Earthen Racials Severely Underpowered: Players Demand Buffs

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Players are noticing that choosing Earthen can result in a DPS loss compared to having no racial abilities at all, but how’s that even possible?

The Earthen Allied Race has become finally available for play this week, but for those picking the race, things aren’t looking great. In a recent Reddit post, players are voicing their concerns about how wildly undertuned the Earthen racials are, to the point that they may actually harm a player’s overall performance. Here’s a breakdown of why the Earthen racials need some buffs to stay competitive.

Weak Earthen Racials: A DPS Loss?

The main pain point is the Ingest Minerals iconIngest Minerals racial. Not only does it function very awkwardly and you need to spend gold on gems, but it is also weaker than the standard Well Fed buff, Awesomesaucemz claims.

For comparison, Ingest Minerals iconIngest Minerals grants you around 383 stat, whereas the Well Fed buff gives you 466.

Blizzard – Earthen Wildly Undertuned, Needs Buffs
byu/Awesomesaucemz inwow

The Earthen also lack a passive that would increase their secondary stat by 1%.

Azerite Racial: Mediocre at Best

While the Azerite Surge iconAzerite Surge does have some AoE potential, it can be described as net neutral at best in terms of DPS, which is not enough to make up for the deficits elsewhere.

The Mana Regeneration Issue

Another complaint from Earthen players is their inability to drink regular water to regenerate mana. As it currently stands, Earthen players can only consume food conjured by Mages to replenish their mana, which adds an unnecessary restriction that feels more like an oversight than a design choice. This limitation adds another layer of frustration for those who have chosen Earthen for their characters.

Earthen Cannot Drink Water
byu/Altruistic_Spell_722 inwow

An Issue with Balance

While no one expects the Earthen racials to be the best, their extreme underperformance is bewildering—especially when compared to powerful racials like the Night Elves’ Shadowmeld iconShadowmeld.

A Call to Action

The community is calling on Blizzard to take a closer look at the numbers behind the Earthen racials. Whether it’s adjusting the food buff racial to be more in line with the Pandaren or revisiting the Azerite racial, it’s clear that some form of buff is needed for the new Allied Race.

It’s time to make the Earthen competitive again!