Get Yourself a Big Deep Purple Mount With This Solo Glory of the Argus Raider Achievement Guide!

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Danta once again updates one of his old videos, but this time, the difference is that everything is completely soloable – Glory of the Argus Raider iconGlory of the Argus Raider! Yes, the Stardust Crusaders iconStardust Crusaders achievement can now be done solo if you have a self-healing alt.

Deep Purple and Other Rewards

Completing this achievement will grant you the amazing purple hellhound mount woth Skyriding – the Antoran Gloomhound iconAntoran Gloomhound. And if you’re really lucky, you might find yourself getting Taeshalach iconTaeshalach or the blue Scythe of the Unmaker iconScythe of the Unmaker from Argus himself.

Most of the achievements are easily done solo, but there are two that might give you a headache. Let’s jump into the tips on how to avoid ripping your hair out.

Don't Sweat the Technique iconDon’t Sweat the Technique – Key Points

Mechanics: The ember must be hit by Foe Breaker, Flame Rend, and Searing Tempest the correct number of times.
Positioning Issue: Flame Rend knocks you back, making it tricky to stay in position without pushing the ember too close to Aggramar. If Aggramar consumes the ember, the achievement fails.
Timing: You need to complete two full cycles of Aggramar reaching 100 energy, requiring precision and patience.

Use classes with CC like monk or druid. Use their movement abilities to counter knockbacks, keep CC like Paralysis iconParalysis or Root iconRoot on the ember, and consider using Ring of Peace iconRing of Peace to control spacing!

Stardust Crusaders iconStardust Crusaders – Key Points

Goal: Collect 20 motes within 5 seconds, but motes spawn gradually as the fight goes on.
Character Management: You’ll need to switch between characters (or bring others) to keep them alive and prevent them from vanishing.
Risk Factor: Accidentally killing Argus too early resets the fight, wasting time.

Use Instance Achievement Tracker to monitor motes collected, and be patient – don’t rush the kill until you’re ready to collect all motes!

And of course, if you want to make these two achievements easier, simply ask a friend or two to help you out. But if you want to challenge yourself, give it a solo try. Good luck!