Dalaran Is Back, Sort Of: Floating City Appears Over Karazhan

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The new patch brought sole old stuff back, and Dalaran is one of them, straight out of 2016!

Many players are reporting seeing the Legion pre-patch version of Dalaran appear over Karazhan/Deadwind Pass. This seems to be due to the Legion pre-patch quest getting randomly added to players’ quest logs, which then makes sense that the game is adding that particular phase of Deadwind Pass with Dalaran on top.

This is happening to players that already completed it as well!

It’s quickly becoming a hangout spot, as players can see each other in the bugged-out phase.

This is most likely related to the less and less secret Legion Remix coming later this year. Blizzard were probably testing the pre-patch questline and forgot to turn it off from the PTR. And now it’s a cool little Easter Egg players are running into!

So if you’re still bummed about the city blowing up, head on over to Deadwind Pass and hang out in an older version!