Mythrax the Unraveler Mythic Strategy/Tactics
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, you will find a list of changes between Normal/Heroic modes and Mythic mode, as well as a working strategy to defeat Mythrax the Unraveler in Uldir in Mythic mode.
The other pages of our Mythrax the Unraveler guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
Mythic Mode Abilities
Living Weapon
Shortly after the start of each Phase One, and every minute afterwards
Mythrax will cast Living Weapon. This will cause Xalzaix,
Mythrax's weapon (an attackable NPC) to be
thrown to a player's location, dealing moderate Shadow damage to anyone within
8 yards. Upon reaching 50% Health, Xalzaix will return to Mythrax. Xalzaix
does not need to be tanked, but has its own set of abilities.
Void Echoes
Xalzaix will cast Void Echoes once every 8 seconds, dealing moderate
Shadow damage to the raid, and increasing by 50% with each cast.
Obliteration Blast
Xalzaix will also cast Obliteration Blast, independently from
Mythrax's casts of the same name.
Ability Changes
Obliteration Beam
During the second phase, Mythrax will now run to the northernmost point of
the room, while Xalzaix will move across the room from him. Mythrax will then
channel Obliteration Beam at Xalzaix, who in turn will redirect it at a
random player.
Mythrax should be tanked in the middle of the room, with the raid spread
evenly around him. Ranged should avoid being at max range so they can stay
within range of healers. Melee is likely get very crowded, as the healers will
need to stay there as well in order to heal the whole group. Raiders need
to be keenly aware of when the Oblivion Spheres are spawning so that
they can be spread from other players. Spreading out before orbs is the most
important part of this fight; healers falling behind due to double
mind-controls will be the cause of most wipes.
Once the group has dropped Oblivion Spheres in good places, everyone
needs to move in so that
Living Weapon can be baited into a spot close
to the boss. Xalzaix then needs to be damaged down to 50% as fast as possible,
ideally before he is able to cast a third
Void Echoes. In between Void
Echoes he will also cast
Obliteration Beam. Make sure your raid is
calling out the direction of the beam, as Mythrax's model can often completely
obscure Xalzaix from raiders on the opposite side.
Healers should be cycling cooldowns for each Imminent Ruin.
Particularly strong cooldowns such as
Tranquility or Discipline Priest
ramp should ideally be used when
Void Echoes overlaps with Imminent
During the transition into Phase Two, Mythrax will run to the northern end
of the room and begin casting Xalzaix's Awakening. The raid must
actively avoid picking up the
Existence Fragments that spawns from
this, as the Tanks need all the Fragments they can get. When the
N'raqi Destroyers spawn, the Tanks need to pull them to opposite sides
of the room, just like on Heroic. The raid should stack up on the left most
pile of debris depicted in the image below.

Each time Obliteration Beam begins to cast, the raid needs to move
quickly to the opposite piece of debris and stack on top of it. It is vitally
important that all members get on top of the debris. This will force all the
Visions of Madness to be spawned on top of each other. Mythrax will cast
4 Obliteration Beams before returning to Phase One.
In the second and third cycles of the fight, it can be a good idea to have
DPS players intentionally get hit by Essence Shear in order to generate
Existence Fragments for the Tanks. If the Tanks notice their
stacks are getting out of control, have them call for a DPS to pop a defensive
cooldown and soak the following Shear.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use Bloodlust/
Time Warp
when Mythrax enters his final "Phase One" cycle.
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