Heartbreaker Rocket and Sweeper Love Is in the Air Mount Drop Official Clarifications

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It’s finally time for some answers! Blizzard have shared how exactly the drops work for the two Love Is in the Air event mounts!

The rocket is as it has been, as it can drop at any time, but has increased chances for the first attempt of the day. Meanwhile, the sweeper can only ever drop on the first attempt of the day, but has increasing changes on subsequent days. Both chances are account-wide, so alts (on the same WoW account) don’t really help.

Hello. We recognize that we’ve made some changes to holiday reward drops over the last couple of years, and we can see that a bit of clarification is called for here.

For Love is in the Air 2025:

  • Legacy drops, such as the X-45 Heartbreaker, have a much higher chance to drop on your first attempt of the day (WoW account-wide). There is a very small chance to receive legacy drops on subsequent attempts made the same day, for players who enjoy running the content on multiple characters.
  • New drops, such as the Love Witch’s Sweeper, can only drop on your first attempt of the day (WoW account-wide), and will see an increasing chance to drop with each new day that a first attempt is completed.

Good luck out there. Don’t stand in the Crown Chemical Company’s chemicals!