A New Best? Hallowfall Is Everyone’s Favorite War Within Zone!

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While WoW players can often be very critical and negative about many things, they also know when to praise great additions to the game. The War Within Early Access has allowed many to step into the new zones, and as everyone else gets in today, let’s take a look at some extremely positive thoughts on one zone in particular.

Everybody Loves Raymond Hallowfall

It’s not hard to see why Hallowfall is becoming a fan-favorite, as it’s a very unique zone. Basically every thread on the WoW reddit that mentions the zone is positive, and gets a ton of upvotes. The interesting thing is that most of the posts about it are spoiler tagged, as players feel that even a screenshot of the zone might be a spoiler, as its visuals are that good.

Let’s start with the first reveal.

And then just continue with the praise:

The comments are also extremely full of praise:

  • Seeing Hallowfall for the first time is basically what it felt like to experience Suramar in a lot of ways. The absolute depth of Suramar as a zone will always be undefeated. But Hallowfall may very well be the most beautifully crafted zone of all time. Stunning views. – Tektix22
  • A city with a monastery, airships, a massive sun-like crystal and a vast sea all underground in a truly enormous cavern. Yeah, this one is gonna be remembered for a long time. – Zammin
  • I honestly needed a minute to deal with how amazing the zone is and the way you enter it is just chef’s kiss. I’ll definitely go there just to have a look when I have a bit of time. Easily my favourite zone in the entire game. – Grand_Suggestion_716
  • My girlfriend said it looked like a painting. It really is gorgeous. – SirDecros
  • Hallowfall is my favorite zone Blizz has ever made and I think it also has the best story Blizz has ever come up with and Azj Kahet is a close 2nd story wise – Relevant-Guarantee70

It’s even giving one of the oldest “best zone ever” winners a run for its money (especially since the music is a little reminiscent of the old hills in certain points).

One of the major factors for all the praise is certainly the giant crystal, as it really does look amazing all by itself. It adds a real sense of size, despite it being in a cavern.

But the fact that the zone has two “modes”, courtesy of the crystal, is just another cherry on top!

And finally, let’s take another look at the art for the zone, which really is magical on its own!

How do you feel about the zone? Is it really the best Blizzard has ever made?