We’ve covered some great quality map porn already with one player’s quest to cover all the US states individually. But there’s no shortage of good artists in the WoW community, so let’s take a look at another version of the entire US, WoWified.
To Irvine We Go
Santii433 made their own version of the US map, which may look a little weird to residents there, since they used capital cities instead of the most important cities in each state. There were also some, hm, geographical cataclysmic errors, with certain locations taking a ride, but the community is taking it in good stride and already pointed out the mistakes. Most have been fixed, and further updates are on the way.
Santii443 also added some sprinkles of WoW to the map, most notable being a dungeon entrance for Blizzard’s HQ in Irvine. And for eagle-eyed spotters, there’s also an Area 52 surprise.
Map Content Patches
Alaska and Hawaii have been added as patches to the left side of the main map, which is a great touch. The content patches for them are already out though, and you can view the full maps as well.
Feedback, and the overall reaction to the maps, is generous and positive. If you’re interested in the entire creative process, here’s the explanation laid bare. There’s mention of “occupational hazards”, but we think Santii443 has managed to create a really good map, and mistakes can be looked past, and fixed, since they’re not a resident of the US. Or Deathwing.