This may be very well known to everyone, but on the off-chance you weren’t aware, BudoBoy07 shared an very useful macro and tip.
Double Pot Guide
Cavedweller’s Delight heals for 2.8M HP and an
Algari Healing Potion heals for 3.8M HP. But they don’t share the same cooldown, meaning you can use each of them at the same time. Cavedweller’s Delight shares a cooldown with the various battle potions, invisibility potions, mana potions, etc. And so if you’re not in very high-end content where you need those, or would just prefer to survive, it would be a good idea to make a second keybind for Cavedweller’s Delight as a second pot. They’re pretty cheap on AH at base rank. You can also make a macro so you can use it on the same keybind.
The Macro
If you still don’t know how to create a macro in general, simply type /macro in chat or press Esc → Macros to create a new one. Paste the following text:
/use Algari Healing Potion
/castsequence reset=300 Algari Healing Potion, Cavedweller’s Delight

This macro will drink an Algari Healing Potion on your first button press, always. And if you press the button again while it is on cooldown, it will then drink a Cavedweller’s Delight. Make sure that if you want to drink both potions, you press twice!
This can help you survive some tricky incoming damage phases in any content, so make sure to use it!