Blizzard Survey Hints at New Classes or Specializations Considered for World of Warcraft

Staff's AvatarDec 12th, 2024 by Staff

Blizzard has recently reached out to players via a detailed survey that delves into the topic of new playable classes in World of Warcraft. The survey spotlighted by German fansite, invites players to weigh in on what they’d like to see in a future class and which features matter most to them. The possibility of new specializations is also explored in the survey. Here’s what we know so far and what it could mean for the game’s future!

Survey Breakdown: Exploring Player Preferences

The survey opens by asking players about the factors influencing their choice of a playable class. This section offers details on how players connect with WoW’s existing class roster.

New Class Concepts

The main attraction of the survey is Blizzard’s introduction of new class concepts like the Tinker, Bard, Gunner, and Astrologian. Please keep in mind this is a rough translation of the German survey. As such, there may be slight inaccuracies. Thanks to Enrif for the translation.

Survey Page 4:
Answer the following questions about the concept of a Tinker class:
Prismatic: As heirs to Titanic Power, Prismatics are carriers of cosmic powers that can not only be used in their purest forms but their transcending powers can be merged into new powers. They refine and focus the power of life to heal allies, or the powers of order to protect themself, or they merge the combined powers of death and shadow to deal damage to enemies.

Survey Page 5:
Answer the following questions about the concept of a Tinker class:
Bard: Supporter, Healer, and Tanks, that utilize the Song of Azeroth to cast mighty spells, support their allies and weaken their enemies. Bards shine in a group, empowering and improving the spells of others and at the same time bringing numerous songs and auras to help their group reach new heights.

Survey Page 6:
Answer the following questions for the concept of a Gunner class:
Gunner: Quick, offensive ranged combat characters that wield two pistols at the same time. They apply different elemental effects to their weapons to create the deadliest arsenal of destruction against their foes.

Survey Page 7:
Answer the following questions for the concept of Astrologian class:
Astrologian: Mighty spellcasters that use the cosmic powers of the stars and gravity to deal devastating damage. They utilize celestial energies to cast spells, manipulate gravitational fields, summon meteor swarms, and create star explosions.

Survey Page 8:
We want to present a few extra class concepts now. Some of them were already presented, others are new. Please take your time to read each concept carefully, then click on next when you are ready to proceed.

As a reminder: Not all ideas you will see here are currently considered or in development and we ask you to keep all content of this survey confidential.

Apothecary: Masters in the creation of potions and brews, which they use to harm enemies and empower and heal allies. They create unique combinations of elements, do give potions various effects, be it explosive, toxic or granting extreme power.

Astrologian: Mighty spellcasters that use the cosmic powers of the stars and gravity to deal devastating damage. They utilize celestial energies to cast spells, manipulate gravitational fields, summon meteor swarms and create star explosions.

Bard: Supporter, Healer and Tanks, that utilize the Song of Azeroth to cast mighty spells, support their allies and weaken their enemies. Bards shine in a group, empowering and improving the spells of others and at the same time bringing numerous songs and auras to help their group reach new heights.

Witch: Damagedealers and Healers that use “old magic” to reach towards darker, natural powers. Their magic includes curses, familiars, rituals, spiritual connections, poisons, decay, and more. This class builds onto the teachings of witches and dark magicians of WoW, including the witches of Drustvar, the Gilnean harvest witches, the decay gnolls and troll hexes, and spirit magic.

Celestials Lancer: Warrior, that use spears and titan magic, that are empowered by the gods for quick jumps and strikes.

Battlemage: Battlemages empower their weapons with the might of the elements, to aid their allies, weaken foes, and create constructs to control the battlefield.

Artificer: Melee-based Tanks, Damage dealers and Healers, that use a mix of handmade machines and titan-technology. Mechanic-reactive gear is the foundation of their power, while utilizing new weapon types like extendable flails or reactive shields. This class is on the frontlines of battles and protects and supports their team with their inventions.

Survey Page 9:
Leyweaver: Leywaver are connected via leylines to the natural powers of Azeroth. Their connection to these arcane power lines allows them to move quickly along them and to manipulate the unseen energies that flow through everything – they help allies, deal damage to enemies or buff and debuff as wanted.

Gunner: Quick, offensive ranged combat characters that wield two pistols at the same time. They apply different elemental effects to their weapons to create the deadliest arsenal of destruction against their foes.

Prismatic: As heirs to Titanic Power, Prismatics are carriers of cosmic powers that can not only be used in their purest forms, but their transcending powers can be merged to new powers. They refine and focus the power of life to heal allies, or the powers of order to protect themself, or they merge the combined powers of death and shadow to deal damage to enemies.

Gunslinger: Cunning and agile melee combatants that use two pistols are once. Their sharp eyes allow them to see the weak points of enemies and deal with them quickly.

Titankiller: Titankillers combine the sword fragments of Taeshalach and Gorribal to use the powers of Gorshalach and connect to the cosmic powers of the Titans, to destroy any threat to Azeroth.

Necromancer: Summon an army of undead that follow your commands and overrun enemies in combat. They combine different summoning spells to build the perfect army.

Tinker: Genius inventors, who have uncovered the secrets of the titan technology, and using it to protect their allies, heal wounds, and attack enemies. Through their understanding of machines. tinkers can create inventions (custom-made skills/spells), control Mech-Suits, and deploy mechanical constructs to create an advantage in combat.

Warden: Versatile, armored hunters, who with their art of chakrams and traps, devastating ranged and melee attacks.

Spellbreaker: Melee characters that specialize in combat against magical powers. They ward magic, but they can also empower their gear with the magic of their enemies to improve their combat capabilities.

Survey Page 10:
Following you find description pairs that could describe games. Please choose the options that mostly reflect you.

Survey Page 11:
Please pick the class, which you would likely play/not play in WoW
Astrologian, Tinker, Celestial Lancer, Spellbreaker, Necromancer

Survey Page 12:
Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
Gunslinger, Battlemage, Warden, Apothecary, Leyweaver

Survey Page 13:
Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
Tinker, Necromancer, Titankiller, Artifcer, Witch

Survey Page 14:
Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
Gunner, Spellbreaker, Prismatic, Gunslinger, Warden

Survey Page 15:
Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
Celestial Lancer, Gunner, Leyweaver, Artificer, Titankiller

Survey Page 16:
Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
Battlemage, Tinker, Witch, Apothecary, Prismatic

Survey Page 17:
Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
Warden, Astrologian, Gunner, Bard, Leyweaver

Survey Page 18:
Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
Spellbreaker, Witch, Bard, Celestial Lancer, Gunslinger

Survey Page 19:
Please pick the class, which you would likely play in WoW, and which you would likely NOT play in WoW
Apothecary, Bard, Artificer, Battlemage, Gunner

Survey Page 20:
Lastly, we would like to know which class concept would be most interesting for you, if you could play it in WoW.

It seems we’re in for a new class during the Worldsoul Saga!