Marksmanship Hunter PvP Stat Priority, Gear, and Trinkets — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Slo 22 comments

Choosing your gear carefully is important for your Marksmanship Hunter in PvP. We give you a stat priority to help you choose items with the right stats, followed by advice on how to choose the rest of your gear and your trinkets.

This page is part of our Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide.


Stat Priority for Marksmanship Hunters in PvP

The stat priority for Marksmanship Hunter in PvP is as follows:

  1. Agility;
  2. Versatility to around 25%;
  3. Haste and Mastery at a 1:2 ratio;
  4. Critical Strike.

Agility is the best stat in all situations. You will want a balance of Versatility/Mastery/Haste that you are comfortable with, as they all do different things in PvP.

If you do not have enough Versatility, you will take a lot of damage and likely find yourself dying more often than you otherwise would.

If you do not have enough Haste, you will not be able to use all of the global cooldowns and casts required to set up crowd control and burst targets down before the enemy is able to interrupt you/use defensives and will struggle to get casts off.

If you do not have enough Mastery, your burst will not be lethal when you nail the setup.

The best stat priority will vary based on the bracket you are playing, the comp you are playing, and how much you are contributing to crowd control.

Wearing the Conquest PvP gear, you will have more Versatility than you need and will be able to use crafted pieces to increase your Haste or Mastery.

You should decide which of Mastery and Haste you need based on the following:

  • If you are struggling to get casts off and land traps, you need more haste
  • If you are landing traps and getting your casts off, but your targets aren't dying when you do, you need more Mastery

As a general recommendation, you should play with between 18-23% Versatility and then aim to have two points of Mastery on your gear for every point of Haste, avoiding any Critical Strike rating unless it comes from your tier set.

Currently, Trigger Finger Icon Trigger Finger reduces the cast time of Aimed by 0.2 seconds, even when playing with a pet, which allows you to play with lower Haste than you previously would as Marksman.


Stat Values

  • 5,000 Critical Strike rating will give you 7.1% Critical Strike chance (7.5 with Serrated Tips Icon Serrated Tips)
  • 5,000 Haste will increase your attack speed by 7.6%
  • 5,000 Mastery will increase your damage done by 10.0% and increase your range by 4.46%
  • 5,000 Versatility will increase your damage done by 6.4% and reduce your damage taken by 3.2%

There is a slight increasing diminishing return on secondary stats past 30%, further increased past 40%. In the first season of The War Within, the only stat you might be able to get to 30% is Versatility, and if you are near 30% Versatility, you should be changing some of it into either Haste or Mastery.

You should be aware that Critical Strike damage in PvE content is 200% of the damage the ability would normally have done, but in PvP, this is reduced to 150% of the damage the ability would have normally done. This is slightly increased by Penetrating Shots Icon Penetrating Shots, but the value of Critical Strike rating is still heavily reduced in PvP.


Gear Recommendations


Conquest Gear

Conquest vendor PvP Gear will always have Versatility and then a second stat which will be either Haste, Mastery, or Critical Strike Rating.

Almost every piece of conquest gear has a Haste option, but not many pieces have a Mastery option available.

I recommend that you buy gear with Mastery where available and Haste on any piece of gear where there is not a Mastery PvP variant.

When crafting gear you should replace pieces of gear that give Haste rating with pieces of gear that give Versatility and Mastery.

If you have too much Versatility, the easiest way to transfer it to Haste or Mastery is to craft the ring Ring of Earthen Craftsmanship Icon Ring of Earthen Craftsmanship or necklace Amulet of Earthen Craftsmanship Icon Amulet of Earthen Craftsmanship.


Tier Gear

Marksmanship Hunter The War Within Season 2 tier bonuses:

Note that tier set bonuses are nerfed by 50% in PvP.

  • (2) Set Bonus: Your spells and abilities have a chance to hit a Jackpot! that increases your auto shot damage by 200% and reduces the time between auto shots by 0.5 sec for 10 sec. Casting Trueshot always hits a Jackpot!
  • (4) Set Bonus: Consuming Lock and Load also fires an Explosive Shot at 300% effectiveness.

The 2-set tier bonus for this tier is underwhelming, however the 4-set bonus is powerful and worth taking even though the tier set has Critical Strike rating on four of the five pieces. I recommend that you do not use tier gear until you are able to craft four pieces at once.

The 2-set bonus does not change your gameplay or rotation as Marksmanship Hunter, but the 4-set makes it ideal to pool your Lock and Load Icon Lock and Load procs for when you have Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire to follow the cast with, so that the burst from your Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire hits at the same time as your empowered Explosive Shot Icon Explosive Shot. This is not essential, though, and you should only do this when you know that a Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire will soon be available.

I recommend that you get the 4-set bonus with Head, Shoulders, Chest and Gloves (leaving the legs because they are high in Critical Strike Rating).


Crafted and Embellished Gear

To craft a piece of gear with the PvP item level scaled to 678, you must craft the Algari Competitor's item for that slot, and apply Prized Gladiator's Heraldry Icon Prized Gladiator's Heraldry while crafting. You should not use crafted gear unless it has the item level scaled to 678 in PvP.

To avoid letting your Versatility get too low, most of your crafted gear should have Versatility as one of the stats. I recommend only having one or two items crafted Haste Mastery if you are going to craft any.

You can apply Embellishments while crafting gear, and you can equip two Embellished crafted pieces of gear at once.

I recommend that you craft Algari Competitor's Signet Icon Algari Competitor's Signet with the Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens Embellishment and the stats as either Haste Versatility or Haste Mastery so that you can have two Haste Rings. Crafting the ring with Haste Mastery will give you more damage but slightly reduce your survivability. The Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens will usually do around 1.5-2% of your overall damage per Embellishment.

After that, you can craft any other piece of Algari Competitor's gear with an Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens. Note that this embellishment will only activate once you have a piece of gear with an Algari gem so you should prioritise putting at least one gem on your gear as soon as possible.

The Nerubian weapon embellishment Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension (and related embellishment Writhing Armor Banding Icon Writhing Armor Banding) is useful for some classes, but as Marksmanship this is not competitive with the Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens, even when it reaches ten stacks.

The defensive option for your Embellished gear would be Captured Starlight Icon Captured Starlight, although as the shield is not hugely significant, it is expected that the Embellishments providing a throughput increase will perform better.


Note: It is important to be wearing 2 PvP trinkets. This will give you an Agility and Stamina boost that will increase your damage and survivability.



  • Prized Gladiator's Medallion Icon Prized Gladiator's Medallion
  • Prized Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity Icon Prized Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity


  • Prized Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity Icon Prized Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity
  • Prized Gladiator's Badge of Ferocity Icon Prized Gladiator's Badge of Ferocity

Prized Gladiator's Medallion Icon Prized Gladiator's Medallion is a mandatory trinket to have equipped at all times for non-human players. This allows you to remove any crowd control on yourself. Humans can use this trinket to have a shorter (90-second) the cooldown on escaping stuns, for example, into Rogue Mage teams.

Prized Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity Icon Prized Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity increases your Haste and has a chance to proc your primary stat. This is an overall strong trinket, as the stat will proc often throughout an arena match (and will generally proc very early when your cooldowns are active).

Prized Gladiator's Badge of Ferocity Icon Prized Gladiator's Badge of Ferocity grants you some Crit and a powerful Agility on-use every minute. Synchronize this with your Salvo Icon Salvo/Volley Icon Volley combo.

Prized Gladiator's Emblem Icon Prized Gladiator's Emblem increases your maximum health when used. This gives you an additional defensive when you think a team is focusing you or you think they are about to stun and burst you. A good example of when you will want to use this trinket is when facing Rogue Mage teams.


Gems and Enchants

Here are the best enchants for a Marksmanship Hunter:

  • Boots: Enchant Boots - Scout's March Icon Enchant Boots - Scout's March
  • Bracer: Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Speed Icon Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Speed
  • Cloak: Enchant Cloak - Chant of Burrowing Rapidity Icon Enchant Cloak - Chant of Burrowing Rapidity
  • Chest: Enchant Chest - Stormrider's Agility Icon Enchant Chest - Stormrider's Agility/ Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance Icon Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance depending on whether you value 1.5% movespeed over 225 Agility (around 0.4% of your total Agility)
  • Legs: Stormbound Armor Kit Icon Stormbound Armor Kit
  • Rings: Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste Icon Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste
  • Weapon Enchant: Enchant Weapon - Stonebound Artistry Icon Enchant Weapon - Stonebound Artistry/ Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power Icon Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power

If you are not using the Hunter tier set, you should use Enchant Ring - Cursed Mastery Icon Enchant Ring - Cursed Mastery, because none of your gear has Critical Strike rating so you do not lose any stats.




Algari Gems

You can use one Algari Diamond gem in The War Within, and for this you can choose between:

  • Elusive Blasphemite Icon Elusive Blasphemite (increased movement speed)
  • Enduring Bloodstone Icon Enduring Bloodstone (increased durability as you take less damage when stunned)
  • Determined Bloodstone Icon Determined Bloodstone (increased throughput against teams that regularly slow you)

The safest choice of Algari Diamond gems is Enduring Bloodstone Icon Enduring Bloodstone, which will increase your survivability when you need it most. The Determined Bloodstone Icon Determined Bloodstone Algari Diamond gem is a straight throughput increase against teams that will apply slows to you constantly at the cost of survivability.

If you are playing Enduring Bloodstone Icon Enduring Bloodstone, it is easier to justify crafting Haste Mastery rings for the additional damage they bring compared to gear with Versatility that would reduce your damage taken.

The Elusive Blasphemite Icon Elusive Blasphemite Algari Diamond gem will make it easier for you to kite and chase players, but will force you to take some gems with suboptimal stats to get the full benefit.


Regular Gems

Your other gems should be selected based on your stat needs.

  • For Haste, use Versatile Emerald Icon Versatile Emerald or Masterful Emerald Icon Masterful Emerald
  • For Versatility, use Quick Sapphire Icon Quick Sapphire or Masterful Sapphire Icon Masterful Sapphire
  • For Mastery, use Quick Onyx Icon Quick Onyx or Versatile Onyx Icon Versatile Onyx

Regular Gems when using Elusive Blasphemite Icon Elusive Blasphemite

If you are using Elusive Blasphemite Icon Elusive Blasphemite, you want as many different colored gems as possible. There are five Algari gem colors: Emerald, Onyx, Ruby, Sapphire, and Amber.

To get the maximum movement speed when you need the Haste stat, you should use one of each of the following gems:

  • Versatile Emerald Icon Versatile Emerald/Masterful Emerald Icon Masterful Emerald
  • Quick Onyx Icon Quick Onyx
  • Quick Ruby Icon Quick Ruby
  • Quick Sapphire Icon Quick Sapphire
  • Quick Amber Icon Quick Amber

To get the maximum movement speed when you need the Mastery stat, you should use:

  • Masterful Emerald Icon Masterful Emerald
  • Quick Onyx Icon Quick Onyx/Versatile Onyx Icon Versatile Onyx
  • Masterful Ruby Icon Masterful Ruby
  • Masterful Sapphire Icon Masterful Sapphire
  • Masterful Amber Icon Masterful Amber


  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for patch 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for patch 11.0.7 and added section on Cyrce's Circlet.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for 11.0.5 rework.
  • 08 Oct. 2024: Updated tier section.
  • 25 Sep. 2024: Updated advice on whether to wear tier.
  • 18 Sep. 2024: Updated stat priority and tier recommendations.
  • 13 Sep. 2024: Expanded on how to craft PvP gear and Algari Diamond gems.
  • 11 Sep. 2024: Changed suggested Embellished items.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within launch.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Reviewed for 11.0.1.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 20 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for patch 10.2.6
  • 07 Feb. 2024: Corrected enchants
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for patch 10.2.5
  • 19 Nov. 2023: Elaborated on stat priority and recommended embellishments
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for patch 10.1.7 with minor tweaks.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Guide re-written.
  • 09 May 2023: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 30 Jan. 2023: Updated the page for relevant changes in Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 22 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 29 Jul. 2022: Reviewed and updated for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 31 May 2022: Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 22 Feb. 2022: Updated the BiS List, Enchants, and information on when you might want to use different Trinkets.
  • 10 Nov. 2021: Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 06 Jul. 2021: Updated recommended gear and added Shards of Domination section.
  • 18 Mar. 2021: Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 06 Dec. 2020: Added BiS gear list for Shadowlands.
  • 29 Nov. 2020: Removed outdated Traits and Essences.
    • Removed outdated gear.
    • Added gems section.
  • 15 Oct. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch (9.0.1)
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