Celebrate World of Warcraft’s 20th anniversary by posing with iconic weapon props like the Ashbringer, Frostmourne, and Doomhammer. Head to the anniversary area in Tanaris to kick off the fun and take epic screenshots in dynamic locations that change daily.

Start by interacting with the Chest of Props, where you can choose legendary items for your character that last for 5 minutes. Options include Frostmourne, Ashbringer, Doomhammer, and Warglaives of Azzinoth, along with fun extras like glasses, a top hat, a toy sword, a shield, and even a mug!

For even more variety, take advantage of the three daily-changing portals to capture breathtaking screenshots in different regions of Azeroth. Today’s portals will take you to stunning locations like Uldum, Hyjal, and Twilight Highlands.