Mythic+ Rogue Shroud of Concealment Trash Skips
This page details the most useful paths to take for groups that wants to find the most efficient way to skip certain packs/mobs in order to gain time in various dungeons. Furthermore, the guide showcases different ways of skipping and how to do it appropriately minimizing the risk of failure.
Shroud Skips in Shadowlands Mythic+
The skips shown below are useful, but not required to complete the keystone in time. That said, the difficulty of completing a keystone increases the higher the keystone level is (and the further into the Mythic+ season we progress). So, while not mandatory at most levels, these skips will become increasingly useful for you and your groups the more you progress.
Skipping Methods
While most people associate the idea of skipping mobs (or at least have
done so, historically) with using Rogues' Shroud of Concealment, there
are actually many different ways you can skip packs of mobs in Mythic+.
Before you approach any type of skip in Mythic+, it is important to understand the difference between the various methods of skipping, how to execute them properly, without failing, and where to use what type of skip.
Non-Combat and In-Combat Crowd Control
For the purposes of Mythic+, there are two major types of crowd control (CC) in World of Warcraft, one being non-combat (or out of combat) crowd control, and the other being in-combat crowd control.
Simply put, non-combat crowd control does not put the targeted mob in combat with the player doing the crowd controlling (or anyone else in the party), allowing the group to move past the mob without ever having to engage it.
Non-combat crowd control comes only in the form of Rogues' Sap
and Demon Hunters'
Imprison. Once the Sap or "Cage" (as Imprison is
also known) expires, the mob will simply stay out of combat with the party,
which has hopefully moved on by then.
In-combat crowd control, on the other hand, refers to crowd control that, when used, instantly puts the targeted mob in combat with the player who used the crowd control. Basically, all forms of crowd control other than the two mentioned above fall into this category.
There are three classes that have the utility to drop combat (these being Hunter, Mage and Rogue), and because of this in-combat crowd control can be a viable method to skip trash mobs, although quite dangerous if not executed properly.
To do so, they first need to crowd control the mob, preferably with a form
of crowd control lasting more than 20 seconds so you can have enough time to pass.
Then, the player who crowd controlled needs to get out of combat by using
Feign Death if you are a hunter,
Invisibility if you
are a Mage and
Vanish if you are a Rogue.
Note that if any other party members get in combat during this time (such as by interacting with the crowd controller in any way, like healing or buffing them), they will be unable to drop combat (unless their class also has a mechanism to drop combat), meaning you will fail the skip.
Shroud of Concealment Skip
Using Shroud of Concealment is the most common way of skipping trash
mobs and arguably the easiest. You are required to have a Rogue in your team
(any specialization works) and use Shroud of Concealment before any of the
party is in combat.
There are few important tips we would like to keep in mind when we have the option to use Shroud.
- You can mount up before you get Shrouded (provided you are not indoors); this way, your movement speed during the Shroud will be higher, allowing you to reach your destination quickly.
- You cannot use any abilities (there are a few exceptions) while you are Shrouded, as doing so will result in breaking the Shroud for yourself and therefore most likely pulling mobs and dying.
- Shroud will make you invisible to almost all mobs, but keep in mind you cannot cross directly on top of enemies, as that will cause you to be detected, breaking the Shroud and likely getting you killed.
- There are some mobs that have True Sight (visible as an eye above the mob), meaning they can see Invisible objects such as Shrouded players from a greater distance; make sure you keep in mind which mobs have True Sight when planning your skip.
Invisibility Potions
A common strategy among groups in Mythic+ is to use
Potion of the Hidden Spirit to skip certain packs or mobs in Mythic+,
although easy to execute, here are few tips that will help you speed the
- Unlike for
Shroud of Concealment skips, you cannot pair mount usage with the Invisibility Potion: if you mount up before drinking the potion, you will be dismounted when drinking it, and mounting up afterwards will cancel the potion's effect.
- You can walk directly on top of the mobs and you will not be detected when using an Invisibility Potion.
- Make sure to use any movement speed ability prior using the potion; this way you will retain the effect while being Invisible (doing it the other way around will cancel the potion's effect).
- Using any ability while you are under the effect of
Potion of the Hidden Spirit will immediately break you out and cancel your Invisibility effect.
Other Types of Skips
There are several other alternatives to skipping mobs.
- Having Shadowlands Engineering will allow you to place a
Dimensional Shifter on your belt. With a 5-minute cooldown, it can be used as a substitute to an Invisibility potion or Rogue's Shroud (only on yourself). It has a small chance to backfire and therefor not work, hence why it is risky to solely rely on the belt.
- Another unconventional method is using Priests'
Mind Soothe ability. This reduces the range at which the mob aggro to 10 yards, allowing your party to bypass the mob without pulling it. Note that Mind Soothe can only be used on Humanoids and Dragonkin enemy types, and that it does not put the mob in combat with the Priest.
- Warlocks'
Demonic Gateway can be used in several places, although this is quite rare, to skip certain important packs without having to use any other methods of skipping.
- Mages'
Slow Fall can be used to skip several important packs, although this is the riskiest method, since the chances of it failing are quite high, especially if you have not practiced it.
- If you have access to Monks'
Ring of Peace, you can use any form of long duration crowd control (either in-combat or non-combat) and use the Ring to knock it away from combat range.
- At last, we have the "death" skip. Usually the tank is the designated player for this skip, since they are the least vulnerable in the entire group. The tank pulls the mobs you want to skip away from the group, then the entire group runs through past where the pack was located, and the tank is then resurrected after they die.
De Other Side
The skip we describe below can be done only by Shroud of Concealment,
Potion of the Hidden Spirit, or
Dimensional Shifter. It leads you
directly to the last pack of mobs before engaging
Hakkar the Soulflayer and lets you skip inefficient mob count. It also
gives you a perfectly-timed
Prideful buff for one of the hardest
boss encounters in Mythic+.
How do you get back after defeating Hakkar? If you have used
Shroud to do the skip, you can use Potion of the Hidden Spirit or
Dimensional Shifter to get back, and if you do not have either, just
die and you will release in front of the stairs.

This skip allows you to directly head towards the last pack of the
Mechagon wing, before engaging The Manastorms. You also get to skip the
Lubricator mob type, which is hard to manage and requires a lot of
coordination to defeat. Additionally, you cannot really play more
than one at the time, which is time-inefficient, and there is much better count
towards the Ardenweald area! Finally, do keep in mind that this skip is only
possible with Shroud of Concealment,
Potion of the Hidden Spirit,
Dimensional Shifter, or personal invisibility spells!

Halls of Atonement
This skip will save you time, allowing you to bypass extra trash mobs in
order to make your way to Echelon. Furthermore, you can decide to play
the 80% (4th) Prideful buff with Halkias The
Sin-Stained Goliath, which makes it more efficient. You can use
Shroud of Concealment,
Potion of the Hidden Spirit, or
Dimensional Shifter to make this skip.

Mists of Tirna Scithe
This skip can be done through any form of skip except the Slow Fall
method. The skip leads directly to the "secret door", which can only be opened
Night Fae, and it allows you to pick up 10-minute buffs for the
whole party.
In addition to this, it allows you to have just enough count to spawn
Prideful prior to engaging Ingra Maloch, which will make
the boss fight significantly faster, especially on

Skipping the first mobs and directly going towards Globgrog will
not only make you have a perfectly-timed Prideful buff, but will
also remove the trouble of dealing with extremely dangerous mob types, and
directly allow you to use Rigged Plagueborer strategy. For more
information on how to proceed to play after the skip, check our weekly MDT

The second skip in the Plaguefall will allow you to skip
Virulax Blightweaver, which will unlock the ability to pull
Rigged Plagueborer without pulling Virulax, which you can use to
kill trash with. Simply chain them with the trash pack and wait until they
Plague Bomb. The great news is it even works on
and bosses!

Sanguine Depths
The first skip allows you to bypass the first room leading to Kryxis the
Voracious without getting extra mob count, which then allows you to have a
perfectly-timed Prideful buff on the pack prior to engaging the
boss. This strategy is extremely useful on both
Fortified and
Tyrannical, as this boss is one of the harder ones in this
Just as an extra note, you do not necessarily need a Rogue to skip it; you can just wait for the patrolling Insatiable Brute to pass, but sometimes his position can be awkward and you can end up waiting for more than 20-30 seconds or, in the worst-case scenario, risk ninja-pulling, which can result in a wipe.
The second skip is quite useful since this group of 3 mobs consists of the hardest-hitting type of mobs in the dungeon combined together, which will be a massive waste of time if you decide to play it. You can always get the mob count from somewhere else and skip this pack of mobs!

Spires of Ascension
This skip allows you to bypass the most dangerous pack of mobs in
the area leading to Oryphrion. Follow the red arrows to make
the skip and once you reach the mob targeted by the blue arrow
(it also has pink around it), you can use any form of skip
methods to pass it. The most common ones are either non-combat crowd control
or Shroud of Concealment /
Potion of the Hidden Spirit.

The Necrotic Wake
If you opt to skip Nar'zudah, there are several ways to do so if you
lack a Rogue for Shroud of Concealment or do not have
Engineering and your
Potion of the Hidden Spirit is on
If are going towards the blue arrow, you can use Warlocks'
Demonic Gateway or Priests'
Mind Soothe. If you
decide to go towards the pink arrow you can use non-combat crowd control on the
left-most Zolramus Bonecarver and pass safely. Keep in mind it is very
tight, so you have to be cautious. You can also use Monks'
Ring of Peace to knock the mob far away so you can pass, but consider
using any sort of long duration crowd control on it so it stays stationary.

The skip leading towards Amarth can be only done via
Shroud of Concealment,
Potion of the Hidden Spirit, or
Dimensional Shifter. It allows you to bypass one of the most dangerous
packs of mobs in the dungeon, which can save time and provide safety at the
same time. In addition to this, it is a common strategy to do that skip after
Prideful, since Amarth is one of the hardest
bosses in Shadowlands Mythic+ to defeat.

Theater of Pain
The first skip will allow you to completely skip the first pack and possibly
chain Raging Bloodhorn on top of it. The mob is not attached to the
rest of the group, which makes it a great addition to the An Affront of
Challengers (first boss) encounter. Just keep in mind that if it is
Bolstering, you want to avoid chaining it to prevent unnecessary
Bolstering stacks on the already tough boss encounter. In addition to this, you
can skip the initial 3 mobs by any form of skip of your choice, except
Demonic Gateway or
Slow Fall.

The second skip will allow you to bypass the Rancid Gasbag, who is
extremely dangerous even on non- Fortified weeks. Note that you do
NOT need a Shroud to pass it by; you can use any of the skip methods
mentioned earlier, or you can wait until it is far away and you can pass
safely. If its position is bad you can end up waiting up to 30-40 seconds,
which can result in a massive time loss, so always make sure to have
Potion of the Hidden Spirit as a backup in case that happens.

- 18 May 2022: No further changes needed for Season 3 of Mythic+.
- 29 Apr. 2021: Greatly overhauled and improved the guide, adding many other forms of skipping than just Shroud of Concealment.
- 26 Feb. 2021: Detailed explanation added for Mists and Halls of Atonement.
- 22 Dec. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands Season 1.
- 03 Mar. 2020: Overhauled guide with new images for Season 4.
- 16 Dec. 2018: Removed Underrot's first pull due to 8.1 nerf.
- 31 Oct. 2018: Created.
This guide has been written by Petko, one of the top Mythic players of all time. He has accomplished several Europe- and World #1 Team and Solo Seasonal rankings with multiple specialization and classes. Moreover, he competes in the MDI and streams his runs live on Twitch, and shares his personal opinions on YouTube and Twitter.
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