Brann Buffs Are Now Live: Tank, Healer, and DPS Specs Improved

Staff's AvatarToday at 0:57am by Staff

Blizzard have heard the community’s outcries about the Brann tank nerfs and many bugs plaguing him, and he’s getting some buffs!

The tank side is getting the most buffs after getting cut down in the previous hotfixes. However, healer Brann is also getting some special attention as a bug was causing him to take more damage. There’s also an overall buff to all specs, and even some delve enemy nerfs.

Since our previous set of changes to Brann with maintenance earlier this week, we’ve continued to dig into his performance in different situations, and addressed several issues that needed attention. With hotfixes that have all gone live over the last day or so, we’ve now made the following improvements:


  • Brann Bronzebeard
    • Tank Brann now receives 13% reduced damage overall.
    • Tank Brann now receives 5% reduced damage while using his shotgun.
    • Tank Brann now receives 20% increased healing while using his shotgun.
    • Tank Brann maximum health increased by 10%.
    • The following spells now have a special internal cooldown for Electro-Charged Weapons stacks when healing Tank Brann.
      • Soothing Mists
      • Ultimate Penitence
      • Penance
      • Eternal Flame
      • Nourish
      • Rejuvenation
      • Riptide
      • Atonement
      • Ancient Teachings
    • All versions of Brann now take 50% reduced damage from AoE damage.
    • Fixed a bug where Healer Brann’s damage taken was not being reduced as expected.
      • Developers’ notes: Bottom line here is that Season 2 Healer Brann now has a reduction of damage taken that is similar to Season 1 Healer Brann.
    • Healer and Damage Brann’s Aspect of the Turtle cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
    • Healer and Damage Brann’s The Bronzebeard Spirit self-heal cooldown reduced to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds).
    • Healer and Damage Brann’s Emergency Supplies self-heal effect increased to 30% of Brann’s health (was 15%).
    • An issue causing Tank Brann’s paragon level to not gain ranks beyond rank 50 has been resolved.
  • A particularly nasty trio of Hobgoblins appearing in Delves is now a duo of Hobgoblins. The other one went for a swim.

As always, thank you for your feedback on this and all concerns. We’ll keep monitoring and playtesting and working on it.