Mistcaller Normal Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Normal difficulty Encounter Journal for Mistcaller in Mists of Tirna Scithe.
More Mistcaller Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our dungeon guide for Mists of Tirna Scithe, please use the following link.
Mistcaller plays Guessing Game at 70%, 40% and 10% health. Killing the correct Illusionary Clone will end the guessing game and flush Mistcaller out of hiding.
- During
Freeze Tag, avoid the Illusionary Vulpin even if it is not chasing you.
- Only the target of
Patty Cake can interrupt the cast.
- During
Freeze Tag, avoid the Illusionary Vulpin even if it is not chasing you.
- Only the target of
Patty Cake can interrupt the cast.
- During
Freeze Tag, avoid the Illusionary Vulpin even if it is not chasing you.

Mistcaller wants to play a Guessing Game, disappearing while leaving 4 illusionary clones. Destroying the clone with a sigil that is different from the others ends the game.

Inflicts 298 Nature damage to all enemies. This damage increases by 15% every cast.

When the wrong Illusionary Clone is destroyed it explodes, inflicting 8,852 Nature damage to all enemies.

Mistcaller wants to play Dodge Ball and throws an anima ball at players, inflicting 8,852 Nature damage to all enemies in a line.

Mistcaller plays Patty Cake with an enemy, inflicting 8,852 Nature damage and confusing the target for 5 sec. This spell can be interrupted by the target.

Mistcaller summons an Illusionary Vulpin to chase her enemies for 14 sec. Upon reaching an enemy it triggers Freezing Burst.

The caster chooses a target to fixate.

When the caster reaches an enemy they explode, inflicting 6,639 Frost damage and stunning all enemies within 8 yards for 8 sec.
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