All Character Screen Improvements Patch 11.1: Multiple Warband Camp Grouping, New Campsites

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Many improvements are coming to the character selection screen in patch 11.1, so let’s take a look!

New Campsites

We’ve already covered the new campsites AKA backgrounds that are coming with the patch here, but let’s go through it again quickly. There are currently 5 options, including the one that’s currently available on live servers:

Two are unlocked via zone achievement, one for Khaz Algar (All That Khaz iconAll That Khaz) and one for Undermine (Racing to a Revolution iconRacing to a Revolution), while the third is from the second season Delver’s journey. The fourth, Dragon Isles-themed one, seems to be a freebie when the patch launches. You can also favorite ones you like, and randomize which ones come up, including randomizing favorites!

Multiple Individual Campsites

MrGM also noticed that you can create new campsites for different character groupings! You just make and name your campsite with the top-right red plus icon and populate it with the characters you want.

You can then easily select them from the side list, filter them out, etc. And, of course, each group can have its own background! This will be really handy for those altoholics among us, as we can group our characters, whether it’s by role or race or tansmog, and give them their own background! It will get even better as (hopefully) Blizzard add more backgrounds to the game.

Check out the new features in the game itself below as MrGM goes through all the details.