In World of Warcraft, one player made a name for himself this year not through raids or Mythic+, but through an act of extraordinary generosity. GarroshTV, a YouTube creator, spent months gathering 20 million gold and distributed it in 460 personalized presents across 92 servers, touching the lives of countless players. But the story doesn’t end there—this journey is a testament to the power of community, gratitude, and creative thinking!
A Christmas Mission: Collecting 20 Million Gold
Farming 20 million gold was not an overnight feat. It took months and the creator utilized diverse strategies such as running Timewalking skip groups, mining and upgrading items (gathering raw materials and transforming them into valuable goods for resale), purchasing items in bulk, refining and flipping them for profits.
And so the player ended up with 20 million gold and some items worth around another roughly 5 million that he wasn’t able to sell.

While farming items, the player got multiple Blades of Hanna,
The Night Blades,
Teebu’s Blazing Longswords, and other items that are very expensive due to their rarity.
The Distribution: Gifts Across 92 Realms
Initially, there were over 200 realms in the EU region, but Blizzard merged many underpopulated ones over the years, leaving a total of 92 realms.
GarroshTV decided to give away five gifts per realm, with each gift valued at around 43,000 gold. He planned everything well in advance, ensuring the video would be ready by Christmas when the Feast of Winter Veil began on December 19.
To make the gifts even more special, GarroshTV included a personal letter with each one, wishing the players a joyful holiday season.

GarroshTV had to write 500 letters and send them back to himself, a process that took about two hours. Each letter then had to be collected one by one, and the mail cleared out to avoid the inbox filling up and blocking further looting. This added another hour to the process. Here’s what 500 letters look like!

With the letters ready and the gold secured, GarroshTV purchased around 500 wrapping papers, choosing colors that matched the regions where the gifts would be distributed.

Finally, GarroshTV changed his transmog and he was ready to go.

How He Did It
To reach all the realms, GarroshTV enlisted the help of his girlfriend. She created a new character on a different server, took a portal to Dornogal that he set up, and then he switched to his Warrior to efficiently server-hop.
He also had to level up a Mage to 78 to unlock the Dornogal portal spell for the task.

Using the 20 million gold, GarroshTV began purchasing high-value items like Panther mounts, Sky Golems, and more. However, he quickly discovered that letters couldn’t be traded and unique items couldn’t be wrapped, forcing him to trade some items directly, losing the surprise factor. The hours spent writing those letters also went to waste!
Determined to make each gift feel personal, he used Simple Armory to check for duplicates, ensuring every player received something they didn’t already own.
Day 1: Launching the Mission
During the first day, GarroshTV covered 15 English-speaking realms. The process began with selecting 5 players on each server to receive personalized presents.

After 5 hours of giving away items, GarroshTV covered 15 English-speaking realms.

Day 2: Wrapping Up English Realms
During Day 2, GarroshTV wrapped up all English-speaking realms.

Day 3: Completing German Realms and Adding a Bonus
On Day 3, GarroshTV went to German-speaking realms and to make it a bit interesting, he gave away 50K gold to the first 5 people in Dornogal who traded him.

Although it was fun giving away gold, actually distributing presents makes you feel better, so in around 3 hours, GarroshTV went back to wrapping and was finished with German realms.
A Special Gift
Someone received a Sky Golem and said it was their birthday, so GarroshTV gave him four additional mounts, and unfortunately, one duplicate by mistake!

By the end of Day 3, GarroshTV had spent 10 million gold and had only 29 realms left.
Day 4: Tackling French Realms
Again, the day started by buying a bunch of rare mounts at the Auction House, and the plan was to cover all the French realms.

At the end of the day, all French servers have been covered!

Day 5: Spanish, Italian, and Russian Realms
One last time, GarroshTV filled his pockets and bought expensive mounts and items at the Auction House.

Spanish and Italian realms were no problem. But Russian servers were complicated. First, you cannot join a Russian server before changing your language in the game setting and the game needs to download additional data, which takes around 30 minutes.

Due to the Cyrillic alphabet, GarrroshTV had to translate all the Realm Names into English to find them on Simple Armory.

This was so exhausting that he saved Russian realms for Day 6.
Day 6: The Grand Finale
The sixth day was December 18 when the Siren Isle content update went live. Dornogal was really empty on that day. But GarroshTV had a mission and didn’t want to stop now, even though it was a tad slow day.

After 6 days, here’s GarroshTV giving away his last present!

2 Million Gold Left: What Now?
With 2 million gold left, GarroshTV converted WoW Tokens to currency and bought his girlfriend the Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur on Day 6.

Day 7: Community Giveaway
Additionally, he gave away the leftover items worth around 5 million gold to his Discord community.

Finally, GarroshTV decided to spend all his December 2024 YouTube earnings on Reven packs that he’s giving away to his community to support Cure Duchenne.
This incredible journey highlights the extraordinary lengths players will go to bring joy to others, showcasing what makes the WoW community truly special.
Here’s a video covering this wholesome journey!