Dastardly Duos in Patch 11.1.5: Bosses, Rewards, and How It Works

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Dastardly Duos is a new six-week world event where players fight against villainous bosses from Azeroth’s past. It should be available for playtesting on the 11.1.5 PTR shortly.

Keep in mind not all achievements and rewards have been implemented yet, we’re still waiting on the testing to begin and this article is based on datamining.


Based on the datamined achievements (Dastardly Duos Weekly Wins iconDastardly Duos Weekly Wins and Dastardly Duos Weekly High Score iconDastardly Duos Weekly High Score), the main objective is to win Dastardly Duos matches each week against bosses for 6 weeks. There’s the option to gain new high scores each week as well, with points earned from kills and damage done.

Boss Availability

During Week 1, there will be 4 bosses available to fight and each week thereafter additional bosses will be added up to a total of 10 bosses to face.

Dastardly Duos: Bosses

Based on a datamined Trading Post activity, here’s a list of bosses we’ll be facing against in Dastardly Duos:

  • Baron Silverlaine (Shadowfang Keep)
  • Broggok (Blood Furnace)
  • Chrono-Lord Epoch (Culling of Stratholme)
  • Foe Reaper 5000 (The Deadmines)
  • Glubtok (The Deadmines)
  • Hydromancer Thespia (Steamvault)
  • Lord Walden (Shadowfang Keep)
  • Mekgineer Steamrigger (The Steamvault)
  • Rattlegore (Scholomance)
  • Watchkeeper Gargolmar (Hellfire Ramparts)


  • Who are the Dastardly Duos? provides you with the Dastardly Banner iconDastardly Banner banner toy.
  • Tyrannotort's Treat iconTyrannotort’s Treat is a mount you can get from Dastardly Duos upon completing the Another Amazing Week! achievement. The achievement requirements are unknown at this point, but the mount is available for preview!

Flavor Text: “Vinnie Sweets kept this rare, albino turtle a secret, saving until it was time to help promote Dastardly Duos.”