Nadjia the Mistblade - Venthyr Soulbind in Shadowlands
On this page, you will find everything about the Venthyr Soulbind Nadjia the Mistblade.
Nadjia the Mistblade is the first Soulbind available to members of the Venthyr Covenant.
Here is how Nadjia' Soulbind Path looks like in the game.
You can only pick one Soulbind trait or Soulbind Conduit per row, depending on what is available.
For more details on Soulbinding in general, please, refer to our Soulbinding guide.
Unlocking Nadjia's Soulbind Rows
Each Soulbind has 8 rows of power that you gradually unlock at various Renown levels.
- Renown Level 3 is required to unlock Nadjia's third row of Soulbind traits.
- Renown Level 7 is required to unlock Nadjia's fourth row of Soulbind traits.
- Renown Level 10 is required to unlock Nadjia's fifth row of Soulbind traits.
- Renown Level 21 is required to unlock Nadjia's sixth row of Soulbind traits.
- Renown Level 25 is required to unlock Nadjia's seventh row of Soulbind traits.
- Renown Level 30 is required to unlock the eighth row of Soulbind traits.
- Renown Level 43 is required to unlock the eighth row of Soulbind traits.
- Renown Level 46 is required to unlock the eighth row of Soulbind traits.
- Renown Level 51 is required to unlock the eighth row of Soulbind traits.
- Renown Level 55 is required to unlock the eighth row of Soulbind traits.
Nadjia's Soulbind Path
Here are the Soulbind powers available to players who Soulbind with Nadjia.
- Row 1:
Thrill Seeker — While in combat, you gain a stack of Thrill Seeker every 2 seconds, or 4 stacks on killing an enemy. At 40 stacks, Thrill Seeker is consumed to grant you Euphoria, increasing Your Haste by 20% for 10 seconds. Thrill Seeker decays rapidly while you are not in combat.
- Row 2: Empty Potency and Endurance Conduit slots.
- Row 3
Agent of Chaos —
Door of Shadows disorients all nearby enemies at the target location for 6 seconds when you appear.
Fancy Footwork —
Door of Shadows increases your movement speed by 40%, decaying over 6 seconds.
- Row 4: Empty Finesse Conduit slot.
- Row 5:
Friends in Low Places — You loot 20% more Infused Rubies, and dredgers throughout Revendreth offer you an expanded selection of goods.
- Row 6: Empty Endurance Conduit slot.
- Row 7: Empty Potency, Endurance, and Finesse Conduit slots.
- Row 8:
Familiar Predicaments — The duration of incoming interrupt, snare, and root effects are reduced by 15%.
Exacting Preparation — The benefits of Well Fed, Flask, and weapon enchant effects are increased by 20%.
Dauntless Duelist — The first enemy you damage in combat is marked as your Adversary. You deal 3% more damage to them, and they deal 1.5% less damage to you. You may only have one Adversary at a time.
- Row 9: Empty Potency Conduit slot.
- Row 10:
Sinful Preservation — Health Potions and Healthstones grant you an absorb shield equal to 50% of the amount healed for 20 seconds.
Nimble Steps — Enemies within 8 yards are slowed by 10%. if you fall behind 35% health, enemies within 8 yards are rooted for 4 seconds. This can only occur once every minute.
- Row 11: Empty Endurance and Finesse Conduit slots.
- Row 12:
Fatal Flaw — When the Haste effect of Euphoria ends, gain 10 seconds of either 20% increased Critical Strike chance or Versatility, whichever you currently have more of.
Other Soulbinds
This section contains other Soulbinds available in Shadowlands.
- 28 Jun. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.
- 23 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands release.
- 29 Sep. 2020: Page added.
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