Don’t Forget to Complete Darkmoon Faire Profession Quests for Khaz Algar Knowledge Points!

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The Darkmoon Faire has started and with it you can complete Profession quests for Khaz Algar Knowledge points!

Darkmoon Faire Profession Quests

The Darkmoon Faire is available every first Sunday of a month. The event offers simple Profession quests that will grant you Profession Knowledge. This is especially useful now since the War Within expansion just launched and this is the first time the event is available in the new expansion.

How to Enter Darkmoon Island?

Head over to the Darkmoon Faire. Alliance players will find the portal in Elwynn Forest just outside Stormwind. Horde players will find the same portal outside Thunder Bluff in Mulgore.

Finally, the Profession quests are super simple, you go to the Darkmoon Faire central area to pick them up and they have easy objectives that can be completed within minutes.

Examples of Herbalism and Mining quests granting +3 Profession Knowledge. Thanks to Grayvess for the screenshot!