Marksmanship Hunter Guide for The War Within
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Marksmanship Hunter changes in World of Warcraft's latest expansion, The War Within. This page is intended to help you navigate the new changes and help you know what to expect from Marksmanship Hunter in the War Within.
In this guide, you will find detailed breakdowns of the new Hero Talent Trees for Marksmanship Hunter. We will explore the most significant updates to the spec, and offer insights into how these changes will impact your overall gameplay. Whether you are an experienced Marksmanship Hunter or new to the spec, this page will be useful in knowing what to expect come launch in late August.
Marksmanship Hunter: The War Within Expansion Preview
Welcome to our War Within expansion guide for Marksmanship Hunter. Ahead of launch, this page will contain everything you need to know about the Marksmanship Hunter spec in the forthcoming The War Within expansion, including changes, Hero Talent Trees, and some light predictions on the state of the spec going into the expansion.
This page is a constantly evolving work in progress, with regular changes expected as updates hit the War Within beta. This is not meant to be a launch guide for Marksmanship Hunter, but instead serves as a resource for you to keep up to date with how the spec is evolving on Beta, and what you can expect from its playstyle and feel on launch.
The War Within Changes for Marksmanship Hunter
Hunter Core Changes
The Hunter Class Tree has received a substantial rework, with the entirety of the Class Talent Tree as well as all Spec Trees having been redesigned. Below, I have listed some of the most central changes that will affect your gameplay, decision-making, and power in The War Within.
Survival of the Fittest is now a 30% baseline damage reduction. Through other talents, it can get a 1.5-minute cooldown, 2 charges, and an 8-second duration. This is a huge boost to Hunter survivability!
Counter Shot can now, via talents, get a 22-second cooldown, down from 24.
Tranquilizing Shot can now, via Talents, either remove an additional Magic effect on cast, or have a 5s shorter cooldown if it only removes one Enrage effect.
Intimidation can now, via Talents, be cast without a pet.
Explosive Shot is now placed in the Class Tree in such a way that all Hunter specs will be using it, all the time.
Feign Death and
Aspect of the Turtle can now, via a Talent, remove all Poison and Disease effects from you. This is extremely powerful in some niche scenarios.
Bursting Shot is now available in the Class Tree.
Intimidation and
Binding Shot can now, via Talents, have their cooldowns reduced significantly via
Steel Trap and
Death Chakram have been removed.
- The new talent,
Implosive Trap (choice node with
High Explosive Trap) is an AoE knock-up trap that can be used as an AoE stop.
- In additional, several Talents that used to be 2-pointers are now 1-pointers. This means that we can have all of the DPS-related Talents in the Class Tree, and most of the utility without having to choose. There are other changes too, but these are the most important ones.
Marksmanship Hunter Changes
The Marksmanship Hunter Spec Tree has also been reworked from the ground up. Below, I will list all of the new talents and some interesting interactions and outcomes from the redesigned layout of the Tree.
Precise Shots is now a 1-pointer, and also reduces the Focus cost of
Arcane Shot and
Multi-Shot by 50%. It also always grants 2 stacks.
- The new talent,
Fan the Hammer, gives
Rapid Fire 3 additional shots, from 7 to 10. This translates to a roughly 43% damage increase to
Rapid Fire, which will do a lot of damage in The War Within.
Barrage is now a Marksmanship Tree Talent, but that is not the most interesting part..
Rapid Fire Barrage is the most interesting part. It essentially converts Barrage into a "super-
Rapid Fire" that automatically ricochets for 30% of normal damage. These Rapid Fires can, in turn,
Trick Shots. The cooldown of Barrage is increased to 1 minute when this is used. A very powerful burst AoE button.
Lone Wolf now increases damage by 5% when you do not have a pet, down from 10%. This makes using a pet far more viable (but still inferior) on single-target especially, enough so that we may prefer to use a pet for its Leech or defensive at a very small DPS loss. It will still be a noticeable loss on AoE, however.
Hydra's Bite is now a Marksmanship Tree Talent. It is a slightly nerfed version of the old Class Tree version, as the cleaving
Serpent Stings will only happen if the main target of your
Aimed Shot is already affected by one.
Legacy of the Windrunners has been redesigned — The Wind Arrows fired deal far more damage, and ticks of
Rapid Fire (10 per target with
Fan the Hammer) now have a 5% chance to shoot additional Wind Arrows.
Wailing Arrow has been redesigned — After 20 Wind Arrows (from the redesigned
Legacy of the Windrunners) have been fired, your
Aimed Shot button turns into
Wailing Arrow for one cast. Wailing Arrow now deals ~56% more damage than
Aimed Shot on a single-target, while its AoE damage will depend a bit on implementation. The ability is currently pretty buggy on the Beta.
Eagletalon's True Focus has been redesigned — The Focus cost reduction has been increased to 50% for just one point, and it also causes
Arcane Shot and
Multi-Shot to fire a second time for 30% effectiveness, ensuring that a single cast always consumes both stacks of
Precise Shots.
- The new talent
Small Game Hunter increases
Multi-Shot damage by 75%, and
Explosive Shot damage by 25%.
- The new talent
Kill Zone effectively turns
Volley into an 8% damage increase to targets in its effect. You can also ignore line of sight to enemies in your Volley.
Readiness has been altered for the new
Wailing Arrow. Casting
Trueshot now also grants a
Wailing Arrow, and
Wailing Arrow resets the cooldown of
Aimed Shot and
Rapid Fire entirely.
- In addition to these changes, all Talents in the Tree have been reorganized, which has significant downstream effects on the builds we are able to create.
Systems Changes
Aside from the changes to Marksmanship Hunter's core features, The War Within also has major implications for all specs thanks to the Hero Talent Tree system, new tier sets, and the natural reduction in secondary stats when entering a new expansion.
Marksmanship Hunter gets to choose between the Sentinel and Dark Ranger Hero Talent Trees. In sections below, we will talk more deeply about the implications of these Hero Talent Trees for the spec, and some thoughts on what looks strong and weak ahead of launch.
Marksmanship Hunter Hero Talents in The War Within
Sentinel Hero Talents for Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within
The Sentinel Hero Tree Talents are primarily based on the passive
interactions of the core Sentinel mechanic, with the rest
of your kit. Extremely powerful effects like
Symphonic Arsenal
Lunar Storm also add heavy passive damage.
Gameplay-wise, expect an almost entirely passive kit that regularly
gives you tiny slivers of Focus via Invigorating Pulse, and
potential cooldown reduction on
Trueshot via the
Sentinel Watch choice node. Combining this choice node with
Calling the Shots can enable
Trueshot cooldowns of
close to 1 minute!
Power-wise, expect a powerful all-rounder that "just works" for all
types of content with no management required. Not only does the
Sentinel kit do serious damage on the Beta right now, but it also
amplifies all of your other damage passively via Lunar Storm.
Defensively, Sentinel is pretty good. Don't Look Back has
extremely high uptime and will replenish itself constantly, especially
on AoE, and in high Mythic+ you can expect to have the 10% absorb
shield fully stacked for most one-shot mechanics.
Dark Ranger Hero Talents for Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within
The Dark Ranger Hero Tree Talents are primarily based on its core
ability, Black Arrow, and its resets of
Aimed Shot, a
Kill Shot when you press Black Arrow, passive damage
increases to our main abilities, and a Dark Hound pet that
occasionally charges in to do Shadow damage.
Gameplay-wise, expect a mostly passive kit that occasionally gives
you cooldown resets of Aimed Shot and
Kill Shot. You
will be pressing
Black Arrow on cooldown, followed by
Kill Shot, and then just passively enjoy the extra
Aimed Shots that you get.
Power-wise, Dark Ranger does not look very exciting on its surface.
Extra Aimed Shot are not as exciting or high-value as you might expect
with Aimed Shot's low base damage. A lot of the nodes here are very
single-target oriented as well, with the free Kill Shot from
Death Shade being single-target, at least without
Razor Fragments, as well as the Dark Hounds from
Shadow Hounds, and of course,
Black Arrow itself.
Defensively, however, Dark Ranger is by far the strongest choice
for Marksmanship Hunter thanks to Smoke Screen
— A free, full-power
Survival of the Fittest
attached to your low-cooldown
Exhilaration is simply insane.
Survival of the Fittest activating
at 50%, as well as a full-power
Rejuvenating Wind, is also
quite strong, and pairs well with its reduced cooldown in the War
Marksmanship Hunter Tier Set in The War Within
Below are the Tier Set Bonuses for Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within. After the wording of the bonus, you will find a brief note/commentary that is italicized.
Hunter Marksmanship Season 1 2pc —
Arcane Shot and
Multi-Shot damage increased by 20%. This pairs fairly well with the new
Precise Shots,
Eagletalon's True Focus, and in the case of Multi-Shot,
Small Game Hunter.
Hunter Marksmanship Season 1 4pc — Consuming
Precise Shots increases the damage of your next
Aimed Shot by 10%, stacking up to 2 times. Thanks to
Eagletalon's True Focus, a single
Arcane Shot or
Multi-Shot weaved between
Aimed Shots during
Trueshot will maximize benefit of this set bonus.
Both set bonuses are completely passive and are not expected to have any gameplay impact.
How Good is the Marksmanship Hunter Tier Bonus in The War Within?
The 2-piece bonus is numerically very modest. On single-target, expect values of ~2-3%. In AoE scenarios, however, it can be upwards of 4-5%.
The 4-piece bonus is not straightforward to quantify. On single-target, expect around 3-4%, while on AoE, you can typically expect much less, about 1-2%.
The total expected value of the Tier Set is around 5-7%. Overall,
this is fairly weak. Aimed Shot simply does not do a lot of
damage in AoE scenarios, where
Rapid Fire and
Multi-Shot tend to dominate. In single-target,
Arcane Shot and
Aimed Shot are both lackluster.
Some builds, especially single-target ones with Readiness, basically never have
to cast
Arcane Shot, reducing the value of both set bonuses to
Marksmanship Hunter Strengths and Weaknesses
Significantly more durable thanks to 1-minute, 2-charge Survival of the Fittest.
Very high AoE damage, beyond just burst.
Less of a punishment for having a pet out.
Short Trueshot cooldowns are more easily achieved.
Expensive, hard-to-reach AoE talents make it impossible to make a satisfying AoE build.
Having to Multi-Shot every other global in Trueshot feels unsatisfying.
- 26 Jun. 2024: Updated for the June 25th changes.
- 18 Jun. 2024: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Azortharion, a Hunter Guidewriter, Theorycrafter, and top player since 2014, who is widely considered one of the best PvE Hunters in the world. He is an accomplished player with hundreds of top parses across all Hunter specs. He is the Head Admin of Trueshot Lodge, the official Hunter Class Discord. You can find him on his stream on Twitch and his channel on YouTube. He also has his own, personal Discord server where you can freely ask him any Hunter questions you may have!
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