Alternative Shaman Ascendance Forms Datamined After Player Backlash

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It seems the community reaction to the announced new Ascendance forms coming with the 20th Anniversary content patch worked!

In case you missed it, most of the WoW community wasn’t really thrilled with the big fire/ice manes of the new forms. They were memed to death, with some pretty funny ones, like the following (and if you want to see more, head on over here).

Luckily for those unsatisfied with what was being shown, Blizzard has now added more options for Shamans. They added some much more… shall we say conventional forms!

Datamined by keyboardturn, these are leaning much more on the current forms, and actually look a lot like armor sets. Pretty solid armor sets at that.

So, if you were one of those not enjoying the announced forms, are these better? And are they better than what we have now?