Exploiters Return and Call Out Blizzard, Kill Gallywix Mythic AGAIN

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And there’s the World 2nd! RAoV Quality Assurance have returned and exploited yet another kill of the Liberation of Undermine Mythic endboss! They were, of course, removed from the rankings very quickly, but not before sharing a message with Blizzard.


In case you weren’t aware, the guild RAoV Quality Assurance got the World First on Mythic Gallywix a few days ago by using a giant exploit, skipping all the bosses except the first and using a “internal spell” to kill tge final boss. Blizzard quickly removed the entry from the Hall of Fame and rankings, and banned everyone involved.

And then they did it again today! Except this time they killed the ENTIRE raid on Mythic! “ecnarussAeR ytilauQ VoAR”, an anagram of RAoV Quality Assurance, once again popped up on the leaderboards with a Gallywix Mythic kill at the end. Blizzard were even faster this time, removing and banning them. The use of an “internal spell” was already suspicious the first time, but this time we have a bit of a spicy comment to go along with the kill.

One of the players in the exploit put the original Blizzard blue post addressing this issue in their player bio on Raider.IO, adding “QA is really hard”. Raider.IO quickly removed the kill and the reference.

As you can see from the above, most of the characters had names referencing either Rextroy or other similar youtubers, with one deciding to try and spoil/troll a potential fight mechanic. The Havoc Demon Hunter “Nosecretfaze” tried to spoil the fun for everyone, but if the fight was indeed 1-shot with GM tools, they may not even know if there is one. Or they just want to troll others. In any case we still don’t have any clue whether there is or isn’t a secret phase – although the likelihood is more that it does exist.

Who Is This?

After the first kill and the use of an internal spell it was already looking like this could have been a former Blizzard employee. After this one that seems even more likely, with a Quality Assurance worker or workers being the most likely. It could also have been someone on the inside leaking these powers to players outside. Perhaps it was Bobby Kotick himself taking revenge for all the Gallywix references? But now that (presumably, since Blizzard said they fixed the first one) two different exploits of this magnitude were used, it’s definitely getting more interesting.

Will we see a third kill?