Darkfuse Solutions is the fifth secret cartel in Patch 11.1 and we’re looking at how to unlock and reach Exalted with the faction!
How to Unlock Darkfuse Solutions
First, you must kill Gallywix in the Liberation of Undermine raid and complete the Liberation of Undermine: The House Loses quest. If you don’t raid, you can do this solo starting March 11 when Story Mode opens.
Once the quest is completed, head to the Incontinental Hotel lobby where you will find a letter on the table. Clicking the letter will start the Diversified Investments quest that takes you to Sitch Lowdown, the faction’s quartermaster, who’s located in the Sewers of Hovel Hill. Completing the quest unlocks the reputation.
How to Increase Your Reputation Standing with Darkfuse Cartel
You gain reputation by purchasing the Box of Darkfuse Miscellany from the vendor for 100
Market Research each. This box increases your standing with the Darkfuse by 500. When Darkmoon Faire is available, ensure to put the +10% reputation buff to good use!
Where to Get Market Research?
When you unlock the faction, you will start receiving Market Research. You can get it from:
- Normal Mobs.
- Trash cans around the city
- Normal rares (drop 1-3
Market Research)
- Elite rares (drop 3-4
Market Research)
- A special Darkfuse rare that needs to be summoned (drops around 20
Market Research)
- Completing S.C.R.A.P. jobs; the boxes at the end of the event provide you with around 14-16
Market Research.
Darkfuse Solutions Rewards
You can unlock the following rewards from Darkfuse Solutions:
A Long Fuse – Reach Exalted with Darkfuse Solutions. Rewards the Darkfuse Diplomat title.
Darkfuse Demolisher (Ground Mount). Costs 11,375 Resonance Crystals.

Darkfuse Spy-Eye (Flying Mount). Available from the Darkfuse Precipitant World Quest in Undermine.

Other rewards include:
Refurbished Rocket Glider for 5 gold.
Experimental Goblin-FUEL Supplement (Consumable) for 100 Resonance Crystals.
Prototype Auto-Advertiser (Consumable) for 100 Resonance Crystals. Requires Friendly with the Darkfusel Cartel in Undermine.
Electropuncture Test Model (Consumable) for 100 Resonance Crystals. Requires Honored with the faction.
Atomic Regoblinator (Toy) costs 5,000 Resonance Crystals at Honored.
Darkfuse Lowdown Coat (Chest) costs 3,250 Resonance Crystals at Exalted.
For more details, check MrGM’s video.