patch 10.2.5.
  • 20 Nov. 2023: Fortitude of the Bear clarification.
  • 19 Nov. 2023: Changed offensive rotation and included new Restoration Druid and Discipline Priest spells.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Guide re-written
  • 09 May 2023: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 30 Jan. 2023: Updated the page for relevant changes in Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 22 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 31 May 2022: Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 22 Feb. 2022: Updated and restructured the Opener and Burst DPS Rotations and clarified Lock and Load/Concussive Shot usage. Added Death Chakram.
  • 10 Nov. 2021: Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 06 Jul. 2021: Reviewed for Patch 9.1.
  • 18 Mar. 2021: Updated Burst and Sustained Damage rotations.
  • 05 Dec. 2020: Updated Rotations to include Covenant Abilities.
  • 29 Nov. 2020: Removed outdated Traits and Essences.
  • 11 Nov. 2020: Updated all Burst and Sustained damage rotations.
  • 15 Oct. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)
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