Earthen Are FAST Explorers: Level 70 in Under 6 Hours Only Via Map Reveals

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While some players keep referring to the Earthen Allied Race as “just a dwarf reskin”, their racial Wide-Eyed Wonder iconWide-Eyed Wonder is already making them one of the most unique races out there! And now that players are getting a hang of it, the dinging is getting faster and faster.

Set Speed to Explore!

We’ve already talked about how amazing it is that Earthen can get all the way to around level 71 only using exploration experience. However, as with everything, routes are now getting better and better! Ardibanan recently shared a pretty fast run they did, without even having tried particularly hard! Just under 6 hours took them from 10 to 70:

The route was Northrend – Draenor – Pandaria – Legion – Kul Tiras – Outland, but dr3nz5 chimed in and mentioned they got to 70 slightly faster using Cataclysm aka the whole old world, Outland, Northrend, Draenor and the the Dragon Isles.

Don’t Forget Chromie!

This is all done using Chromie time each time you swat expansions, as it sets the level scaling to your current level, it’s always the correct leveling XP for exploration. You can find her in Orgrimmar or Stormwind, marked on the map.

The Sky’s the Limit

Now, these aren’t even especially planned out routes so there’s a LOT of room to improve. It’s a very fun new way to level and finding new and improved ways to do it even faster is always great. And not to mention, it’s actually a very competitive time in terms of leveling to 70 by any means. Now, it will never be able to beat the current record for 10-70, which sits solidly in under half an hour. However, that was done during the Mists of Pandaria: Remix event using the very big XP buffs from the infinite cloak. Currently, the leveling pace is around 4-5 hours with some preparation.

We can’t wait to see just how fast this brand-new and exciting leveling method gets. And with every new expansion, the Earthen should be getting more and more popular, as they will always have a fast and very chill way to get right up to the current expansion’s start level!