Celebrate WoW’s 20th anniversary with the new Reins of the Coldflame Tempest mount! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get the mount during this limited-time event.
A Cool Twenty Years is the meta-achievement for the 20th anniversary of WoW. When you earn it, you will receive the
Reins of the Coldflame Tempest mount.
Coldflame Tempest Mount Requirements
Let’s break down the meta-achievement requirements in more detail now:
I Have That One!: Match 1 mount during the Mount Mania.
- This one is really simple. When Mount Mania is up and you summon at least 1 matching mount, you will receive the achievement.
Fashion Critic: Cast 1 vote at the Fashion Frenzy.
- Likewise, when Fashion Frenzy is up, cast a vote for your favorite outfit.
Pet Mischief: Use a pet disguiser to look like your pet and explore the area.
- Visit the pet area outside of the main celebration camp and loot the box near Petra to receive
Pet Mirror. Summon any pet and use the item to transform into that pet and get the achievement.
- Visit the pet area outside of the main celebration camp and loot the box near Petra to receive
Balloonist: Ride one of the celebration balloons.
- When you enter the area, you can interact with a balloon in the air to ride it. Additionally, you can buy
20th Anniversary Balloon Chest from Historian Ma’di to get balloons. Riding the balloon for a short period will grant you the achievement.
- When you enter the area, you can interact with a balloon in the air to ride it. Additionally, you can buy
Peanut Gallery: React to Lorewalker Cho’s stories 50 times.
- Every hour, Lorewalker Cho will tell stories. You must head to the stage and during his storytelling, react by clicking the extra action buttons that will appear. It will take some time to get this achievement because you must react a total of 50 times.
An Original: Defeat at least one of the following world bosses during the WoW Anniversary- Azuregos, Lord Kazzak, Lethon, Emeriss, Taerar, Ysondre.
- Very easy achievement. Just kill one of the Original World Bosses located in Dustwallow Marsh, Ashenvale, The Burning Steppes, and other locations.
A Gatecrasher: Defeat at least one of the following world bosses during the WoW Anniversary- Doomwalker, Sha of Anger, Archavon the Stonewatcher.
- To earn the achievement, you must kill Sha of Anger, Doomwalker, or Archavon in Tanaris.
Codex Editor: Ahn’Qiraj– Complete the scenario, “The Codex of Chromie.”
- Queue up for the Chromie Scenario and complete it.
MrGM also released a video on how to get the mount.