Midsummer Fire Festival 2022 Guide for World of Warcraft
Table of Contents
The Midsummer Fire Festival celebrates the summer solstice, which takes place this year on the 21th of June at 05:04 GMT. The solstice also marks the beginning of the summer season in the western culture.
The event takes place throughout Azeroth and players will mostly be visiting settlements to honor bonfires of their faction and desecrate bonfires of the opposite faction. Daily quests and Ahune (the event boss) are also on the menu.
This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to complete the event.
Ahune's loot is item level 210 in 2022. New items that you can buy with
Burning Blossoms have also been added. These include:
Eternal Heirloom Armor Casing — costs 600
Burning Blossoms;
Insulated Dancing Insoles — costs 100
Burning Blossoms;
Fire Festival Batons — cost 50
Burning Blossoms;
Summer Cranial Skillet — costs 150
Burning Blossoms.
In 2019, the following changes were made.
Fire Eater's Hearthstone, a new toy, was added to the vendors and costs 300
Burning Blossoms.
Battle-Hardened Heirloom Armor Casing, the new 8.1.5 Heirloom upgrade, was added to the vendors and costs 600
Burning Blossoms.
- Two new Alliance achievements:
Extinguishing Zandalar for desecrating Horde bonfires in Zandalar;
Flame Warden of Kul Tiras for honoring Alliance bonfires in Kul Tiras.
- Two new Horde achievements:
Extinguishing Kul Tiras for desecrating Alliance bonfires in Kul Tiras;
Flame Keeper of Zandalar for honoring Horde bonfires in Zandalar.
- Bonfire locations: bonfire map for Kul Tiras and bonfire map for Zandalar.
During the Midsummer Festival, you will spend the vast majority of your time traveling through Azeroth to visit bonfires and honor/desecrate them (depending on whether the bonfire belongs to your faction or to the opposite faction).
In addition, you will probably have to do daily quests for a few days in order to gather enough tokens to buy the last rewards you need.
Finally, you get to kill Ahune, the boss of the event. You can farm him for a pet and item level 210 gear.
Date and Timeline
The Midsummer Fire Festival is a 2-week event that will run, in 2021, from June the 21st to July the 5th.
If you want to buy all the rewards and obtain all the achievements, it will take you two years of doing the event as you cannot obtain enough tokens in a single year (though you can do all the achievements).
If you are not interested in vanity items, then the tokens you will obtain on the first day will be enough to get all the achievements and the pet reward (although you might want to try your luck at killing Ahune once a day for the second pet reward).
Location and Relevant NPCs
The event starts in any of the capital cities, where you will find the main quest givers: Festival Loremaster and Master Flame Eater for Alliance and Festival Talespinner and Master Fire Eater for Horde. The reward vendors are also located in capital cities: Midsummer Supplier (Alliance) and Midsummer Merchant (Horde).
As said in the introduction, you will also spend the vast majority of your time traveling through the settlements of Azeroth to honor/desecrate bonfires.
The currency of the event is Burning Blossoms. It is used to buy the
rewards from the vendors.
On the first day, you can earn approximately 900 Burning Blossoms,
mostly by honoring/desecrating bonfires, something that you can only do once.
On subsequent days, you can earn approximately 30 Burning Blossoms
by doing the 3 daily quests and by killing Ahune.
Note: we used the adverb approximately twice in the last two
paragraphs. The reason for this is that when you kill Ahune for the first
time on a given day, you receive a varying number of Burning Blossoms (10
on average).
You need 1,460 Burning Blossoms to buy all the rewards and
obtain all the achievements.
The pets and the gear are the only rewards that will appeal to almost everyone. The rest of the rewards are clothing items, food, and vanity items, some of are needed to complete achievements.
There are three pets you can earn:
Captured Flame,
Blazing Cindercrawler, and
Igneous Flameling are sold by the event vendors and cost 350
Burning Blossoms.
Frigid Frostling is taught by using an
Ice Chip. This item has a chance to be contained in a
Satchel of Chilled Goods, which you obtain when you kill Ahune for the first time on a given day.
There are 5 toys you can buy from the event vendors.
Item | Cost |
![]() |
300x ![]() |
![]() |
350x ![]() |
![]() |
350x ![]() |
![]() |
500x ![]() |
![]() |
500x ![]() |
Heirloom Upgrades
Heirloom upgrades are sold by the event vendors.
Item | Cost |
![]() |
350x ![]() |
![]() |
600x ![]() |
![]() |
600x ![]() |
![]() |
600x ![]() |
![]() |
600x ![]() |
All the gear drops from Ahune, the boss of the event. For more information, check out our dedicated section. The staff can only drop once a day, while the cloaks can drop every time you kill Ahune.
Item Name | Type | Main Stats |
![]() |
Staff | Spell Power |
![]() |
Cloak | Intellect |
![]() |
Cloak | Intellect/Spirit |
![]() |
Cloak | Agility |
![]() |
Cloak | Strength |
![]() |
Cloak | Strength/Dodge |
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Deathfrost has a chance to be dropped by Ahune, every
time you kill him.
Item | Cost |
![]() |
2 ![]() |
![]() |
5 ![]() |
![]() |
5 ![]() |
![]() |
5 ![]() |
![]() |
5 ![]() |
![]() |
5 ![]() |
Note that the food buffs stack with raid buffs.
Achievement Items
Item | Cost | Achievement |
![]() |
5 ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
100 ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
100 ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
200 ![]() |
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Misc. Items
In addition to all the items listed above, the event vendors also sell the following items:
Handful of Summer Petals for 2
Burning Blossoms;
Helm of the Fire Festival for 350
Burning Blossoms;
Insulated Dancing Insoles for 100
Burning Blossoms;
Fire Festival Batons for 50
Burning Blossoms;
Summer Cranial Skillet for 150
Burning Blossoms.
Achievements and Title
The meta-achievement of the event is The Flame Warden (Alliance) or
The Flame Keeper (Horde).
It rewards the Flame Warden title (Alliance) or the Flame Keeper title (Horde), counts
What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been, and requires you to complete all of the achievements
related to the event:
The Fires of Azeroth (Alliance / Horde)
- Alliance:
Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms
Flame Warden of Kalimdor
Flame Warden of Outland
Flame Warden of Northrend
Flame Warden of Cataclysm
Flame Warden of Pandaria (optional)
Flame Warden of Draenor (optional)
Flame Warden of the Broken Isles (optional)
Flame Warden of Kul Tiras (optional)
- Horde:
Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms
Flame Keeper of Kalimdor
Flame Keeper of Outland
Flame Keeper of Northrend
Flame Keeper of Cataclysm
Flame Keeper of Pandaria (optional)
Flame Keeper of Draenor (optional)
Flame Keeper of the Broken Isles (optional)
Flame Keeper of Zandalar (optional)
- Alliance:
Desecration of the Horde (Alliance) or
Desecration of the Alliance (Horde)
Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms (Alliance / Horde)
Extinguishing Kalimdor (Alliance / Horde)
Extinguishing Outland (Alliance / Horde)
Extinguishing Northrend (Alliance / Horde)
Extinguishing the Catacysm (Alliance / Horde)
Extinguishing Pandaria (Alliance / Horde) (optional)
Extinguishing Draenor (Alliance / Horde) (optional)
Extinguishing the Broken Isles (Alliance / Horde) (optional)
Extinguishing Zandalar (Alliance, optional)
Extinguishing Kul Tiras (Horde, optional)
Burning Hot Pole Dance
Ice the Frost Lord
King of the Fire Festival
Torch Juggler
Leveling Up and Guild Reputation
The Midsummer Fire Festival is a good occasion to work on your guild reputation and to speed up your alts' leveling.
Every time you honor or desecrate a bonfire, you complete a quest and get the same amount of experience and guild reputation that a quest of your level would normally give you.
In addition, at each bonfire's location, there is also a ribbon pole which
you can click. Doing so will give you Ribbon Dance, a buff that increases
experience gained from killing monsters by 10%. The duration of the buff depends
on how long you interact with the pole. The maximum duration is 60 minutes.
The event features several quests. Two of them are introductory quests and serve to present the event. 3 of them are daily quests and they are enabled after completing pre-requisite quests.
Introductory Quests
Commoners in every major city will give you the introductory quest of the event: The Master of Summer Lore (Alliance) or The Spinner of Summer Tales (Horde). They are to be turned in to a Festival Loremaster (Alliance) or Festival Talespinner (Horde), which can be found in capital cities of your faction.
From the Festival Loremaster or Festival Talespinner, you can take Incense for the Summer Scorchlings (Alliance) or
Incense for the Festival Scorchlings (Horde), for which you will need
to deliver Summer Incense to a scorchling (small fire elemental) outside
a settlement of your faction. While doing the event, you will encounter
these NPCs very often, so there is no need to look for one specifically.
Each of the two introductory quests rewards 1 Burning Blossom.
Daily Quests
The 3 daily quests are:
- More Torch Catching (Alliance / Horde)
- rewards 5
Burning Blossoms;
- rewards 5
- More Torch Tossing (Alliance Horde)
- rewards 5
Burning Blossoms;
- rewards 5
- Striking Back
- rewards 10
Burning Blossoms;
- rewards 10
Torch Catching and Torch Tossing
More Torch Tossing (Alliance Horde) and More Torch Catching (Alliance / Horde) are given by Master Fire Eater (Alliance) or Master Flame Eater (Horde).
Before the daily quests are offered to you, you must complete the two following pre-requisite quests, Torch Tossing (Alliance / Horde) and Torch Catching (Alliance / Horde), given by the same NPCs.
Tossing torches consists in throwing Practice Torches (the quest item) to
braziers at the nearby bonfire. One problem with this quest is that you need to hit
the brazier that is currently marked and people with lag will find it extremely hard
to hit the marked brazier in time.
Catching torches consists in lighting Unlit Torches at the nearby bonfire before
throwing them in the air. Then, you need to follow the torches' shadow so that you are
properly positioned to catch them before they hit the ground. Avoid places
with a dark ground (where shadows are hard to follow), a lot of aerial
pollution (trees, flags, buildings, etc. can affect the position of the
camera), or a lot of other players doing the same quest (you will have a hard
time figuring out which shadow is that of your own torches).
The pre-requisite quests and the daily quests reward 5 Burning Blossoms each.
Note that Torch Catching (Alliance / Horde) will also reward you with 5 Juggling Torches, which
you should save for the
Torch Juggler achievement.
Striking Back
The Striking Back daily quest is only enabled after you complete a short quest chain started by an NPC called Earthen Ring Elder (which can be found in any capital city):
- Unusual Activity (rewards 5
Burning Blossoms);
- An Innocent Disguise (rewards 5
Burning Blossoms);
- Inform the Elder.
These 3 quests take place in Ashenvale, so we advise you to do them while you are traveling through this area for honoring bonfires of your faction and desecrating those of the opposite faction.
After completing the quest line, the Earthen Ring Elder will give you a version of the Striking Back daily quest that depends on your character's level. In any case, you will have to travel to a given area, use the Ice Stone located there, and kill the Twilight Hammer NPC that the Ice Stone will summon:
- Level 16 to 28 — Striking Back: Frostwave Lieutenant on Zoram Strand in Ashenvale;
- Level 29 to 38 — Striking Back: Hailstone Lieutenant at Ethel Rethor in Desolace;
- Level 39 to 48 — Striking Back: Chillwind Lieutenant on the water elemental's island in Northern Stranglethorn;
- Level 49 to 55 — Striking Back: Frigid Lieutenant in the cave underneath Firewatch Bridge in Searing Gorge;
- Level 56 to 63 — Striking Back: Glacial Lieutenant at Twilight's Run in Silithus;
- Level 64 to 90 — Striking Back: Glacial Templar near the Dark Portal in Hellfire Peninsula.
Each of the possible daily quests rewards 10 Burning Blossoms.
Bonfires and Flames
During the event, you will spend the majority of your time traveling through Azeroth to honor bonfires of your faction, to desecrate flames of the opposite faction, and to steal the flames in the opposite faction's capital cities. By doing so, you will earn all of the bonfires and flames achievements.
The bonfires act as quest givers, so to honor or desecrate them, simply accept the quest given to you and it will be completed right away.
The flames in capital cities are objects that you can interact with. Doing so will give you an item that starts a quest that you must turn in to a Festival Loremaster (Alliance) or Festival Talespinner (Horde) in one of your faction's capital cities.
Burning Blossom Gains
By honoring/desecrating bonfires, you will obtain the following amounts
of Burning Blossoms:
- honoring a bonfire: 5
Burning Blossoms;
- honoring a neutral bonfire: 15
Burning Blossoms;
- desecrating a bonfire: 10
Burning Blossoms;
- stealing a flame in a capital city: 25
Burning Blossoms.
The Alliance has 50 bonfires and the Horde 48. In addition, there are
14 neutral bonfires. Finally, each of the four capital
cities of the opposite faction has a flame that you can steal. This means that Horde
players have a slight advantage over Alliance players when it comes to collecting
Burning Blossoms.
In total, the bonfires will bring 840 Burning Blossoms to Horde players and
830 to Alliance players.
Eastern Kingdoms
There are 32 bonfires in Eastern Kingdoms, 17 for the Alliance and 15 for the Horde.
They will enable you to complete Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms (Alliance / Horde),
Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms (Alliance), and
Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms (Horde), as well as
parts of
Extinguishing the Catacysm (Alliance / Horde),
Flame Warden of Cataclysm (Alliance), and
Flame Keeper of Cataclysm (Horde).
In the map below, Horde players should visit the bonfires in the order displayed while Alliance players should follow the reverse order. The order was designed with flying mounts in mind, so you might want to adapt it if you will be using Flight Paths.

- Horde Flame: Alliance players must steal the
Flame of Silvermoon in the Court of the Sun
- Horde Bonfire: south entrance of the Ruins of Silvermoon, Eversong Woods
- Horde Bonfire: Tranquilien, Ghostlands
- Alliance Bonfire: Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands
- Horde Bonfire: The Bulwark, Western Plaguelands
- Horde Flame: Alliance players must steal the
Flame of the Undercity in the Ruins of Lordaeron
- Horde Bonfire: west of Brill, Tirisfal Glades
- Horde Bonfire: east of The Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest
- Horde Bonfire: Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills
- Alliance Bonfire: Aerie Peak, The Hinterlands
- Horde Bonfire: Revantusk Village, The Hinterlands
- Horde Bonfire: Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands
- Alliance Bonfire: Refuge Point, Arathi Highlands
- Alliance Bonfire: Thundermar, Twilight Highlands
- Horde Bonfire: Bloodgulch, Twilight Highlands
- Alliance Bonfire: north-west of Thelsamar, Loch Modan
- Alliance Bonfire: north-east of Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
- Alliance Flame: Horde players must steal the
Flame of Ironforge in the Hall of Explorers
- Alliance Bonfire: Kharanos, Dun Morogh
- Horde Bonfire: north-east of New Kargath, Badlands
- Alliance Bonfire: west of Dragon's Mouth, Badlands
- Horde Bonfire: south-east of Flame Crest, Burning Steppes
- Alliance Bonfire: Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes
- Alliance Bonfire: across Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains
- Alliance Bonfire: Bogpaddle, Swamp of Sorrows
- Horde Bonfire: Bogpaddle, Swamp of Sorrows
- Alliance Bonfire: west of Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands
- Horde Bonfire: east of Dreadmaul Hold, Blasted Lands
- Alliance Bonfire: south of Darkshire, Duskwood
- Alliance Bonfire: just north of Goldshire, Elwynn Forest
- Alliance Flame: Horde players must steal the
Flame of Stormwind in front of the Stockade
- Alliance Bonfire: north of Moonbrook, Westfall
- Horde Bonfire: Grom'gol Base Camp, Northern Stranglethorn
- Alliance Bonfire: Fort Livingstone, Northern Stranglethorn
- Alliance Bonfire: on the beach east of Booty Bay, The Cape of Stranglethorn
- Horde Bonfire: on the beach east of Booty Bay, The Cape of Stranglethorn
There are 31 bonfires in Kalimdor, 15 for the Alliance, 15 for the Horde,
and 1 neutral bonfire in Hyjal.
They will enable you to complete Extinguishing Kalimdor (Alliance / Horde),
Flame Warden of Kalimdor (Alliance), and
Flame Keeper of Kalimdor (Horde), as well as
parts of
Extinguishing the Catacysm (Alliance / Horde),
Flame Warden of Cataclysm (Alliance), and
Flame Keeper of Cataclysm (Horde).
In the map below, Alliance players should visit the bonfires in the order displayed while Horde players should follow the reverse order. The order was designed with flying mounts in mind, so you might want to adapt it if you will be using Flight Paths.

- Alliance Bonfire: south-east of Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle
- Alliance Bonfire: south-west of Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle
- Alliance Flame: Horde players must steal the
Flame of the Exodar in the Crystal Hall
- Alliance Bonfire: Lor'danel, Darkshire
- Alliance Flame: Horde players must steal the
Flame of Darnassus at the Warrior's Terrace
- Alliance Bonfire: Dolanaar, Teldrassil
- Alliance Bonfire: Everlook, Winterspring
- Horde Bonfire: Everlook, Winterspring
- Neutral: Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal
- Horde Bonfire: Bilgewater Harbor, Azshara
- Alliance Bonfire: Forest Song, Ashenvale
- Horde Bonfire: Silverwind Refuge, Ashenvale
- Alliance Bonfire: north of Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains
- Horde Bonfire: east of Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains
- Alliance Bonfire: south of Nigel's Point, Desolace
- Horde Bonfire: south of Shadowprey Village, Desolace
- Alliance Bonfire: Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas
- Horde Bonfire: west of Camp Mojache, Feralas
- Alliance Bonfire: east of Cenarion Hold, Silithus
- Horde Bonfire: south-west of Cenarion Hold, Silithus
- Alliance Bonfire: Ramkahen, Uldum
- Horde Bonfire: Ramkahen, Uldum
- Horde Bonfire: south-east of Marshal's Stand, Un'Goro Crater
- Alliance Bonfire: east of Marshal's Stand, Un'Goro Crater
- Alliance Bonfire: Gadgetzan, Tanaris
- Horde Bonfire: Gadgetzan, Tanaris
- Alliance Bonfire: north-west of Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh
- Horde Bonfire: west of Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
- Alliance Bonfire: south-west of Fort Triumph, Southern Barrens
- Horde Bonfire: Desolation Hold, Southern Barrens
- Horde Bonfire: east of Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
- Horde Flame: Alliance players must steal the
Flame of Thunder Bluff in the Spirit Rise
- Horde Bonfire: The Crossroads, Northern Barrens
- Horde Bonfire: Razor Hill, Durotar
- Horde Flame: Alliance players must steal the
Flame of Orgrimmar in the Valley of Wisdom
There are 14 bonfires in Outland, 7 for the Alliance, and 7 for the Horde.
They will enable you to complete Extinguishing Outland (Alliance / Horde),
Flame Warden of Outland (Alliance), and
Flame Keeper of Outland (Horde).
The bonfire order, in the map below, was designed with flying mounts in mind, so you might want to adapt it if you will be using Flight Paths.

- Alliance Bonfire: north-east of Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula
- Horde Bonfire: Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula
- Horde Bonfire: just south of Area 52, Netherstorm
- Alliance Bonfire: north-west of Area 52, Netherstorm
- Horde Bonfire: west of Thunderlord Stronghold, Blade's Edge Mountains
- Alliance Bonfire: east of Sylvanaar, Blade's Edge Mountains
- Alliance Bonfire: Telredor, Zangarmarsh
- Horde Bonfire: east of Zabra'jin, Zangarmarsh
- Horde Bonfire: west of Garadar, Nagrand
- Alliance Bonfire: west of Telaar, Nagrand
- Horde Bonfire: east of Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest
- Alliance Bonfire: west of Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest
- Horde Bonfire: south-east of Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley
- Alliance Bonfire: north-east of Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley
Note that if you start from Shattrath, you should do 11, 12, 14, and 13 first (and then go the Hellfire Peninsula).
There are 16 bonfires in Northrend, 8 for the Alliance, and 8 for the Horde.
They will enable you to complete Extinguishing Northrend (Alliance / Horde),
Flame Warden of Northrend (Alliance), and
Flame Keeper of Northrend (Horde).
The bonfire order, in the map below, was designed with flying mounts in mind, so you might want to adapt it if you will be using Flight Paths.

- Alliance Bonfire: north-east of Windrunner's Overlook, Crystalsong Forest
- Horde Bonfire: south-east of Sunreaver's Command, Crystalsong Forest
- Alliance Bonfire: K3, Storm Peaks
- Horde Bonfire: K3, Storm Peaks
- Alliance Bonfire: north of The Argent Stand, Zul'Drak
- Horde Bonfire: south-east of The Argent Stand, Zul'Drak
- Alliance Bonfire: Fort Wildervar, Howling Fjord
- Horde Bonfire: Camp Winterhoof, Howling Fjord
- Alliance Bonfire: east of Amberpine Lodge, Grizzly Hills
- Horde Bonfire: Conquest Hold, Grizzly Hills
- Alliance Bonfire: Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight
- Horde Bonfire: Agmar's Hammer, Dragonblight
- Alliance Bonfire: Fizzcrank Airstrip, Borean Tundra
- Horde Bonfire: north of Fizzcrank Airstrip, Borean Tundra
- Alliance Bonfire: River's Heart, Sholazar Basin
- Horde Bonfire: River's Heart, Sholazar Basin
Deepholm and Vashj'ir
If you followed us up to this point, you only need to visit the neutral
bonfires in Deepholm and Vashj'ir to complete Flame Warden of Cataclysm
(Alliance) and
Flame Keeper of Cataclysm (Horde).
The bonfire in Deepholm is at the Temple of Earth.
The bonfire in Vashj'ir is at the Silver Tide Hollow in the Shimmering Expanse.
There are 8 bonfires in Pandaria. They will enable you to complete
Extinguishing Pandaria (Alliance / Horde),
Flame Warden of Pandaria (Alliance), and
Flame Keeper of Pandaria (Horde).
The bonfire order, in the map below, was designed with flying mounts in mind, so you might want to adapt it if you will be using Flight Paths.

- Alliance Bonfire: on the right at the top of the stairs leading up to Mogu'shan Palace, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Horde Bonfire: on the left at the top of the stairs leading up to Mogu'shan Palace, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Neutral Bonfire: just outside Binan Village, Kun-Lai Summit
- Neutral Bonfire: Longying Outpost, Townlong Steppes
- Neutral Bonfire: just outside Soggy's Gamble, Dread Wastes
- Neutral Bonfire: at the daily quest hub in Halfhill Market, Valley of the Four Winds
- Neutral Bonfire: just outside Zhu's Watch, Krasarang Wilds
- Neutral Bonfire: just outside Dawn's Blossom, The Jade Forest
There are 6 bonfires in Draenor. They will enable you to complete
Extinguishing Draenor (Alliance / Horde),
Flame Warden of Draenor (Alliance), and
Flame Keeper of Draenor (Horde).
The bonfire order, in the map below, was designed with flying mounts in mind, so you might want to adapt it if you will be using Flight Paths.

- Alliance Bonfire: near Embaari Village (on the road leading into it from the north west), Shadowmoon Valley
- Neutral Bonfire: just outside Veil Terokk, Spires of Arak
- Neutral Bonfire: slightly north of Retribution Point, Talador
- Neutral Bonfire: slightly north east of the Ring of Trials, Nagrand
- Neutral Bonfire: just west of Bastion Rise, Gorgrond
- Horde Bonfire: just east of Grom'gar, Frostfire Ridge
The Broken Isles
There are 6 bonfires in the Broken Isles. They will enable you to complete
Extinguishing the Broken Isles (Alliance / Horde),
Flame Warden of the Broken Isles (Alliance), and
Flame Keeper of the Broken Isles (Horde).

- Neutral Bonfire: just south of the flight path to Azurewing Repose, Azsuna
- Neutral Bonfire: on the path leading into Bradensbrook, Val'sharah
- Neutral Bonfire: Ironhorn Enclave, Highmountain
- Neutral Bonfire: At the crossroads south of Blackbeak Overlook, Stormheim
- Horde Bonfire: close to Meredil, on the road leading north west, Suramar
- Alliance Bonfire: on the road that passes north west of Felsoul Hold, Suramar
Kul Tiras
There are 3 bonfires on Kul Tiras. They will enable you to complete
Flame Warden of Kul Tiras (Alliance) or
Extinguishing Kul Tiras (Horde).

- Alliance Bonfire: in Bridgeport, next to the higher bridge, Tiragarde Sound
- Alliance Bonfire: just south-east of Fort Daelin, on the road, Stormsong Valley
- Alliance Bonfire: just outside of Arom's Stand, on the road to Fallhaven, Drustvar
There are 3 bonfires on Zandalar. They will enable you to complete
Extinguishing Zandalar (Alliance) or
Flame Keeper of Zandalar (Horde).

- Horde bonfire: at the end of one of the western bridges from Dazar'alor (the middle one, next to the Great Seal), Zuldazar
- Horde bonfire: just north of the Zul'jan Ruins, Nazmir
- Horde bonfire: Vulpera Hideaway, Vol'dun
A Thief's Reward
After stealing all four flames of the opposite faction (in their capital cities), you will be given the A Thief's Reward (Alliance / Horde) quest by the Festival Loremaster (Alliance) or Festival Talespinner (Horde) in any of the capital cities.
This quest is completed immediately, causing you to receive a
Crown of the Fire Festival, a nice-looking item that cannot be used
for transmogrification, and to earn the
King of the Fire Festival
Event Boss: Ahune
Ahune is the boss of the event. Only characters at level 60 will be able to access it by queuing for the boss in the Looking for Group tool. Once in the instance, walk until you reach the Earthen Ring representatives. Nearby, you will find an Ice Stone that you can click to summon Ahune.
As with every seasonal boss, the encounter with Ahune is very simple. It consists in two alternating phases:
- Phase 1: defeat 3 waves of elementals while avoiding icicles on the ground;
- Phase 2: Ahune becomes attackable and your group should use DPS cooldowns to do as much damage on him as possible.
Every time Phase 1 comes around, the number of elementals in each wave increases. This constitutes a soft enrage timer.
- The first time you kill Ahune, you will:
- earn the
Ice the Frost Lord achievement;
- be able to loot
Shards of Ahune, an item that starts the Shards of Ahune quest, which rewards 20
Burning Blossoms and a unique tabard of your choice:
Tabard of Summer Skies or
Tabard of Summer Flames.
- earn the
- The first time you kill Ahune on a given day, you will receive a
Satchel of Chilled Goods, which:
- contains a random number of
Burning Blossoms (10 in average);
- has a chance to contain a
Frostscythe of Lord Ahune;
- has a chance to contain an
Ice Chip (teaches how to summon a
Frigid Frostling).
- contains a random number of
- Every time you kill Ahune, the following items have a chance to drop:
The Frost Lord's War Cloak;
The Frost Lord's Battle Shroud;
Shroud of Winter's Chill;
Cloak of the Frigid Winds;
Icebound Cloak;
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Deathfrost.
Remaining Achievements
If you followed this guide, then the only Midsummer Fire Festival
achievements that you still have to complete are Burning Hot Pole Dance
Torch Juggler.
Burning Hot Pole Dance
For this achievement, you first need to buy a complete Midsummer set
Mantle of the Fire Festival (100
Burning Blossoms),
Vestment of Summer
Burning Blossoms), and
Sandals of Summer (200
Burning Blossoms).
So you need to spend 400
Burning Blossoms in total.
Once you have acquired the set, equip it and find a ribbon pole. They are located near bonfires in major capital cities and settlements. Simply click the ribbon pole and let your character dance for a whole minute for the achievement to trigger.
Torch Juggler
For this achievement, buy 10 Juggling Torches from a Midsummer Supplier
(Alliance) or a Midsummer Merchant (Horde) in a capital city. 5
Juggling Torches
cost 5
Burning Blossoms, so you will need to spend 10
Burning Blossoms. If you
you kept the torches given to you when you completed Torch Catching (Alliance / Horde), then you
will only need to buy 5 more.
You do not need to buy 40 torches as you recover the torches if you use them properly (hence why it's called juggling).
Once in possession of the torches, go to Dalaran. Bind the torches to a key and keep spamming it as well as your left mouse button (because you need to select where you send the torches and it has to be exactly on your character, so that you can juggle without having to move).
We hope that this guide will have answered every question you had about the Midsummer Fire Festival. If not, we encourage you to leave a comment or contact us by e-mail, we will be happy to address the issue you encountered.
- 21 Jun. 2022: Guide updated for 2022.
- 21 Jun. 2021: Ahune's loot item level updated for 2021.
- 23 Jun. 2020: Ahune's loot item level updated for 2020.
- 21 Jun. 2019: Updated for 2019.
- Added Fire Eater's Hearthstone.
- Added Battle-Hardened Heirloom Armor Casing.
- Added new Horde and Alliance achievements for honoring/desecrating bonfires in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
- Ahune's loot is item level 365.
- Added bonfire map for Kul Tiras.
- Added bonfire map for Zandalar..
- 22 Jun. 2017: Updated for 2017.
- 21 Jun. 2016: Nothing changed from 2015.
- 22 Jun. 2015: Updated for 2015. Added new pet, toys, and Heirloom upgrades.
- 29 May 2014: Updated for 2014 (no changes).
- 22 Jun. 2013: All previously optional bonfires are now required for the achievements, so the maps were updated accordingly.
- 21 Jun. 2013: Added locations for Pandaria's bonfires.
- 20 Jun. 2013: Updated for 2013.
- Updated links to items from Ahune (they now have a level of 480).
- Updated mentions of 2012 and level 84/85.
- Added achievements for Pandaria (although we will need for the event to be live before adding the locations for the bonfires).
- Added gear from Ahune to the list of rewards at the beginning of the article.
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