This week’s Season 1 opening brings new Delve difficulties! And with them, there’s a very nifty little item that can get your rewards up to item level 610. However, you may miss out on some 610 items unless you plan out your Delves on your characters carefully.
As pointed out by Thirteenera, there’s a small trick to getting the most out of item rewards in Season 1 Delves.
Meet the
Delver’s Bounty
This method revolves around a special item that can drop in all Delves. It’s the Delver’s Bounty and it will give you a buff that grants an extra chest at the end of the next Delve. This chest will have an increased item level for the gear inside. There are a few problems with it though:
- It’s Bind on Pickup.
- Each Delve tier has its own Delver’s Bounty item.
- You only get a certain amount (3 is the current consensus) per character per week.
So, when we add all these three up we can come up with a best-usage for this extra chest.
You’ll Need an OK-Geared Alt
So what does all this add up to? Well, the issue is you do not want to get these items on your main until you reach tier 8 (or the highest tier you can manage). For Delves, you have to clear the previous tier so you ca access the next one. Before the season we were all capped at tier 3, so we have four tiers to clear before T8 (which is the final tier for item level increases).
And so what you want to do is clear tiers 4 through 7 on an alt.
This is so your main can then simply jump into a Tier 8, and then any Delver’s Bounty drops will be T8 quality. This will result in the bonus chest at the end of the next Delve containing item level 610 gear! Now, tier 7 and 8 Delves aren’t a pushover unless you have solid gear already. They should be relatively easy around 580, but they’re certainly doable with less as well. This method also applies to whatever maximum Delve difficulty you can manage. You just want to get your main in the highest tier you can manage through alts clearing the way.
So if you have an alt with a decent item level (or are just really good at Delves), don’t forget to clear to T8 so your main(s) can get the full benefit for this week!