Mug'Zee Raid Guide in Liberation of Undermine

Last updated Today at 16:23 by Panthea 1 comment

On this page you will find both a short and full written guide for the Mug'Zee encounter in the Liberation of Undermine raid. Read on to learn everything you need to know to take on Mug'Zee.


Mug'Zee Raid Guide

Quick TLDR Guide Strategy Guide: Full Guide Mythic Strategy

Quick TLDR Guide


Before the Fight:

  • Where the majority of the raid is determines which boss mechanics you will be playing. Mug mechanics are on the right and Zee mechanics are on the left.
  • You will want to assign three teams of players for Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol. Two teams that will split the damage and fight the adds and one team of mobile players, tanks and some healers who will remain outside.
  • Mug'Zee gains energy over time. If the raid switches which boss mechanics are active this will reset the energy. Reaching 100 energy will wipe the raid. A good pattern to follow is 1 set of Zee mechanics and 2 set of Mug mechanics.

Mug (Right):

  • Place the two Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol zones next to each other. Do not overlap them.
  • Soak Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol if you are assigned.
  • If you are inside the walls, avoid the Shakedown Icon Shakedown frontal and interrupt Pay Respects Icon Pay Respects. When the add dies you will be knocked back and out of the walls.
  • Heroic: If you are outside be ready to run to the opposite side of the walls when you have Frostshatter Spear Icon Frostshatter Spear on you to break the walls.
  • Avoid the Stormfury Finger Gun Icon Stormfury Finger Gun frontal.
  • Tanks: Face Molten Gold Knuckles Icon Molten Gold Knuckles towards the wall and away from other players. Leave your Molten Gold Pool Icon Molten Gold Pools against the wall.

Zee (Left):

  • Avoid Unstable Crawler Mines unless you are intending to detonate them.
  • Unstable Crawler Mines will explode if a player makes contact with them. The Tank that is not tanking the boss should run into them one at a time.
  • Soak the Unstable Cluster Bomb Icon Unstable Cluster Bomb pools after a mine is detonated.
  • You can CC the mines, but after 1 minute they become immune to CC.
  • Kill the Mk II Electro Shockers when they spawn.
  • Soak the Goblin-guided Rocket Icon Goblin-guided Rocket and kill the rocketeer that comes out.
  • Face Spray and Pray Icon Spray and Pray away from other players and mines.
  • Ensure Double Whammy Shot Icon Double Whammy Shot does not hit other players. The active tank should soak this beam. The player targeted by the beam needs to run away with Explosive Payload Icon Explosive Payload and ensure it does not hit any mines.

Intermission (40%):

  • Place Static Charge Icon Static Charge in a safe location away from the raid. Ideally you want to charge the boss over the central line to make it consistent.
  • Follow the boss and run around the Bulletstorm Icon Bulletstorm.
  • This repeats three times.


  • The bosses will take turns using their mechanics in a set sequence.
  • Kill the boss before they reach 100 Energy.

Strategy Guide: Full Guide


Before the Fight:

  • Where the majority of the raid is determines which boss mechanics you will be playing. Mug mechanics are on the right and Zee mechanics are on the left.
  • You will want to assign three teams of players for Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol. Two teams that will split the damage and fight the adds and one team of mobile players, tanks and some healers who will remain outside.
  • Mug'Zee gains energy over time. If the raid switches which boss mechanics are active this will reset the energy. Reaching 100 energy will wipe the raid. A good pattern to follow is 1 set of Zee mechanics and 2 set of Mug mechanics.

Mug (Right):

The mechanic cycle of this phase is: Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol > Frostshatter Boots Icon Frostshatter Boots/Frostshatter Spear Icon Frostshatter Spear > Stormfury Finger Gun Icon Stormfury Finger Gun > Molten Gold Knuckles Icon Molten Gold Knuckles > Repeat.

  • Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol:
    1. Two players will be targeted by Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol. They will have clear circles of where the walls will appear. Place them next to each other but do not overlap the circles as this will enrage the adds.
    2. These areas will deal damage split with players in the area. Have teams pre assigned on who will go in each circle and have set locations for them. The image above this section illustrates how to place them with the numbers denoting the sets.
    3. Avoid the Shakedown Icon Shakedown frontal and interrupt Pay Respects Icon Pay Respects.
    4. When the add dies it will explode and create a permanent pool on the ground. The explosion will knock players away that are inside.
    5. The walls can be broken with mines but this is only really applicable for the enrage phase.
  • Stormfury Finger Gun Icon Stormfury Finger Gun will target a random player and hit all players in the area of the attack.
  • Tanks: Molten Gold Knuckles Icon Molten Gold Knuckles
    1. This will hit all players in front of the boss and apply all mechanics to them. Ensure you are faced away from the raid and ideally towards the wall.
    2. This attack will knock you back and apply stacks of Golden Drip Icon Golden Drip. Each time you move a stack will be removed and drops a Molten Gold Pool Icon Molten Gold Pool.
    3. You have 12 seconds to remove all of your stacks of Golden Drip Icon Golden Drip, failing to remove the stacks will result in being stunned for 30 seconds!
Tank being hit with Molten Gold Knuckles Icon Molten Gold Knuckles

Zee (Left):

The mechanic cycle of this phase is: Mines > Mk II Electro Shockers > Goblin-guided Rocket Icon Goblin-guided Rocket > Explosive Payload Icon Explosive Payload > Double Whammy Shot Icon Double Whammy Shot > Spray and Pray Icon Spray and Pray > Repeat.

  • Unstable Crawler Mines:
    1. These will spawn around the boss and fixate on random players.
    2. These mines can be CC'd with roots, slows and stuns. After 1 minute they will become CC immune.
    3. The crawler mines are immune to damage.
    4. Ideally the Tank who is not tanking the boss should be the one triggering the mines as it deals a large amount of damage to the player that triggers it.
    5. If any player makes contact with a mine it will explode and spawn two Unstable Cluster Bomb Icon Unstable Cluster Bomb pools. These need to be soaked. Be careful of other mines trying to reach players as you could start a chain reaction!
    6. Players who soak the Unstable Cluster Bomb Icon Unstable Cluster Bomb will have the Searing Shrapnel Icon Searing Shrapnel healing absorb applied to them. This will deal ticking damage while the heal absorb remains.
    7. If you fail to soak any Unstable Cluster Bomb Icon Unstable Cluster Bomb pools it will deal raid wide damage.
Tank triggering Unstable Crawler Mines
  • Two Mk II Electro Shocker adds will spawn in set locations. Cleave them down.
  • Goblin-guided Rocket Icon Goblin-guided Rocket will target a player and the group should soak and split this damage. After the rocket lands it will leave a permanent fire pool on the ground and the rocketeer that was riding the rocket lands. Kill this ASAP.
  • A random player is targeted with Spray and Pray Icon Spray and Pray. This player should move away from the group. This will deal damage to any player between the player and the boss. If any mines are in this area they will detonate (making the Unstable Cluster Bomb Icon Unstable Cluster Bombs quite difficult to soak).
  • Double Whammy Shot Icon Double Whammy Shot
    1. This will pick a random player and show a very clear beam animation from the boss to them. This beam will deal full damage to the first player hit and other players hit will have Perforating Wound Icon Perforating Wound applied to them.
    2. The tank on the boss should stand in the beam and become the first player hit in the beam, and the original target should be the only other player hit
    3. The player targeted by the beam will then get an Explosive Payload Icon Explosive Payload which is a large AoE circle. This will deal damage to any player in the area of the circle and detonate any mines. Do not detonate mines with this.

Intermission (40%):

  • The boss will charge at a random players location with Static Charge Icon Static Charge. This player should move a small distance away from the raid but not too far as when the boss reaches their destination they will start to use Bulletstorm Icon Bulletstorm.
  • Bulletstorm Icon Bulletstorm will cause the boss to rotate around on the spot dealing damage from their sides, move with the boss to not be hit.
  • This repeats three times.
  • The image above shows an example of the path to use during the intermission.


  • The bosses will take turns using their mechanics in a set sequence.
  • Kill the boss before they reach 100 Energy.

Heroic Changes:

  • Triggering mines increases your damage taken from mines for 1 minute.
  • Two teams of players are required to soak the Goblin-guided Rocket Icon Goblin-guided Rocket as it will apply Radiation Sickness Icon Radiation Sickness after you soak it. However, if you opt to only do 1 set of Zee mechanics and 2 sets of Mug mechanics this debuff will time out before you get back to doing it again. In the enrage phase you may need to split the teams but this will depend on your DPS/Kill time.
  • An additional team of players are required outside of the walls while you are dealing with Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaols. They will be targeted with Frostshatter Spear Icon Frostshatter Spears which are used to break the walls.

Mythic Strategy

Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.


Mythic Changes:

  • All players are required to be on the side of the room to transition the boss phase instead of a majority.
  • Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol walls can only be destroyed with mines or spears.
  • The effects of Frostshatter Boots Icon Frostshatter Boots can only be removed by going into a Hot Mess Icon Hot Mess pool (Rocket soak).
  • Mk II Electro Shockers have a 99% damage reduction shield which is only removed by Stormfury Finger Gun Icon Stormfury Finger Gun.


  • 03 Mar. 2025: Guide added.
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