Finding Your WoW Main Just Got Easier! Check Out Our New Guide to the Best Specs for Your Playstyle!

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Rejoice, for we are adding a brand new type of guide to Icy Veins WoW! The “Choose Your Main” guide is designed to help players find the best fit for their playstyle. Whether you’re diving into a new expansion or just looking for a change, this guide will help you quickly find that one special specialization you’ll be spending most of your time with.

Why This Guide Is Essential for Choosing Your WoW Main

Choosing your main or what to play next isn’t as simple as just taking a look at a tier list and picking one of the top candidates. Each spec performs very differently in various content and has strengths and weaknesses you won’t find in a tier list.

More importantly, you should always pick something that suits you specifically, and the only way to know what suits you is to understand the spec better. This guide gives you the knowledge to make an informed decision, ensuring you choose a spec that truly resonates with your playstyle in the War Within.

What’s Inside the “Choose Your Main” Guide

Our Tier list writer, Petko, has spent hundreds of hours testing classes on the War Within Beta. He’s examined how each spec performs in many situations and environments, providing a comprehensive overview of the current spec landscape.

In the “Choose Your Main” guide, you get to benefit from all that knowledge!

  • Performance in Different Situations: From damage profiles to survivability and utility, everything is laid out clearly.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Detailed analysis of each spec’s advantages and drawbacks.
  • Regular Updates: The guide is periodically updated to reflect any changes or hotfixes.
Class icons by Handclaw

A Word From the Guide Writer

Hear directly from our Mythic+ guru, Petko, as he shares the rigorous process behind crafting this comprehensive guide!

Ever since I’ve been playing Mythic+, I have always struggled to choose my main or alts before the start of a new season. A few years ago I began creating a spreadsheet that would rank different specs and classes across different criteria, to help me make that decision after extensively testing them on the PTR, Alpha, and Beta. I then shared this spreadsheet with my community on Twitch, and have been maintaining it over the years due to the high demand for this kind of information.” – Petko

Xal’atath, the main villain of the War Within expansion

How to Use This Guide to Choose Your Main

With all the information at your fingertips, picking your main has never been easier. Our guide will walk you through understanding each spec’s performance in the game, helping you match it with your playstyle. Combine it with our in-depth class guides, and you will be ready to dominate in the War Within! Whether you’re looking for a new main or just want a change of pace with an alt, this guide will point you in the right direction!