Mistweaver Monk Healing Gear and Best in Slot — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Mar 05, 2025 at 18:45 by Dhaubbs 46 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for your Mistweaver Monk in World of Warcraft The War Within (11.1.0).


BiS Gear Guide for Mistweaver Monks

Because of the diverse nature of gear and the variability of item level due to things like the weekly cache, a true "best in slot" list is slippery. You should always be equipping items that will benefit you based on your stat weights. To acquire said weights, use WoW Analyzer. More on that can be found below.

To find out how to best augment your gear with enchants and gems and optimize your characters with consumables, check out our Gem, Enchant, and Consumable page below.


Gearing up for The War Within

Upon reaching Level 80, you have 3 main options to start gearing your character: Dungeons and Raids, PvP such as Arena or Battlegrounds, and world systems like Renown with the four main Reputations.

Once you can get invited to Mythic dungeons, be sure to complete each one during your first week, then look to see if you can find groups for your preferred style of play, be that Mythic+ or Rated PvP.


BiS Gear for Mistweaver Monk

Overall BiS List Mythic+ Gear BiS List Raid Gear BiS List

BiS List for Mistweaver Monk

This list contains the highest all-around HPS setup from most sources for Mistweaver Monk. This does not take into account content-specific weights and instead opts for a primarily item-level-based approach.

Slot Item Source/Note
Weapon Vagabond's Bounding Baton Icon Vagabond's Bounding Baton with Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension Crafted — Inscription
Helm Waterworks Filtration Mask Icon Waterworks Filtration Mask Operation: Floodgate
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Icon Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb in Liberation of Undermine
Shoulder Ageless Serpent's Shoulderpads Icon Ageless Serpent's Shoulderpads Rik Reverb in Liberation of Undermine/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Cloak Cloak of Questionable Intent Icon Cloak of Questionable Intent The MOTHERLODE!!
Chest Ageless Serpent's Inked Coils Icon Ageless Serpent's Inked Coils Sprocketmonger Lockenstock in Liberation of Undermine/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Bracers Servo-Arm Bindings Icon Servo-Arm Bindings The MOTHERLODE!!
Gloves Ageless Serpent's Handguards Icon Ageless Serpent's Handguards Cauldron of Carnage in Liberation of Undermine/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Belt Rune-Branded Waistband Icon Rune-Branded Waistband with Writhing Armor Banding Icon Writhing Armor Banding Crafted — Leatherworking
Legs Ageless Serpent's Leggings Icon Ageless Serpent's Leggings Stix Bunkjumper in Liberation of Undermine/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Boots Vanquished Usurper's Footpads Icon Vanquished Usurper's Footpads Theater of Pain
Ring #1 Miniature Roulette Wheel Icon Miniature Roulette Wheel The One-Armed Bandit in Liberation of Undermine
Ring #2 Faded Championship Ring Icon Faded Championship Ring Cauldron of Carnage in Liberation of Undermine
Trinket #1 Eye of Kezan Icon Eye of Kezan Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine
Trinket #2 Mug's Moxie Jug Icon Mug's Moxie Jug Mug'Zee in Liberation of Undermine

Mythic+ Gear BiS List for Mistweaver Monk

This list contains the highest HPS setup, with farmable gear from Mythic+ Dungeons. This is a great place to start on a relatively new character, as you can infinitely grind out these items from Mythic+.

Slot Item Source/Note
Weapon Electrifying Cognitive Amplifier Icon Electrifying Cognitive Amplifier Operation: Mechagon
Off-hand Deathwalker's Promise Icon Deathwalker's Promise Theater of Pain
Helm Mekgineer's Mindbending Headgear Icon Mekgineer's Mindbending Headgear Operation: Mechagon
Neck Flickering Glowtorc Icon Flickering Glowtorc Darkflame Cleft Icon Darkflame Cleft
Shoulder Ageless Serpent's Shoulderpads Icon Ageless Serpent's Shoulderpads Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Cloak Cloak of Questionable Intent Icon Cloak of Questionable Intent The MOTHERLODE!!
Chest Ageless Serpent's Inked Coils Icon Ageless Serpent's Inked Coils Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Bracers Servo-Arm Bindings Icon Servo-Arm Bindings The MOTHERLODE!!
Gloves Ageless Serpent's Handguards Icon Ageless Serpent's Handguards Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Belt Brewery Toiler's Waistband Icon Brewery Toiler's Waistband Cinderbrew Meadery
Legs Ageless Serpent's Leggings Icon Ageless Serpent's Leggings Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Boots Mercenary Miner's Boots Icon Mercenary Miner's Boots The MOTHERLODE!!
Ring #1 Wick's Golden Loop Icon Wick's Golden Loop Darkflame Cleft Icon Darkflame Cleft
Ring #2 Cyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's Circlet Siren Isle
Trinket #1 Signet of the Priory Icon Signet of the Priory Priory of the Sacred Flame
Trinket #2 Soulletting Ruby Icon Soulletting Ruby Theater of Pain

Raid Gear BiS List for Mistweaver Monk

This list contains the highest HPS setup, only using gear from Raids.

This list is mostly useful for informing your organized guild of what loot is optimal for you for loot distribution purposes.

Weapon Blastfurious Machete Icon Blastfurious Machete Vexie and the Geargrinders in Liberation of Undermine
Off-hand Operator's Fraud Detector Icon Operator's Fraud Detector The One-Armed Bandit in Liberation of Undermine
Helm Ageless Serpent's Mane Icon Ageless Serpent's Mane The One-Armed Bandit in Liberation of Undermine/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Icon Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb in Liberation of Undermine
Shoulder Ageless Serpent's Shoulderpads Icon Ageless Serpent's Shoulderpads Rik Reverb in Liberation of Undermine/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Cloak Undercircuit Racing Flag Icon Undercircuit Racing Flag Vexie and the Geargrinders in Liberation of Undermine
Chest Ageless Serpent's Inked Coils Icon Ageless Serpent's Inked Coils Sprocketmonger Lockenstock in Liberation of Undermine/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Bracers Killer Queen's Wristflickers Icon Killer Queen's Wristflickers Rib Reverb in Liberation of Undermine
Gloves Ageless Serpent's Handguards Icon Ageless Serpent's Handguards Cauldron of Carnage in Liberation of Undermine/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Belt Hitman's Holster Icon Hitman's Holster Mug'Zee in Liberation of Undermine
Legs Bilgerat's Discarded Slacks Icon Bilgerat's Discarded Slacks Stix Bunkjumper in Liberation of Undermine
Boots Dragster's Last Stride Icon Dragster's Last Stride Vexie and the Geargrinders in Liberation of Undermine
Ring #1 Miniature Roulette Wheel Icon Miniature Roulette Wheel The One-Armed Bandit in Liberation of Undermine
Ring #2 Faded Championship Ring Icon Faded Championship Ring Cauldron of Carnage in Liberation of Undermine
Trinket #1 Eye of Kezan Icon Eye of Kezan Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine
Trinket #2 Mug's Moxie Jug Icon Mug's Moxie Jug Mug'Zee in Liberation of Undermine


The ranking system is as follows:

  1. A Tier: These trinkets are by far the strongest and are always good options.
  2. B Tier: are slightly weaker than A but may be lacking in certain areas.
  3. C Tier: are middling trinkets that have either difficult-to-use effects or random procs that drastically reduce their effective value.
  4. D Tier: These are generally worthless trinkets you should avoid.

A Tier

  • Mug's Moxie Jug Icon Mug's Moxie Jug
  • Mister Pick-Me-Up Icon Mister Pick-Me-Up
  • Eye of Kezan Icon Eye of Kezan
  • Soulletting Ruby Icon Soulletting Ruby
  • Signet of the Priory Icon Signet of the Priory

B Tier

  • Reverb Radio Icon Reverb Radio
  • Entropic Skardyn Core Icon Entropic Skardyn Core
  • Carved Blazikon Wax Icon Carved Blazikon Wax
  • Burin of the Candle King Icon Burin of the Candle King (Good option in Mythic+ to survive one-shots)
  • House of Cards Icon House of Cards (Again, for Mastery builds)

C Tier

  • Ingenious Mana Battery Icon Ingenious Mana Battery
  • Gallagio Bottle Service Icon Gallagio Bottle Service
  • Vial of Spectral Essence Icon Vial of Spectral Essence
  • Remnant of Darkness Icon Remnant of Darkness
  • Goldenglow Censer Icon Goldenglow Censer from Delves

Best Cyrce's Circlet Gems for Mistweaver Monk

Cyrce's Circlet is a ring added in Patch 11.0.7 that you can acquire by completing the intro quest line on the new Siren Isle. This ring is customizable via its 3 unique sockets, each of which can be fitted with a gemstone of its type (Thunder, Sea, and Wind). There are 4 gems of each type, for a total of 12 to choose from.

This ring starts at ilvl 639, and can be upgraded to 658 over the course of 6 weeks by doing weekly quests on Siren's Isle. Because of this heightened ilvl, this ring will remain competitive through the start of season 2.

You will want to replace this ring once you acquire a Myth track ring.

These are generally considered to be the best gems, but that may change depending on your gear and/or goals (Mythic+ players may want to try damage gems for example).

  • Stormbringer's Runed Citrine Icon Stormbringer's Runed Citrine;
  • Legendary Skipper's Citrine Icon Legendary Skipper's Citrine;
  • Mariner's Hallowed Citrine Icon Mariner's Hallowed Citrine.

For more information on how to get the ring, as well as acquiring all of the different gems that you can possibly socket into it, check out our Cyrce's Circlet guide below!



When an item is being crafted, you can add a reagent called an Embellishment that will cause that piece of gear to have a specific proc, depending on the reagent used. Additionally, some pieces of gear come with embellishments already on them. You can wear a maximum of 2 pieces of embellished gear.

The following are the best Embellishments for Mistweaver Monk:

  • Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension
  • Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis

Tier Sets

Tier Sets are a group of items that provide you with bonuses depending on how many items of that group you equip. These are always dropped from raids, but you can also acquire them from your Great Vault or by upgrading items via the Matrix Catalyst. The bonuses for Mistweavers are as follows:

  • Monk Mistweaver 11.1 Class Set 2pc Icon Monk Mistweaver 11.1 Class Set 2pc — Healing spells have a chance to apply Insurance! Icon Insurance! to your target, healing them for a large amount over 15 seconds. If the target drops below 40% Health, Insurance is consumed, healing the player for a moderate amount.
  • Monk Mistweaver 11.1 Class Set 4pc Icon Monk Mistweaver 11.1 Class Set 4pcRenewing Mist Icon Renewing Mist applies Insurance! Icon Insurance! to its target for 6 seconds, and Insurance's strength is increased by up to 50%, in proportion to the coverage of Renewing Mist on your group, up to 10 players
  • This tier set adds a very powerful HoT to our kit that will passively increase our HPS by quite a bit. It should be noted that Insurance! Icon Insurance! is amped by our bonus healing effects like Enveloping Mist Icon Enveloping Mist and Chi Harmony Icon Chi Harmony, and that the 50% bonus of the 4-set scales with your group. If you have 5 people in your group, then all 5 need Renewing Mist on them in order to get the full bonus.



  • 05 Mar. 2025: Fixed and error on the Mythic+ weapon recommendation.
  • 03 Mar. 2025: Adjusted trinket tier list.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.
  • 17 Dec. 2024: Updated Cyrce's Circlet section to reflect the buffs.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Added section for Cyrce's Circlet.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Adjusted raid trinket recommendations.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated trinket rankings.
  • 07 Nov. 2023: Added Changes to Embellishments.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reintroduced BiS Lists, and updated for 10.1.7.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Added Dawn of the Infinite section.
  • 24 May 2023: Added Cataclysm Timewalking Section.
  • 06 May 2023: Added Aberrus Trinkets.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for 10.1
  • 25 Mar. 2023: Adjusted the Onyx Annulet section to reflect the buffs to Primordial Gemstones.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Added section of Onyx Annulet.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 13 Jan. 2023: Added Embellishment section.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reformatted the page, added a tier list for Trinkets.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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