Don’t Forget to Claim Your Free Game Time After War Within Pre-Patch Downtime in the US Region

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Players in the US region received 1 day of free game time as compensation for extended downtime on July 23, when the pre-patch event went live.

On July 23, Blizzard launched the War Within pre-patch, but the release didn’t go as smoothly as planned. The scheduled maintenance was extended multiple times in the US region, leading to significantly more downtime than anticipated.

In response, Blizzard has offered players 1 day of free game time as compensation. Many players have reported that this free game time has already been credited to their accounts, and it can be claimed until July 23, 2025.

Source: Reddit

This offer is especially beneficial for players without an active subscription, as it allows them to explore the Trading Post or wrap up any in-game activities that can be completed within 24 hours.

Please note that this doesn’t affect players in the EU region.