Monk Class Changes for Shadowlands (Patch 9.0.2)
On this page, you will find a list of all Monk changes coming in Shadowlands.
In addition to the class changes listed here, Monks also gain access to class-specific Monk Covenant Abilities that can be used anywhere in the open world, Legendary Powers obtained through Runecarving, Soulbind Conduits, and Anima Powers that only work in Torghast.
General Changes
Leg Sweep radius increased to 6 yards (was 5 yards).
- Monk's Peak of Serenity Enlightenment buff now grants rested experience (was experience bonus).
Spinning Crane Kick is now capped at 6 targets.
Provoke is now learned at level 9 (was 14).
Roll is now learned at level 14 (was 9).
- All Monks can now use the following abilities:
Expel Harm — Expel negative chi from your body, healing you and dealing 10% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 8 yards. Now has a 15-second cooldown.
Touch of Death — You exploit the enemy target's weakest point, instantly killing creatures if they have less health than you. Deals damage equal to 35% of your maximum health against players and stronger creatures under 15% health and has a 3-minute cooldown.
Fortifying Brew — Turns your skin to stone for 15 seconds, increasing your current and maximum health by 15% and reducing all damage you take by 15%.
General Monk Abilities Learned Above Level 50
Paralysis (Level 56) — Reduces the cooldown of
Paralysis by 15 seconds.
Brewmaster Monk
- New Passive:
Shuffle — Niuzao's teachings allow you to shuffle during combat, increasing the effectiveness of your
Stagger by 75%. Shuffle is granted by attacking enemies with your
Keg Smash,
Blackout Kick, and
Spinning Crane Kick.
- New Ability:
Celestial Brew (replaces Ironskin Brew) — A swig of strong brew that coalesces purified chi escaping into your body into a celestial guard, absorbing damage. Additionally, Purifying Stagger damage increases absorption by up to 200%. Stacks up to 10 times and 20% absorption per stack.
Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox is no longer a Talent and is learned by all Brewmaster Monks at level 42. Niuzao no longer taunts the target and now has a 25-second duration (was 45 seconds).
Purifying Brew now has 2 charges (was 3), no longer shares charges with other Brews, and has the following additional effect — Increases the absorption of your next
Celestial Brew by up to 200% based on your current level of
Expel Harm now has an additional effect — Cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds and draws in the positive chi of all your Healing Spheres to increase the healing done by Expel Harm.
- Blackout Strike has been renamed to
Blackout Kick and now grants
Shuffle for 3 seconds.
Keg Smash now reduces Brew recharge time by 3 seconds (was 4 seconds) and has an additional effect — Grants
Shuffle for 5 seconds.
Spinning Crane Kick has an additional effect — Dealing damage with Spinning Crane Kick grants
Shuffle for 1 second, and causes your
Gift of the Ox healing spheres to travel towards your location.
Blackout Kick can now be used while dual-wielding weapons.
Breath of Fire and
Keg Smash now deal reduced damage on secondary targets.
Fortifying Brew cooldown is now 6 minutes (was 7) minutes.
Brewmaster Monk Abilities Learned Above Level 50
Touch of Death (Level 52) —
Touch of Death reduces delayed
Stagger damage by 200% of damage dealt.
Clash (Level 54) — You and the target charge each other, meeting halfway then rooting all targets within 6 yards for 4 seconds. 8-30-yard range, instant-cast, 30 second-cooldown.
Zen Meditation (Level 56) —
Zen Meditation is no longer cancelled while moving.
Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox (Level 58) — Purifying Stagger damage while Niuzao is active increases the damage of Niuzao's next Stomp by 25% of damage purified, split between all enemies.
Brewmaster Monk Talent Changes
- New Talent:
Exploding Keg — Hurls a flaming keg at the target location, dealing Fire damage to nearby enemies, causing them to miss their melee attacks for the next 3 seconds.
- New Talent:
Celestial Flames (replaces Guard) — Drinking from Brews has a 30% chance to coat the Monk with Celestial Flames for 6 seconds, increasing the damage reduction of
Breath of Fire by 5%.
Spinning Crane Kick also causes a Breath of Fire on targets.
Light Brewing has been redesigned. It reduces the cooldown of
Purifying Brew and
Celestial Brew by 20%.
Black Ox Brew now also resets the cooldown of
Celestial Brew.
Special Delivery now procs off all your Brews.
Rushing Jade Wind is now capped at 6 targets.
Brewmaster Monk Talent Tree
Below is the current talent tree for Brewmaster Monks.
- Level 15 Talents:
Eye of the Tiger /
Chi Wave /
Chi Burst;
- Level 25 Talents:
Celerity /
Chi Torpedo /
Tiger's Lust;
- Level 30 Talents:
Light Brewing /
Spitfire /
Black Ox Brew;
- Level 35 Talents:
Tiger Tail Sweep /
Summon Black Ox Statue /
Ring of Peace;
- Level 40 Talents:
Bob and Weave /
Healing Elixir /
Dampen Harm;
- Level 45 Talents:
Special Delivery /
Rushing Jade Wind /
Exploding Keg;
- Level 50 Talents:
High Tolerance /
Celestial Flames /
Blackout Combo.
Brewmaster Monk Shadowlands Guide
Mistweaver Monk
- New Ability:
Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent — Summons an effigy of Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent for 25 seconds. Yu'lon now idles near the Mistweaver and casts Soothing Breath on an injured target, healing the target and up to 2 nearby injured allies. Soothing Breath gains benefit from
Soothing Mist bonuses, similar to
Summon Jade Serpent Statue.
Mistweaver Monk Abilities Learned Above Level 50
Touch of Death (Level 52) —
Touch of Death increases the Monk's Physical damage by 15% for 10 seconds.
Expel Harm (Level 54) —
Expel Harm can be cast during
Soothing Mist, and additionally heals the Soothing Mist target.
Enveloping Breath (Level 58 Passive) — While active, Yu'lon and Chi'Ji heal up to 6 nearby targets with Enveloping Breath when you cast
Enveloping Mist, healing for a small amount over 7 seconds, and increasing the 6healing they receive from you by 10%.
Mistweaver Monk Talent Changes
Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane has been redesigned. Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, and become immune to movement impairing effects for 25 seconds. Chi-Ji kicks up Gusts of Mists with your
Blackout Kick,
Rising Sun Kick, and
Spinning Crane Kick, healing up to 2 allies, and reducing the cost and cast time of your next
Enveloping Mist by 33%, stacking 3 times. Chi-Ji now assists the Monk and deals melee damage.
Mana Tea's duration has been reduced to 10 seconds (from 12 seconds) and it no longer has a global cooldown.
Mistweaver Monk Talent Tree
Below is the current talent tree for Mistweaver Monks.
- Level 15 Talents:
Mist Wrap /
Chi Wave /
Chi Burst;
- Level 25 Talents:
Celerity /
Chi Torpedo /
Tiger's Lust;
- Level 30 Talents:
Lifecycles /
Spirit of the Crane /
Mana Tea;
- Level 35 Talents:
Tiger Tail Sweep /
Song of Chi-Ji /
Ring of Peace;
- Level 40 Talents:
Healing Elixir /
Diffuse Magic /
Dampen Harm;
- Level 45 Talents:
Summon Jade Serpent Statue /
Refreshing Jade Wind /
Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane;
- Level 50 Talents:
Focused Thunder /
Upwelling /
Rising Mist.
Mistweaver Monk Shadowlands Guide
Windwalker Monk
Fists of Fury can now be used while holding a Two-Handed weapon. The ability is now capped at 6 targets.
Touch of Death now has a 3-minute cooldown (was 2 minutes).
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger is no longer a Talent and is learned by all Windwalker Monks at level 42. Its duration has been increased to 24 seconds (was 20 seconds).
Spinning Crane Kick damage is increased by up to 6
Mark of the Crane debuffs inflicted upon targets (was 5).
Energizing Elixir and
Storm, Earth, and Fire no longer have a global cooldown.
Windwalker Monk Abilities Learned Above Level 50
Flying Serpent Kick (Level 54) — Reduces the cooldown of
Flying Serpent Kick by 5 seconds.
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger (Level 58) — Xuen strikes your enemies with Empowered Tiger Lightning every 4 seconds, dealing 10% of the damage you have dealt to those targets in the last 4 seconds.
Windwalker Monk Talent Changes
Serenity no longer has a global cooldown.
Rushing Jade Wind is now capped at 6 targets.
Reverse Harm (PvP Talent) has been redesigned — Now a passive that increases the healing done by your
Expel Harm by 100% and causes it to generate 2 Chi when used.
Predestination (PvP Talent) has been redesigned.
Touch of Karma's cooldown is reduced by 60 seconds when a player is killed by
Touch of Death.
Windwalker Monk Talent Tree
Below is the current talent tree for Windwalker Monks.
- Level 15 Talents:
Eye of the Tiger /
Chi Wave /
Chi Burst;
- Level 25 Talents:
Celerity /
Chi Torpedo /
Tiger's Lust;
- Level 30 Talents:
Ascension /
Fist of the White Tiger /
Energizing Elixir;
- Level 35 Talents:
Tiger Tail Sweep /
Good Karma /
Ring of Peace;
- Level 40 Talents:
Inner Strength /
Diffuse Magic /
Dampen Harm;
- Level 45 Talents:
Hit Combo /
Rushing Jade Wind /
Dance of Chi-Ji;
- Level 50 Talents:
Spiritual Focus /
Whirling Dragon Punch /
Windwalker Monk Shadowlands Guide
More Patch 9.0.1 Class Changes
You can find other Patch 9.0.1 class changes linked below.
- 29 Nov. 2020: Fixed Stagger mention in the Mistweaver section.
- 16 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands release.
- 11 Oct. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands Pre-Patch.
- 06 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755.
- 20 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34821.
- 15 Jun. 2020: Chrysalis now reduces the cooldown of Life Cocoon by 25 seconds.
- 09 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34615.
- 02 Jun. 2020: Updated intro with links to Anima Powers and Covenant Abilities.
- 25 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34490.
- 15 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34365.
- 08 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34278.
- 30 Apr. 2020: Rising Mist talent tooltip updated for Alpha Build 34199.
- 28 Apr. 2020: Updated for Alpha Build 34137.
- 21 Apr. 2020: Page added.
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