Finally! Awakening the Machine Speed-Up Option Added in 11.1

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Here’s one players have been asking since the start of The War Within. Awakening the Machine has long been an annoyance for players. The activity is extremely easy no matter your item level, and it’s just… so… slooooow! Luckily it got at least a little faster with this week’s patch.

A Slightly Less Sleepy Machine

PmaxNor noticed there’s a new option in the Awakening the Machine activity in the Ringing Deeps. We finally got a speed-up option that will help at least a little with the notoriously slow waves. The “I’m ready for a challenge” line only removes the wait time between waves, so it’s far from perfect. But we’ll take anything we can get.

The activity itself went through a lot of iteration on the War Within beta, as it had infinite waves and some serious difficulty at one point, and even Torghast-style powerups like a true Vampire Survivors-like. Hopefully, Blizzard can add some of that back at some point, either with this activity or a future similar one.