There’s still over a week to finish Zevkir, so now’s the time to get it done! The void customization for the Delve mount will only be a 100% drop from Zekvir until Season 2. After that it will still be obtainable, but with a low percentage drop from the boss. There are also two achievements and a title to be had! Luckily for those who haven’t done it yet, Danta shared an amazing guide on how he completed the Let Me Solo Him achievement in just a few tries – without addons. The fight is not (only) hard because the boss is complicated, but because the fight itself is just annoying and RNG-based.
Camera Distance
If you are too close to a wall, you might get hit by something without even noticing it. To make things more manageable, you can use this command:
/console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.6
This command lets you zoom out much further, making it easier to see what’s happening.
Classes and Gear
To attempt Zevkir on ?? difficulty, you must first finish the tier 8 delve with a life remaining, and then kill Zevkir on normal difficulty. After that, you must finish the tier 9 and 10 delves with a life remaining to enter Zevkir on ?? difficulty.
Danta did this with a Windwalker Monk, without touching endgame content since before the Siren Isle patch. The fight itself stays the same for every class, however, classes that will have an easier time include Ret Paladin, Death Knight, Windwalker Monk, Frostfire Mage, Havoc Demon Hunter, and Destruction Warlock – because they can easily remove snares and have a short interrupt cooldown. His Monk is at 613 item level, and if you are playing a Windwalker as well, you can check the full talent setup at 2:37 in the video.
Setting Up Brann
Brann is one of the things that makes the fight RNG-based, because sometimes he simply doesn’t show enough respect for your life. If you want to do this on a DPS, you will want to set up Brann as a healer. Danta is going with the Amorphous Relic and Unbreakable Iron Idol. The Timeless Relic or Light-Touched Idol could also be great choices.
Zevkir Abilities – Phase 1
Whenever Zevkir is above 60% HP, he will use six abilities.
- Some of those abilities are Claw Smash, Horrendous Roar, and Angler’s Web, which are super easy to deal with—just don’t stand in them (they are one-hit).
- Regeneration Carapace: This is his healing ability, so make sure to interrupt it.
- Enfeebling Spittle: This ability deals damage over time and slows you; don’t waste your interrupt on it. Instead, remove the debuff using a snare or magic dispel ability.
- Call Web Terror: This ability spawns an egg that hatches into a spider that can one-shot you, so nuke the egg down before it hatches.
Once his HP reaches 60%, you will transition into phase two. He will run to the middle of the room and become immune for 10 seconds.
Zevkir Abilities – Phase 2
In this phase, he will gain three new abilities:
- Unending Spikes: Spikes shoot out of the ground – just avoid them.
- Infinite Horror: This is basically the Horrendous Roar but even worse, with added orbs that shoot toward you.
- Angler’s Web: In this phase, it spawns two portals around the room. If you get too close, they will suck you in.
Additional Tips
- Prepare: Make your life easier and grab some food, flasks, and drums – you know why. If the RNG isn’t in your favor, Zevkir can crit you for 3 million damage.
- Dodge Attacks: Make sure to dodge Claw Smash, Horrendous Roar, and Angler’s Web at all times; stop DPSing during these moments if needed.
- Interrupt Heals: Ensure that you interrupt every Regeneration Carapace.
- Handle the Egg: After Call Web Terror, simply use your high-damage abilities to nuke it down as soon as possible. If you are playing melee, this will be harder for you because sometimes Zevkir decides to throw all of his abilities at the egg, making it impossible to reach. If you don’t destroy the egg, the fight becomes significantly harder.
- Phase 2 Healing: In phase 2, healing is an even bigger problem because he now heals for 25% (compared to 10% in phase 1), so make sure to interrupt it.
- Brann’s Role: Don’t even try to resurrect Brann if he dies; he will respawn after some time. Danta died many times trying to resurrect him – so learn from his mistakes!