Blizzard recently announced changes to many different specs and classes that will arrive with the weekly reset on March 25th/26th. Holy Paladin is one of the most affected specs, and we talked to our Holy Paladin guide writer Myth what he thinks about these changes.
March 25th Holy Paladin Changes
- Holy
- Developers’ notes: Holy Paladin’s throughput has been below our targets so we are combining an overall buff with targeted increases to a few spells we would like to feel particularly more impactful.
- All healing increased by 3%.
- Word of Glory and Eternal Flame healing increased by an additional 20%.
- Light of Dawn healing increased by an additional 20%.
- Holy Prism AoE healing and damage increased by an additional 30%.
- Holy Prism single target healing and damage increased by an additional 50%.
- Shield of the Righteous damage increased by 30%.
Myth’s Thoughts on the Holy Paladin Changes
“So far in Season 2, Holy Paladin healing output has unfortunately been far below that of other classes. Players have often described it as requiring significantly more effort to do the same amount of healing that other classes can. Specifically in Mythic+, bosses that might be a breeze for other specs have required Holy Paladins to sweat quite a bit. The upcoming buffs are very significant, and will end up boosting our healing by around 8%! On top of that, the Shield of the Righteous buff will also boost our damage in Mythic+, which was quite lackluster up until now.
While the 3% aura buff is appreciated, the targeted buffs to our Holy Power spenders like Word of Glory and
Light of Dawn are what Holy Paladins really needed. It is important that the abilities we spend our Holy Power on feel strong and impactful. In the past, their healing output often felt lackluster in comparison to some of the core abilities themselves, and these targeted buffs help remedy this situation. Buffs to
Holy Prism are also appreciated. The ability has seldom felt like it was worth pressing despite playing a key role in our rotation, especially for the Herald of the Sun hero talent tree. While these buffs collectively provide a sizable healing increase, it is the targeted buffs to our spenders and cooldown-based healing abilities that will drastically improve the gameplay experience, which ends up mattering more than raw numbers.
As for the actual gameplay and rotation, I do not expect things to change much at all. Holy Power spenders like Word of Glory and Light of Dawn might increase in rotational priority, and overcapping Holy Power will punish us more as a result. We will continue focusing on wasting as little Holy Power as possible now that our spenders heal significantly more, but we of course also want to ensure to generate as many Awakening stacks as we can to be able to cast
Avenging Wrath as often as possible.”