Ultimate Brann Companion Guide for the War Within Season 2 of Delves!

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We’re covering all changes to Brann Bronzebeard, everyone’s favorite Delve companion, in The War Within Season 2!

New Level Cap & Increased XP Gains

Brann’s level cap has risen to 80 in Season 2. The XP required to level him to 60 has been drastically reduced.

New Tank Role

Brann now gains access to a brand-new tank role in Patch 11.1, which means healers can just focus on healing him during delves. In the tank role, Brann gains access to the following new abilities and talents:

  • Abilities
    • Pistol Shot – Brann pulls out his pistol and quickly shoots his enemy.
    • Shield Bash – Brann bashes enemies in front with a shield.
    • Boomstick Blitz – Brann uses his shotgun to blast his enemies.
  • Talents
    • Veteran of Ironforge – Brann wields a pistol, and a shield that wears in battle, providing damage reduction per stack. As the shields gets damaged, Brann’s survival instincts kick in, increasing his damage dealt, and when the shield gets worn-out, he switches to his trusty shotgun.
    • Bronzebeard’s Brown Bear – Brann summons the family bear, which charges into battle, launching enemies up into the air. The bear then prepares for a series of massive stomps, dealing damage, forming an area that increases dodge chance, and increasing maximum health.
    • Electro-Charged Gadgets – Brann’s equipment is enhanced with cutting-edge tech upgrades.
      • Electro-Charged Shield – Effective healing done to Brann pulsates as Nature damage to nearby enemies.
      • Electro-Charged Pistol – Each shot discharges and electrical current, arcing through nearby enemies and reducing their attack speed. Healing Brann super-charges his pistol to deal more damage.
      • Electro-Charged Shotgun – Each enemy hit has a chance to be knocked down. Healing Brann super-charges his shotgun to deal more damage.
    • Neat Rope Trick – When an enemy attacks a player, Brann throws his trusty lasso, pulling the enemy back to him. The same enemy cannot be lassoed more than once within 10 seconds.
    • Sentry Totem – Brann deploys an electrifying totem, nullifying up to 3 harmful spells and boosting combat capabilities of allies within the area.
    • Grand Brann Slam – Brann leaps into battle with concussive force, dealing damage and taunting enemies nearby.
    • Lightning Link – Brann generates an electro link that transfers damage done to nearby allies to himself.
    • Explorer’s Survival Journal (Paragon Ability) – Brann’s combat mastery grants him increased maximum health and healing received.

New Unconscious Mechanic for Tank Brann

When Brann reaches 0 health, he will become Unconscious and you must heal him or finish a long cast to bring him back. This can be difficult when mobs attack you in higher tiers, but thanks to this little tip, you can escape your foes and bring Brann back to life!

Whenever Brann is Unconscious, turn back and run to the beginning of the delve. Enemies are very slow, and won’t reach you. At some point, Brann will respawn on you, allowing you to rez him quickly without mobs harming you!

Other Brann Changes

  • Dwarven Medicine will now grant 15% damage reduction for 12 seconds.
  • Dwarven Medicine healing over time effect is increased by 50%.
  • Steel Traps will now increase the damage the target takes by 20% for 12 seconds.
  • Healer Brann now has reduced threat generation.
  • An issue with Brann’s Epic Egg not summoning a devilsaur has been resolved.

Special Powers for Brann

After killing Elites inside Delves, there are special powers that will empower Brann. These include:

  • Prototype Heroism Cannister iconPrototype Heroism Cannister – In combat, Brann can break open a cannister that increases Haste by 8% for all party members. Lasts 15 sec.
  • Shield Alert Version 0.76 iconShield Alert Version 0.76 – Gain a shield when you fall beneath 50% health, reducing all damage taken by 90% for 5 sec. Can only happen once every 2 min.
  • Silencing Potion iconSilencing Potion – Brann can throw out a Silencing Potion. Running over it heals you and silences nearby enemies for 3 sec.