100 Million Damage? Rextroy Breaks World of Warcraft with a Mage One-Shot!

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Rextroy, the legend known for pushing World of Warcraft’s limits, has done it again! This time, unleashing 100 million damage with a single button press. This one-shot revolves around a bugged Mage talent that Blizzard has yet to fix.

The Broken Talent Behind the Madness

At the heart of this monstrous one-shot is the Frostfire Empowerment iconFrostfire Empowerment talent. Normally, it would deal AoE damage based on the damage taken by the primary target. However, due to a scaling bug (especially noticeable at low levels), Rextroy managed to amplify this effect to catastrophic levels.

To ensure maximum damage, Rextroy paired the talent with powerful cooldowns like Combustion iconCombustion and Icy Veins iconIcy Veins, which guarantee the Frostfire Empowerment iconFrostfire Empowerment proc.

The Unconscious Dig Rat Strategy

In true Rextroy fashion, creativity played an important role. Instead of relying on typical NPCs, he used the Unconscious Dig Rat iconUnconscious Dig Rat. Unlike other items, the dig rat is usable while moving and can be activated while mounted or inside an Ice Block iconIce Block, keeping Rextroy untouchable while pulling off the one-shot.

Watch Rextroy’s Epic One-Shot in Action

A while ago, Rextroy released another video where he dealt +409,500% increased damage to wipe out Nerub-ar Palace.