How To Get a Cool Green Flying Dino Mount (Almost) Solo: Glory of The Dazar’alor Raider Guide

Staff's AvatarMar 24th, 2025 by Staff

Another day, another Glory achievement guide, this time, it’s Glory of the Dazar'alor Raider iconGlory of the Dazar’alor Raider by the one and only Danta. The achievement is almost completely soloable, but unfortunately, the last one requires three players online, which is the saddest part.


After completing Glory of the Dazar’alor Raider, you will be rewarded with a cool green dino mount – the Dazar'alor Windreaver iconDazar’alor Windreaver.

Every achievement is soloable except the last one. For a few of them, you will need some of your alts, but the rest are pretty easy and straightforward. A Hunter or Warlock may be needed. Here’s the video and we’ll go into detail on a few of the tougher achievements below.

Praise the Sunflower iconPraise the Sunflower

In the Battle of Dazar’alor raid, you need to praise a Singing Sunflower pet while under the effect of Brilliant Aura, which you gain by collecting 100 stacks of Incandescence from a Topaz gem in the raid.

Preparation: You need one additional alt and the Singing Sunflower pet, which is obtained from the Plants vs. Zombies questline in Hillsbrad Foothills.

Two Alts: Since you need two characters, using a second account makes it much easier. If you only have one account, practice quickly relogging to prevent mini-bosses from despawning.

How To: After grabbing the Topaz, keep moving to avoid losing time. When your Incandescence reaches 100 stacks, immediately target your Singing Sunflower pet and use /praise before engaging the final boss.

Snow Fun Allowed iconSnow Fun Allowed

You need three players to each collect a snowflake buff, stand together near a frozen barrel, and let Jaina’s Broadside attack detonate the barrel, destroying the snowman.

You MUST Have Three Players – This cannot be soloed, as logging out makes you lose the snowflake buff. If you don’t have friends, you can use two extra WoW accounts.

Position Near a Frozen Barrel – After collecting snowflakes, interrupt Jaina and have all players stand near a frozen barrel. When she casts Broadside, DPS the barrel down to explode and melt the snowman.

Good luck and enjoy your Zandalari-themed flying dinosaur!