N'Zoth the Corruptor Normal Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Normal difficulty Encounter Journal for N'Zoth the Corruptor in Ny'alotha, the Waking City.
More N'Zoth the Corruptor Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for N'Zoth, please use the following link.
Please refer to our loot page for all the loot from the N'Zoth encounter.
- Invoke
Azeroth's Radiance strategically to ensure you and your allies remain sane in the face of N'Zoth's assault on your
- Position carefully within the arena to ensure that
Mindgrasp does not pull you into a
Veil of Anguish.
- Move Psychus around the space strategically to control its placement of
Creeping Anguish.
- Be certain that Basher Tentacles are tanked at all times, or they will cast
Tumultuous Burst.
- Invoke
Azeroth's Radiance strategically to ensure you and your allies remain sane in the face of N'Zoth's assault on your
- Position carefully within the arena to ensure that
Mindgrasp does not pull you into a
Veil of Anguish.
- Leave room for pairs of your allies with
Paranoia to reach one another safely.
- Dispel
Corrupted Mind before it expires to preserve your allies' sanity.
- Invoke
Azeroth's Radiance strategically to ensure you remain sane in the face of N'Zoth's assault on your
- Position carefully within the arena to ensure that
Mindgrasp does not pull you into a
Veil of Anguish.
- Leave room for pairs of your allies with
Paranoia to reach one another safely.
- Maximize the effects of
Synaptic Shock to bring down Psychus before it can cast
Manifest Madness.

N'Zoth assaults your Sanity throughout the encounter. When your Sanity reaches 0, N'Zoth invades your mind fully, granting Gift of N'Zoth.

Blesses an insane player with 100% increased damage done and 100% healing done, but causes the player to become a Servant of N'Zoth after 20 sec.

Severs a target's connection to sanity, charming them permanently and causing them to do N'Zoth's bidding, casting Mental Decay.

Invoke the Heart of Azeroth, restoring 20 Sanity every 1 sec for 4 sec.
Moving or attacking will break this effect.
Stage One: Dominant Mind
N'Zoth reaches into the minds of the players before him, giving them a glimpse into the infinite mind of the Corruptor. Inside dwells Psychus, the defender of N'Zoth's infinite Mindscape.

Opens players' minds, showing them a glimpse into the infinite mind of N'Zoth.

The caster's mental torment manifests as physical pain in the body of its current threat target, inflicting 75,372 Physical damage and increasing Physical damage taken by 33% for 14 sec.

Psychus creates an zone of void energy at its location, which expands to cover 60 yards.
Players entering the zone are afflicted by Anguish.

N'Zoth inflicts terrible anguish upon the player, inflicting 126,000 Shadow damage, draining 10 sanity every 2 sec, and reducing the player's movement speed by 33% while within the area.

Slaying an Exposed Synapse while Psychus is within 20,099 yards weakens N'Zoth's mind guardian, increasing damage dealt to Psychus by 50% for 20 sec.
This effect stacks.

Slaying Psychus inside the Mind of N'Zoth takes a heavy toll on N'Zoth himself, stunning him and his tentacles for 30 sec.

Upon reaching full energy, Psychus channels Manifest Madness. While channeling, Psychus appears in all phases and takes 99% reduced damage. It also inflicts 75,430 Shadow damage to and drains 20 Sanity from all players every 2 sec.

The Mind's Eye opens, inflicting 25,110 Shadow damage and draining 5% Sanity from all players in the Mind of N'Zoth every 1 sec for 3 sec.

Probes the mind of a random player within 30 yards, inflicting 75,400 Shadow damage. The probe chains to players within 5 yards, also inflicting 75,400 Shadow damage as it chains.

Heals all Exposed Synapses to full health whenever another Exposed Synapse is slain.

Being drawn into the Mind of N'Zoth severs the link between mind and body.
When Psychus is slain, N'Zoth's hold on the player is broken, allowing them to Restore Consciousness to their lifeless body. This returns the player to the Physical realm.

Slaying Psychus inflicts significant damage to the Mind of N'Zoth, destabilizing the current Mindscape.
Players within the Mind of N'Zoth when Collapsing Mindscape finishes casting are killed instantly.
Stage Two: Writhing Onslaught
N'Zoth defends hismelf with a mass of tentacles, while some players brave N'Zoth's most coercive visions to weaken the Corruptor from inside his mind.

N'Zoth worms his tendrils into the minds of all players, horrifying them into moving either toward or away from him.

Spawns a set of Corrupted Neurons, which heal 1% of their maximum health every 2 sec.
Corrupted Neurons project a Veil of Anguish from their location.

Projects a Veil of Anguish around N'zoth, the outer rim of the arena, and all Corrupted Neurons.
Veils attached to Corrupted Neurons decrease in size as the Neurons' health diminishes.

N'Zoth inflicts terrible anguish upon the player, inflicting 126,000 Shadow damage, draining 10 sanity every 2 sec, and reducing the player's movement speed by 33% while within the area.

N'Zoth selects pairs of players and fills their minds with all-consuming Paranoia for 15 sec.
Paranoid players must be within 5 yards of their paired partner or suffer 5,024 Shadow damage every 2,512 sec. This damage increases over the duration of Paranoia.
Affected players do not trust their allies while paranoid. Coming within 5 yards of an unpaired ally causes the player with Paranoia to be drained of 5 sanity every 2,512 sec while they remain near their ally.

Inflicts 32,661 Shadow damage to all players in the Physical realm every 1 sec for 2 sec.

N'Zoth opens a gate to the inner recesses of his mind, inviting players to gaze upon a vision of his infinite power.

Physical damage inflicted increased by 3% every time the Basher Tentacle strikes an enemy with a melee attack.

Lashes out rapidly at the current threat target, inflicting 113,127 Physical damage and 37,551 Shadow damage every 0.75 sec for 6 sec.

Inflicts 37,686 Shadow damage to all players every 2 sec for 10 sec. Tumultuous Burst also reduces their Haste by 33% for 10 sec.
Tumultuous Burst is only cast when no players are within melee range of a Basher Tentacle.

Tentacles in the Physical realm explode into a shower of Corrupted Viscera when slain, inflicting 113,058 Shadow damage and draining 5 sanity from players struck by the debris.

Corrupts a player's mind, inflicting 37,551 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec.
If Corrupted Mind expires without being dispelled, it drains 15 Sanity from the player.

Tentacles in the Physical realm explode into a shower of Corrupted Viscera when slain, inflicting 113,058 Shadow damage and draining 5 sanity from players struck by the debris.

Flings a spike of void energy, inflicting 37,700 Shadow damage.

Tentacles in the Physical realm explode into a shower of Corrupted Viscera when slain, inflicting 113,058 Shadow damage and draining 5 sanity from players struck by the debris.
Through the Mindgate
Players re-enter the Mind of N'Zoth via a defeated Mindgate Tentacle, intent on wounding the Old God's psyche and weakening his physical form. Players are subjected to N'Zoth's mental reconstruction of fearsome creatures over whom he has held sway in Azeroth.
Corruption of Deathwing
N'Zoth draws players into a vision of the shattering of the World Pillar, and the fearsome power of Deathwing corrupted by the Old God's relentless whispers.

The Vision of Deathwing breathes deeply into the space, inflicting 20,114 Fire damage to and draining 5 Sanity from all players within the Mind of N'Zoth every 3 sec for 9 sec.

The Flames of Insanity overwhelm players within 6 yards, inflicting 75,430 Fire damage and draining 20 Sanity on impact.
The flames then burn the player for 30,150 Fire damage every 2 sec and disorient them for 6 sec.
Treacherous Bargain
N'Zoth conjures a troubling vision which reveals the treacherous bargain agreed between Queen Azshara and Lady Sylvanas Windrunner.

The Vision of Queen Azshara decrees that all players within the Mind of N'Zoth shall Tread Lightly.
Moving while under this effect will trigger Contempt.

By moving, the player is in contempt of Queen Azshara. She inflicts 15,055 Frost damage every 5,024 sec until they come to a halt.

Inflicts 37,551 Shadow damage to and drains 5 sanity from every player within the Mind of N'Zoth every 1 sec for 3 sec.

The caster's mental torment manifests as physical pain in the body of its current threat target, inflicting 75,372 Physical damage and increasing Physical damage taken by 33% for 14 sec.

Psychus creates an zone of void energy at its location, which expands to cover 60 yards.
Players entering the zone are afflicted by Anguish.

N'Zoth inflicts terrible anguish upon the player, inflicting 126,000 Shadow damage, draining 10 sanity every 2 sec, and reducing the player's movement speed by 33% while within the area.

Slaying an Exposed Synapse while Psychus is within 20,099 yards weakens N'Zoth's mind guardian, increasing damage dealt to Psychus by 50% for 20 sec.
This effect stacks.

Slaying Psychus inside the Mind of N'Zoth takes a heavy toll on N'Zoth himself, stunning him and his tentacles for 30 sec.

Upon reaching full energy, Psychus channels Manifest Madness. While channeling, Psychus appears in all phases and takes 99% reduced damage. It also inflicts 75,430 Shadow damage to and drains 20 Sanity from all players every 2 sec.

Probes the mind of a random player within 30 yards, inflicting 75,400 Shadow damage. The probe chains to players within 5 yards, also inflicting 75,400 Shadow damage as it chains.

Heals all Exposed Synapses to full health whenever another Exposed Synapse is slain.

Being drawn into the Mind of N'Zoth severs the link between mind and body.
When Psychus is slain, N'Zoth's hold on the player is broken, allowing them to Restore Consciousness to their lifeless body. This returns the player to the Physical realm.

Slaying Psychus inflicts significant damage to the Mind of N'Zoth, destabilizing the current Mindscape.
Players within the Mind of N'Zoth when Collapsing Mindscape finishes casting are killed instantly.
Stage Three: Convergence
N'Zoth bends reality, converging Ny'alotha and the Chamber of Heart on Azeroth. With the Chamber in his grasp, N'Zoth begins to fulfill his ultimate purpose: bringing the Black Empire to fruition on Azeroth.

N'Zoth worms his tendrils into the minds of all players, horrifying them into moving either toward or away from him.

N'Zoth selects pairs of players and fills their minds with all-consuming Paranoia for 15 sec.
Paranoid players must be within 5 yards of their paired partner or suffer 5,024 Shadow damage every 2,512 sec. This damage increases over the duration of Paranoia.
Affected players do not trust their allies while paranoid. Coming within 5 yards of an unpaired ally causes the player with Paranoia to be drained of 5 sanity every 2,512 sec while they remain near their ally.

N'Zoth taps into players' minds and evokes their darkest thoughts, inflicting 125,620 Shadow damage every 0 sec for 8 sec.
Upon expiration, Evoke Anguish leaves behind a pool of Anguish, which grows briefly after spawning.
Every time N'Zoth the Corruptor casts Evoke Anguish, all other pools of Anguish grow in size.

N'Zoth inflicts terrible anguish upon the player, inflicting 126,000 Shadow damage, draining 10 sanity every 2 sec, and reducing the player's movement speed by 33% while within the area.

Conjures an Eye of N'Zoth which fires a focused beam of void energy. The beam inflicts 113,000 Shadow damage and fears all players within a line in front of the Eye for 4 sec.

The caster's mental torment manifests as physical pain in the body of its current threat target, inflicting 75,372 Physical damage and increasing Physical damage taken by 33% for 14 sec.

Harvests the thoughts of nearby players, inflicting 251,240 Shadow damage to all players within 15 yards. Harvest Thoughts also drains 200 sanity divided evenly among all players caught in the blast.
If Harvest Thoughts fails to hit at least 0 players, it will instead drain 50 sanity from all players.
- 17 Jan. 2020: Page added.
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