New Cooldown Manager in Patch 11.1.5 — Here’s How It Changes Your Gameplay

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Cooldown Manager is a new User Interface feature introduced in Patch 11.1.5. Its purpose is to help inform you of the state of your important class and spec cooldowns in a consolidated space on your UI.

How to Enable Cooldown Manager

Cooldown Manager is not enabled by default and you need to go to Settings -> Advanced Options to enable it first.

This will make the Cooldown Manager appear above your action bars. Here’s what it looks like for a Mage. As you can see there are multiple bars and we’ll go over what is tracked on each bar in more detail.

The cooldown manager has four components to it that can be all adjusted and shown or hidden separately based on your preferences in Edit Mode.

Essential Cooldowns

The Essential Cooldowns section shows all your important abilities that have cooldown timers. These are your main combat skills like Crusader Strike, Judgment, and Avenging Wrath, the abilities you use most often or that have a big impact.

This section helps you track when an ability is ready to use, how long any effects it caused will last, and the cooldown time after it ends. It works just like your action bar. If an ability lights up there, it lights up here too.

Utility Cooldowns

The Utility Cooldowns section tracks abilities you use in specific situations, not all the time. These includes spells that help you interrupt enemies, move quickly, or avoid danger. Spells like Counterspell, Blink, and Ice Block belong here.

Tracked Buffs

Tracked Bars show important effects where knowing the exact duration matters. These bars help you manage abilities that change how you play or need to be active for maximum impact. For example, you’ll see bars for spells like Combustion (which changes your rotation), Shield Block (which you want to keep up), and Eclipse (so you know exactly when it ends).

Tracked Bars

The Tracked Bars section shows icons for important effects you need to know are active, but where the exact timing isn’t as critical. Buffs like Nether Precision for Arcane Mages, Backdraft for Destruction Warlocks, or Maelstrom Weapon for Enhancement Shamans appear here. You’ll see the icon, how long the buff lasts, and how many stacks you have.