Mycomancer Cavern Delve Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash

Last updated on Feb 25, 2025 at 09:46 by Petko 3 comments

This page will cover everything you need to know about the Mycomancer Cavern Delve in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.


Getting into Mycomancer Cavern

Mycomancer Cavern is a Delve located on the North-East side of Hallowfall, Khaz Algar.

Mycomancer Cavern Location

This guide will provide all the specifics you need to complete Mycomancer Cavern across all tiers of difficulties (from Tier 1 to Tier 11). We will cover delve events, optional bosses (rares), as well as end of the dungeon boss and their abilities. If you would like to learn about the rest of the Delves in Season 1, please see our overviews linked below.


Mycomancer Cavern Layout

Mycomancer Cavern Layout

Events in Mycomancer Cavern


Event #1 — 0/10 Pigs saved

Some of the pigs can transform into Shadow Crazed Hogs and not give any progress towards completing the quest, slay them, and move towards the next one.


Trash Mobs in this Area

  • Carnivorous Lasher does only auto-attacks.
  • Beware of Fungal Stabber's Debilitating Venom Icon Debilitating Venom.
  • Upon killing Infected Beast, he will channel Bloated Eruption Icon Bloated Eruption, simply out-range its corpse.
  • Interrupt Fungal Rotspreader's Rotten Bolt Icon Rotten Bolt.
  • Fungal Speartender is the only "mini-boss" (much more HP) in this area, avoid its Vine Spear Icon Vine Spear frontal and interrupt Battle Roar Icon Battle Roar.

Bogpiper Guide

  • Sidestep the Muck Charge Icon Muck Charge cast and avoid the ground swirlies.
  • Interrupt Swamp Bolt Icon Swamp Bolt.
  • During the Sporesong Icon Sporesong channel, avoid the ground effects at all costs.


  • 21 Feb. 2025: Reviewed and Updated for Season 2.
  • 03 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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