Everything You Need to Know About Dastardly Duos in Patch 11.1.5

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Dastardly Duos are finally available for testing on the 11.1.5 PTR! After extensive testing, we’re back to tell you all about the latest feature!


The event’s main headquarters are the Gates of Dornogal. Check out the map for the actual location. It should be available in Orgrimmar and Stormwind too!

Queueing Up for Dastardly Duos

The camp contains many quests. Before you queue up for the event, don’t forget to accept the weekly quest that rewards 1 piece of Champion-track gear by talking to Vinnie Sweets.

After that, talk to Xyggie Marou to queue up for the event.

Before the Match: Companions, Elixirs, Food

When the event starts, you are given a party of NPC companions. You can talk to the goblin NPC to remove them.

To your right side, there will be shelves with potions that grant you healing or invisibility.

There’s also food. You can pick from many buffs.

For instance, “Challenging” Shrimpy Fish decreases your damage done by 20%, and increases damage taken by 2%, but grants 2x Kill and Survival bonus, crucial if you want to reach a high score at the end of your match, but more on that later.

Match Start

A countdown will begin when you enter the arena, signaling a match start.

Objective 1: Kill ALL Trash

At the top of your screen is a 5-minute time and a high score. You can add time to the timer by clicking cogwheels on the ground or via special items that you receive from the chest at the end of your run and weekly quest caches.

Your score increases when you kill mobs. Many multipliers increase your score further.

The first objective is to kill all trash mobs in the Arena.

When Cheery Bomb Cheers spawn, you will see a green circle around them. Make sure to kick them like the bombs during The Underpin encounter so that mobs are killed in the green circles for score multipliers.

Objective 2: Bosses

During the next stage, bosses will spawn. You will face multiple bosses simultaneously in two waves. You will fight the following bosses:

  • Baron Silverlaine (Shadowfang Keep)
  • Broggok (Blood Furnace)
  • Chrono-Lord Epoch (Culling of Stratholme)
  • Foe Reaper 5000 (The Deadmines)
  • Glubtok (The Deadmines)
  • Hydromancer Thespia (Steamvault)
  • Lord Walden (Shadowfang Keep)
  • Mekgineer Steamrigger (The Steamvault)
  • Rattlegore (Scholomance)
  • Watchkeeper Gargolmar (Hellfire Ramparts)

Match End: Total Score and Chest!

When you kill all the bosses within the timer, you will see your Total Score pop up on the screen along with a chest that provides you with 1 piece of loot.

The chest gives Item Level 632 Veteran 4/8 gear.


When you die, a goblin will spawn that will roam the area. When you stand in the blue circle surrounding it, you will get zapped. This goblin can be killed but it can be easily avoided.


  • Weekly quests provide you with 1 piece of Champion-track gear.
  • You will also unlock the Dastardly Banner iconDastardly Banner toy and the Winner's Podium iconWinner’s Podium
    • Multiple customization options for the Winner’s Podium are unlocked by playing matches and from weekly quests.
  • Finally, there’s the Tyrannotort's Treat iconTyrannotort’s Treat mount from the Week 5 quest.