Another Underpin Treasure Tragedy: Flying Loot!

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We’ve already warned you about using the Wave Scrambler 2000 iconWave Scrambler 2000 item to summon Underpin in water Delves, but now it seems the bug is spreading!

A Very Floaty Weave

Ordia was running the Spiral Weave Delve and decided to summon the Underpin with their scrambler. They defeated the boss, or, well shooed him away, and he dropped the treasure pile. So far, so good, right?

Even the image looks fine – just go forward and loot it! Unfortunately for Ordia, that’s just a trick of the perspective, as the pile is actually directly above the player! And as we know, you can’t loot the treasure with the usual looterang or kite mobs nearby and AoE loot, since it’s not a corpse but rather classified as a chest!

In the end Ordia just hoped the rewards would get mailed to them. Unfortunately again, that’s not going to happen either. Since it’s a loot chest, the Bounty map and whatever else was in there is lost for good. We don’t really have any recommendation on how to avoid this, as it seems like just a random fluke/bug. Maybe kill the boss near a ledge where you could climb it to get in reach of the floating treasure if it happens?