Gilded Crests from Delves Capped at 18 Per Week in The War Within Season 2

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Season 2 of The War Within introduces Gilded Undermine Crests as a drop from Tier 11 Delves, and Patch 11.1 datamining has shed light on their acquisition process and weekly cap. Here’s everything you need to know.

What Are Gilded Undermine Crests?

Gilded Undermine Crests are used to upgrade Hero and Myth gear in The War Within Season 2 up to item levels 662 and above. They are earned from Mythic Liberation of Undermine, Mythic Keystone Dungeons from +8 and up, and from Delve’s Gilded Stash (Tier 11) and Tier 8+ Delver’s Bounty.

The Role of Delver’s Gilded Stash

Datamined information reveals that Delver’s Gilded Stash iconGilded Stash plays an important role in obtaining Gilded crests from Delves. Here is how it works:

  • The stash spawns in the Treasure Room of a Tier 11 Delve with lives remaining.
  • Each stash contains 6 Gilded Undermine Crests.
  • Players can loot the stash up to 3 times per week, totaling 18 crests from Delves.
  • The system resets weekly.

Crest Caps in The War Within Season 2

At the beginning of the season, you can earn 90 crests of each type per week.

What do you think about this change and the weekly cap?