Big Item Changes Coming in Patch 2.0: No Sacred, Huge Power Boost to Ancestral

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Patch 2.0 and Vessel of Hatred are less than a month away! So we thought it was time to point out some of the big changes that have been announced that perhaps didn’t get that much attention. We’re starting with the massive shift in itemization related to Sacred and Ancestral items, as the system is being entirely overhauled.

Say Goodbye to Sacred Items

First off, Sacred items will no longer exist. New ones will not drop after 2.0, and old ones will be renamed. You’ll have “Legacy” items on your Eternal Realm characters where once there were Sacreds, so they will truly be gone from Diablo 4. The existing “Legacy” items will not be upgradable either.

Non-Ancestral Items Aka Everything Else

We now only have two item types, Ancestral and… not. The regular items will have a maximum item level of 750. Non-Ancestral Legendaries dropped after character level 60 will always be 750. Normal items can be masterworked 4 times, but only if they’re item level 750. There’s also going to be a whole lot more Normal items on Eternal Realms, as all current gear with an item level over 540 will be moved down to 540 after the patch.

Greater Ancestral Power

Ancestral items have received the most changes – well, if you don’t count being entirely removed as the biggest change ever when it comes to Sacreds. First off, they won’t be dropping at all until Torment level 1. And, if you’ll recall, you need to be level 60 and clear the Pit level 20 to access T1. But there’s some very powerful tradeoffs for this as well.

Ancestrals will not only always be the maximum item power, 800, but will also ALWAYS drop with at least one Greater Affix! They’re also the only place to get any Greater Affixes, so they’re quite literally the only game in town.

That’s a whole lot of changes to item power and Ancestrals! Patch 2.0 and the expansion can’t get here soon enough!